1. A new system of quality control was brought in to overcome the defects in the firm’s products.
A) invested B) introduced C) installed D) insisted
2. The old concerns lose importance and some of them vanish altogether.
A) develop B) disappear
C) link D) renew
3. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.
A) beats B)matches
C) maintains D)announces
4. The government is debating the education laws.
A) discussing B) defeating C) delaying D) declining
5. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles away around this year.
A) goods B) soil
C) climate D) harvest
6. The city has decided1 to do away with all the old buildings in its center.
A) get rid of B) set up
C) repair D) paint
7.During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international situation.
A) permanent B) powerful
C) striking D) practical
8. It is out of the question that the inspector2 will come tomorrow.
A) impossible B) possible C) probable D) likely
9.Techniques to employ the energy of the sun are being developed.
A) convert B) store C) use D) receive
10. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.
A) slight B) surprising C) sudden D) harmful
11. Cement was seldom used in building the Middle Ages.
A) crudely B) rarely C) originally D)occasionally
12. They are still calculating the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers.
A) affect B) influence C) pressure D)passion
13. She finally recovered herself one month after the operation on her stomach.
A) got along B) got better C) got on D)got out
14. The minister headed the committee.
A) was on the verge3 of B) was on the basis of
C) was at the cost of D) was in charge of
15. Her words offended me.
A) made angry B) made happy C) made excited D)made disappointed
Micro-chip research center created
A research center has been set up in this far-east country to develop advanced micro-chip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US$14million,will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.
The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent4 of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’s flagship chipmaker. Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing6 fees they have to pay to technology provider are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance.
As mainstream7 chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years, plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while plants with out-dated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker5.
More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of U.S. dollars. the majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors8 and technology owners- mainly from Japan and Singapore.
Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in industry, the country admits the US$14million in vestment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property owners.
1. The country says that the investment of US$14 million is big enough for developing that country’ chip industry.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
2. That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
3. Although the licensing fees are not very high, that far-east country cannot afford to pay.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
4. Many western countries ban the exporting of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them from being used for military purposes.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
5. Currently, almost all the flagship chipmakers in that country are owned by American investors9.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
6. Mainstream chip production technology develop rapidly.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
7. More than 10 chip plants being built in that country are an example of self-reliance.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing
Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.
Investigators10 at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night.People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep than 8-hour sleepers11.
These findings, which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night’s rest may not need to set aside。more than 8 hours a night.He added that“it might be a good idea'’for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed, but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.
Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic12 shortages of sleep一for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually14 sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed15 period than people who sleep more.
For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the Week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue16 interfere17 with day-to-day functioning.
KriDke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview, Kripke noted18 that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed.As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia19 is to spend less time in bed.“It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they’ll spend a higher percentage of time awake.”he said.
1. Paragraph 2 ___.
2. Paragraph 4___.
3. Paragraph 5___.
4. Paragraph 6___.
A. Keprike’s research tool
B. Dangers of Habitual13 shortages of sleep
C. Criticism on Kripke’s report
D. A way of overcoming insomnia
E. Sleep problems of long and short sleepers
F. Classification of sleep problems
5.To get a good night’s rest,people may not need to ___.
6.Long sleepers are reported to be more likely to___.
7. One of the sleep problems is waking in the middle of the night,unable to___.
8. One survey showed that people who habitually ___each night have a higher risk of dying.
A fall asleep again .
B become more energetic the following day
C sleep less than 7 hours
D confirm those serious consequences
E suffer sleep problems
F sleep more than 8 hours
Stress Level Tied to Education Level
People with less education suffer fewer stressful days, according to a report in the current issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
However, the study also found that when 1ess-educated people did suffer stress it was more severe and had a larger impact on their health.
From this, researchers have concluded that the day-to-day factors that cause stress are not random20.Ⅵr11ere you are in society determines the kinds of problems that you have each day, and how well you will cope with them.
The research team interviewed a national sample of 1.03 1 adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health.People without a high school diploma reported stress on 30 percent of the study days,people with a high school degree reported stress 38 percent of the time,and people with college degrees reported stress 44 percent of the time.
