(2008-11-04 09:26:14)
生活中绝大部分的开口说话都是在非正式场合。除了正经八百的商务会谈,你会跟老外闲聊侃大山吗?Small talk skills are not so easy to handle. Don't worry; you are going to learn how to be sociable1 by developing small talk skills.
Small Talk 闲谈交流
Small talk is light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects. What make small talk small are both its duration and its focus.
People will probably make small talk:
When one runs into someone in the street;
When one greets somebody at various occasions;
During a meal, etc.
A: That was delicious soup!
B: Thank you.
A: That was delicious soup!
B: Thank you. (Would you like some more?)
可见,如果你说的话仅仅以"thank you"来结尾,别人是很难将对话进行下去的。 If additional information is provided, it will become easier for the person or others to explore or elaborate (详细述说) on the raised topic.
让闲聊继续的另一个技巧就是:using expressions showing attention, understanding, agreement, interest or surprise。我们提供了如下用语:
a) Yes, they're lovely, aren't they?
b) Really!
c) You're right.
d) I'm afraid so!
e) Of course!
f) Yes!
A: This cake is delicious! I think it must contain some mystery ingredients!
B: Thank you. It's nothing special, really--I just added a glass of milk to the old recipe. Would you like some more?
A: Yes, please.
B: Let me take your plate.
A: Thank you. You know what; I always find it difficult to follow a recipe when cooking dishes. The recipe is more confusing than helpful.
B: It is sometimes. But I should say it is a good idea to follow it when you try a new dish, then throw it away when you are on your way.
A: That's quite true. You can come up with your own recipe once you feel confident.
B: Exactly. Could you pass me the salt, please?
A: Certainly! So, you live far from here?
B: Yes, in those new quarters downtown.
A: There is a great restaurant up there. Have you been there yet?
B: No, but I hear they have great food.
A: Maybe we could meet there sometime?
B: I'd love to! (Hopefully)
A: Good idea. Help yourself to the beef.
Safe Topics 安全话题
Small talk is a brief discussion of a neutral and relatively4 insignificant5 topic. Below is a list of generally safe topics as well as conversational6 territories to avoid. 为了避免冷场,闲聊在许多场合下都是必要的,而关键问题就是何时开口以及说些什么。
Some locations--such as office hallways, elevator corridors, and equipment rooms--easily lend themselves to small talk. Certain times of day--such as arrival or departure from the office or the time before a meeting begins--provide small talk opportunities as well. 有些地方十分适合闲聊:比如公司走廊,电梯通道和设备间。而某些时候也是非常合适闲聊的:比如会前,到达和离开公司的路上。
Weather 天气 Your Health 你的健康状况
Traffic 交通 Other's Health 他人的健康状况
Sports 体育 Cost of items, Income 物品的价格、收入
Non-Controversial Current Events, such as The Oscars 不会引起争议的时事,如奥斯卡奖 Personal Misfortunes 个人的不幸
Travel 旅行 Stories of Questionable7 Taste 品味不高的故事
Environmental Issues 环保问题 Dirty Jokes 不雅的笑话
Favorable Comments Regarding the Meeting Place or City 对会面地点或城市的赞美之词 Gossip 闲言碎语
Common Experiences 交谈双方共同的经历 Religion 宗教信仰
Intimate Details About Your Personal Life 私生活细节
生活不是剧本,你无法预测将要发生什么以及将要说些什么。但是,你应该做个有准备的人。都准备些什么呢?给你一条建议:Read at least one newspaper a day and several magazines a month to keep abreast9 of current events. It's an especially good idea to read the local newspapers of any cities you visit. Observe the world around you. A traffic jam, new buildings under construction and the opening of an art exhibit are all possible topics. 通过报刊与世界连通,你就始终拥有取之不尽的谈资。
1. If you are observing what is going on around you, keep it upbeat. 保持乐观的心态观察你身边的人和事。
"This is a wonderful party. Everyone is having a good time."
"This conference is well-attended. It seems to draw from a large geographical10 area."
