Over the years I have learned what harm can come from gossip or just talking about other people。
In my work place, gossip is a big problem, which is heightened by a couple of women who actually feel the need to stretch and twist certain bits of information, simply for the sake of turning staff against each other。
Having been on the receiving end of their back stabbing, I have become very aware of what I say and to whom. I have prayed to God for help in being straightforward1 with people, and not say anything that might get back to someone who could be hurt by my words。
One night, I was on the phone with my sister-inlaw, Dawn. I had called her to let her know our husbands would have to work very late that Saturday night due to some machinery2 problems.She was carrying on about not getting anything done that day since they were due to move out of their apartment by that next Friday. I mentioned that sixteen hours at time-and-a-half pay would certainly make up for it. She was OK with that, but said it would not make much difference when they had to pay the whole next month’s rent if they were not out by the end of the week. I acknowledged her point, but figured either way; they wouldn’t really be out any expected money。
一天夜里,我正和我的妯娌道恩通电话。我打电话告诉她,由于一些机械故障,我们俩的老公在那个周六晚上得加班到很晚。她则继续说着她现在什么都还没收拾,反正下周五之前搬出公寓就行。我说,他们加班的16 个小时都是1.5 倍工资,这也算是补偿了。她说,那倒是不错啊,不过又说,如果他们下周末之前没能搬走的话就要付满下个月的房租,可就算那样也无所谓。我领会了她的意思,我也完全可以理解——反正他们不差这点钱。
The next day, while my husband, Arlo, was helping3 his brother move, my dad called hoping to also enlist4 Arlo’s help。
I have 3-way calling on our phone, so I clicked over and called my brother-in-law’s house, leaving a message on the answering machine for Arlo to call my dad when he could。
I clicked back over to my Dad and began telling him about the long day Arlo and his brother had put in. We inadvertently1 got on the subject of Dawn, who was not so thrilled about the time they had lost for moving. Dad agreed that for the money they made, it was worth it. Then I mentioned that SHE should have “gotten off her butt5 and did something herself.。”

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adj.正直的,坦率的;易懂的,简单的 | |
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n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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vt.谋取(支持等),赢得;征募;vi.入伍 | |
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n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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