‘‘Less advantaged people are less healthy on a daily basis and are more likely to have downward turns in their health。’”lead researcher Dr.Joseph Grzywacz,of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, said in a prepared statement.“The downward turns in health were connected with daily stressors.and the effect of daily stressors on their health is much more devastating21 for the less advantaged.”
Grzywacz suggested follow-up research to determine why less-educated people report fewer days of stress when it is known their stress is more acute and chronic.
“If something happens every day, maybe it’snot seen as a stressor”Grzywacz says.“Maybe it is just 1ife.”
stressful adj.紧张的;压力重的
diploma n.毕业文凭,毕业证书
stressor n.紧张刺激物
devastating adj.毁灭性的
follow-up n.(对病人的)随访
1. Stress level is closely related to
A)family size.
B)social status.
C)body weight.
D)work experience.
2.The 1.03 1 adults were interviewed
A)on adaily basis for 8days.
B)during one of eight days.
C)all by Grzywacz.
D)in groups.
3. Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days?
A)People without any education.
B)People without high school degrees.
C)People with high school degrees.
D)People with college degrees.
4.The less advantaged people are,the greater
A)the impact of stress on their health is.
B)the effect of education on their health is
C)the level of their education is.
D)the degree of their health concern is.
5.Less—educated people report fewer days of stress possibly because
A)they don’t want to tell the truth.
B)they don’t want to face the truth.
C)stress is too common a factor in their life.
D their stress is more acute.
Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass
In January,2003,the eastern two.thirds of the United States was at the mercy of a bitterly cold air mass that has endangered Florida’s citrus trees,choked3 northern harbors with ice and left bewildered residents of North Carolina’s Outer Banks digging out of up to a foot of snow.
The ice chill deepened as temperatures fell to the single digits22 in most of the South, with an unfamiliar23 dip below the freezing mark。as far South as parts of interior South Florida.Temperatures in Florida plunged,with West Palm Beach dropping to a record low of 2 degrees.
“We couldn’t believe how cold it was,”said Martin King,who arrived this week in Orlando from England.“We brought shorts,T-shirt,and I had to go out and buy another coat.”
The temperature plunge24 posed a threat to Florida’s US$9.1 billion-a-year citrus crop,more of which is still on the trees.Growers were hurrying to harvest as much of the fruit as possible before it was damaged by cold.
“Time is of the essence in getting fruit to the plant,”said Tom Rogers,a citrus grower who expected to see damage to oranges and grapefruit at that time.
In Florida,Governor Jeb Bush signed an emergency order to eliminate the weight limit on trucks so citrus growers could get as much fruit to market as possible.
Casey Pace,a spokeswoman for Florida Citrus Mutual25,said growers had sprayed trees with sprinklers,which created a layer of ice and helped maintain a temperature near freezing.Citrus trees are considered in danger of damage if the temperature drops below minus 2 degrees Celsius
for four hours or more.Snow ranging from a dusting to up to 30 centimeters blanketed the Carolinas,Tennessee and parts of Virginia.
1.Which of the following statements is not meant in the first two paragraphs?
A)The cold air mass was a threat to Florida’s citrus crop.
B)The temperature in the United States except the South dropped below the freezing mark
C)The northern harbors were blocked with ice.
D)The eastern two thirds of the United States was hit by cold air mass.
2.According to the second paragraph,in which area(s)did the temperature fall below zero?
A)Most of the South.
B)Parts of interior South Florida.
C)West Palm Beach.
D)All of the above.
3.King’s statement that“We brought shorts,T-shirt,and I had to go out and buy another coat.” shows that
A) he was caught by the sudden cold.
B) he needed formal clothes.
C)fashion in Florida is tempting26.
D)Florida is hot compared with England.
4.Governor Jeb issue the emergency order because he
A)thought speed limit for trucks was unreasonable27.
B)tried to improve the traffic condition of the express ways.
C)wanted to encourage trucks to transport as much fruit to market as possible
D)wanted to stop mucks from carrying too much fruit to market.