2. Use an open-ended question to encourage a response. 利用开放性的提问吸引对方的回答。
"What type of work do you do?"
"How do you know our host?"
3. Offer a pleasant self-revelation. 表露自己高兴的情绪。
"I just started going to graduate school."
"This is my first time at an annual conference."
4. Ask general questions. 问一些大众问题。
"Where are you from?"
"Do you play sports?"
Start Conversations 发起谈话
Starting conversations can be the most difficult part of small talk. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is. An opening line can get you past the initial awkward moments when you first meet someone. 万事开头难,找个话题开头亦如是。与人闲聊,尤其是和陌生人在一起的时候,该如何得体地打破起初沉默的僵局呢?
Hi! A nice party, isn't it?
Hi, I'm John, what's your name?
I say, aren't you …?
Hi, haven't we met somewhere before?
Excuse me, I hear you are a …
So, how do you know…? (You mention the name of a guest)?
I hope you don't mind my asking, but …
我们可以称呼这些开场白的句子为:"openers", "starters", "generators12" or "icebreakers"等等。
A simple introduction, nothing special.
Try not to interrupt someone who is already talking. If someone is already talking to the person, wait for him/her to finish.
Start a conversation based on the circumstances.
Don't talk about depressing issues or sad events.
Find common ground(共同点). Use simple probing(引起疑问的) questions that are related to things you are interested in.
Questions which have "yes/no" answers are not the best conversation openers.
A comment about a current event can also break the ice, as well as a remark about the event you're at the time.
闲聊开场白的典型例句: Expressions to start a conversation:
Hi! A nice party, isn't it? 这晚会不错,是吗?
Hi, haven't we met somewhere before? 嗨,我们以前在哪儿见过,不是吗?
So, how do you know Chris? 那你是怎么认识Chris的?
I hope you don't mind my asking, but I want to know if you are the person I saw last time. 我希望你不介意,但我想知道你是不是上次我见过的那个人?
So, how about you, Liu? 那么你呢,刘?
Closing Topics 结束交谈
Do you find that your English conversations end rather suddenly? Is there anything we can say before "goodbye" to indicate that we would like to stop talking? The ability to close topics is a very useful but difficult skill.
Emily: And then I'm gonna fly back five and a half weeks later...
William: A changed person--
Emily: Hopefully...
William: You'll come back here, you'll have shaved your head or something. I don't know something completely...
Emily: So who knows what will come, what will happen when I come back, but erm...anyway, so hopefully it will at least be a holiday and I'll get nice weather...hopefully...so...but erm...
William: Do you know any of the people that you're going to be with?
Emily: No, I don't. I don't know anyone, erm, yes. So, I guess I'd better go back to work.
William: Ok...erm--
Emily: I've got loads to do...
William: Oh right. Well, it's nice talking to you.
Emily: Thank you very much.
William: And I'll see you downstairs.
Emily: Yeah.
William: So, bye.
Emily和William在说有关holiday的话题。闲聊中,Emily似乎想结束谈话,于是她使用了"so","anyway"和"but"作为暗示。但是显然William没有领会她的意图,以至于继续发问,结果Emily不得不use a stronger method of closing the topic。She said that she had to go back to work--she had loads to do. 这时已经再明显不过,Emily不想再继续谈话了。
Give your final opinion about the topic;
Summarize what has already been said;
Lead to you saying "goodbye".
But, we shall see if it makes a difference... Anyway, I must be off!
So, it's something, anyway, to look forward to...
Well anyway, it's lovely talking to you, but I must get on...
Right... well... I guess I'd better get back.

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adj.好交际的,友好的,合群的 | |
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n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物 | |
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聚集( gathering的名词复数 ); 收集; 采集; 搜集 | |
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adv.比较...地,相对地 | |
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adj.无关紧要的,可忽略的,无意义的 | |
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adj.对话的,会话的 | |
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adj.可疑的,有问题的 | |
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n.流产,堕胎 | |
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adv.并排地;跟上(时代)的步伐,与…并进地 | |
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adj.地理的;地区(性)的 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.发电机,发生器( generator的名词复数 );电力公司 | |
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