5.Which statement is NOT true according to the last paragraph?
A)Sprinklers were used to protect citrus trees from being damaged.
B)Citrus uees would be damaged if the temperature drops below minus 2~C for four hours
C)The Carolinas,Tennessee and parts of Virginia were covered with snow.
D)Florida Citrus Mutual sprayed trees with sprinklers for citrus growers.
第3篇 Inspecting a Used Car
The scariest part of buying a used car is not being completely sure of what condition it’s in A car that’s been in a major accident is always a bigger risk,but sellers often try to hide this information.Andrew Bleakley, evaluator-inspector, runs a mobile vehicle inspection28 service in Montreal.For about$80 he will perform a full。unbiased inspection on a used vehicle.In his 10 years as a professional inspector,Bleakley has seen a lot.He warns。“Watch out for dealer29 demonstration30 vehicles which are used.not new.They may have been in a collision.”He adds that it is not uncommon31 in Ontario and Quebec especially for unscrupulous sellers to roll back the odometer or to even disengage it.Bleakley has special tools to check for this.
Blealdey always recommends hiring an independent technician to inspect the condition of a used car before you buy it.The problem is finding someone qualified32 to do the inspection,which he says generally doesn’t mean just any mechanic,A thorough mechanical inspection includes checking the compression,all major systems,including the engine,electrical and charging systems,transmission and drive line,fluids,brakes,suspension,and steering33.Essential,too,is all inspection of the car’s body and finally a road test.There are,however a few things everyone can do before buying aused car:
Do a visual check of the car.Look at the right rear door hinges.If they are very worn.Or the door doesn’t close well,the car may have been used as a taxi.Holes in the roof could mean the car was used for deliveries.
Check for oil leaks on the pavement.Note that leaks are not necessarily a significant problem it depends on the cause.
Don’t assume that new.100king brake and accelerator pedals mean the car hasn’t been driven much.Resellers know people check these details and call buy new Pads for around$6.
Copy down the vehicle identification number(VlN)。a 17-character combination of numbers and letters,from the vehicle’s dashboard.In Ontario,ask the dealer or seller for the Used Vehicle Information Package.This gives details of previous owners,any outstanding liens34 on the car, and the fair market value of the vehicle.
collision /n.碰撞;碰撞事故
1.According,to the passage,in buying a second-hand35 vehicle it is most important to know
A) how long it has been used.
B) whatcoloritis. .
C) whether it has been in a collision.
D) whetheritleaksoil.
2.All of the following are mentioned as tricks which dishonest second-hand car dealers36 may play upon their customers EXCEPT
A)TO re.Paintthecar..
B) To roll back也e odometer.
C)T0 replacethe oldpedal.
D)T0 disengage the odometer.
3.“An independent technician”in the first sentence of the second paragraph means
A)atechnicianwho checks acarfreeofcharge.
B)a technician who learned his trade all by himself.
C)a technician who works for a particular car-dealer.
D)a technician who runs his own inspection service.
4. According to Bleakley,before buying a used Car all the inspection work Can
A)be doneby amechanictogetherwiththedealer.
B)only be done by a qualified mechanic.
D)be done by a qualified mechanic together with the buyer.
5. According to the passage,from which of the following Call the buyer obtain reliable information of the previous owner?
A)The vehicle identification number.
B) The unbiased inspector.
C) The second-hand cal dealer.
D)The Used Vehicle Information Package.
The first four minutes
When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, "Contact: The first four minutes," he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships: __1__. A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that.
You may have noticed that average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he as just met.__2__. If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.
When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says, "People like people who like themselves."
On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the other person has his won needs, fears, and hopes.
Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a friendly, self-confident person. That's not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to at that way."
__3__. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. "It is like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one."
But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, "total honest" is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is not the time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions.
__4__. For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.
The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. __5__ that is at least as important as how much we know.
A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about changing our social habits.
B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.
C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.
D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.
E. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.
F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.
The first four minutes
第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)
Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely
Speeding off in a stolen car,the thief thinks he has got a great catch。.But he is in a nasty surprise.The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer.and a radio signal from a control center miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine _1_ ,he will not be able to start it again.
For now,such devices _2_ only available for fleets of trucks。and specialist vehicles used on construction sites.But remote immobilization technology could soon start to trickle37 down to ordinary cars.and _3_ be available to ordinary cars in the UK _4_ two months.
The idea goes like this.A control box fitted to the car incorporates。 _5_ miniature cellphone,a microprocessor38 and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver. _6_ the car is stolen.a coded cellphone signal will tell the unit to block the vehicle’s engine management system and prevent the engine _7_ restarted.
There are even plans for immobilizers _8_ shut down vehicles on the move,though there are fears over the safety implications of such a system.
In the UK.an array of technical fixesⅢis already making _9_ harder for car thieves.“The pattern of vehicles crime has changed,”says Martyn Randall of Thatcham.a security research organization based in Berkshire that is funded in part _10_ the motor insurance industry.
He says it would only take him a few minutes to _11_ a novice39 how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools.But only if the cal-is more than 10 years old.
Modern cars are a far tougher proposition,as their engine management computer will not _12_ them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition key.In the UK,technologies like this _13_ achieve a 31 per cent drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.
But determined40 criminals ore still managing to find other ways to steal cars.Often by getting hold of the owner’s keys in a burglary.In 2000,12 per cent of vehicles stolen in the UK were taken using the owner’s keys double the previous year’s figure.
Remote.con~olled immobilization system would _14_ a major new obstacle in the criminal’s way by making such thefts pointless.A group that includes Thatcham,the police,insurance companies and security technology firms have developed standards for a system that could go on the market sooner than the _15_ expects.
1. A) off B)on C)at D)of
2. A) is B)was C)were D)are
3. A) can B)have to C)need to D)should
4. A) after B)for C)in D)at
5. A) the B)/ C)a D)an
6. A) With B)If C)But D)And
7. A) helping41 B)being C)get D)be
8. A) whose B)who C)that D)when
9. A) life B)Cars C)warning D)problem
10. A) about B)to C)by D)on
11. A) use B)inform C)ask D)teach
12. A) let B)allow C)make D)give
13. A) have helped B)helped C)had helped D)was helped
14. A) speak B)have C)link D)put
15. A) lawyer B)doctor C)customer D)specialist

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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.检查员,监察员,视察员 | |
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n.边,边缘;v.接近,濒临 | |
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n.(重要事件等的)到来,来临 | |
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n.制造者,制造商 | |
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v.批准,许可,颁发执照( license的现在分词 ) | |
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n.(思想或行为的)主流;adj.主流的 | |
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n.摊贩( vendor的名词复数 );小贩;(房屋等的)卖主;卖方 | |
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n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 ) | |
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n.调查者,审查者( investigator的名词复数 ) | |
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n.卧铺(通常以复数形式出现);卧车( sleeper的名词复数 );轨枕;睡觉(呈某种状态)的人;小耳环 | |
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adj.(疾病)长期未愈的,慢性的;极坏的 | |
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adj.习惯性的;通常的,惯常的 | |
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ad.习惯地,通常地 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.疲劳,劳累 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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n.失眠,失眠症 | |
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adj.随机的;任意的;n.偶然的(或随便的)行动 | |
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adj.毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的 | |
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n.数字( digit的名词复数 );手指,足趾 | |
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adj.陌生的,不熟悉的 | |
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v.跳入,(使)投入,(使)陷入;猛冲 | |
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adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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a.诱人的, 吸引人的 | |
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adj.不讲道理的,不合情理的,过度的 | |
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n.检查,审查,检阅 | |
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n.商人,贩子 | |
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n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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adj.罕见的,非凡的,不平常的 | |
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adj.合格的,有资格的,胜任的,有限制的 | |
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n.操舵装置 | |
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n.留置权,扣押权( lien的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.用过的,旧的,二手的 | |
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n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者 | |
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vi.淌,滴,流出,慢慢移动,逐渐消散 | |
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n.微信息处理机 | |
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adj.新手的,生手的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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