4. Time Yourself
I’ve found that many people resort to procrastination1 because they have to much time on their hands and so they put off things for the next hour, day or even weeks. Go to your desk, grab an alarm timer and set it for 10 minutes, 30 minutes or whatever time you believe is necessary to complete your work. Be sure not to leave too much room though, in example this post in normal conditions might take me 2-3 hours to write, I’ve set my timer for 40 minutes. It’s still ticking. This will help you motivate yourself in completing your work, but also most importantly it will help you focus.
4. 给自己定时
我 发现很多人拖拉的原因是因为他们有太多的时间,所以就可以把事情推托到下一小时,一天,甚至是一周。你应该走的办公桌前,拿起闹钟,设定在10分钟,30分钟或其他你觉得你应该能完成你工作的时间。要确保不能留太多的余地,例如这篇文章在通常的情况下应该会让我花费2-3小时完成,我就把闹钟设置成40分钟闹一次。 它现在仍然在走。这将帮助你激发自己去完成工作,更重要的事情是帮助你集中注意力。
5. Eliminate All Other Distractions2
This means no IM, TV, no e-mail, no internet whatsoever3 (unplugging your chord would be a good idea), no music (for those of you that find it distractive, I personally can work fine with music in my headphones) or anything remotely distractive, that might break your concentration. Anything that might come between you and whatever task your trying to fulfill4 may disrupt your current activities and thus lead to procrastination. It’s better to avoid this by eliminating anything that might cause you to suddenly abandon your work. However, be careful. Don’t over exaggerate with this and lock yourself from the outside world, from your family and people that care for you.
5. 消除所有干扰
就是让你关掉聊天工具,电视,不要收email,断掉任何网络(最好拔掉网线),关掉音乐(这是针对那些视音乐为干扰的人,对我有个人,我戴着耳麦听音乐感觉良好)以及任何细小的干扰,任何能影响你注意力的事情。 任何能够插入你和你计划要完成的事情中间的事情都会中断你现有的活动,导致拖拉的产生。 所以我们最好通过消除任何可能导致你突然终止工作的干扰因素来避免这种情况的发生。 然而,注意。 不要过分与世隔绝、与你的家人和关心你的人隔绝了。
6. Stop Being A Perfectionist
Another cause of procrastination is perfectionism. It’s natural for us humans to try to be the best at something, but sometimes along the path we can tend to over-react with our ambitions and turn to perfectionism. This way we try complete a task flawlessly from the very beginning, but this takes a lot of work, that in term leads to a lot of stress, which in term leads to procrastination. This is because your brain will soon associate that stress with the respective task and will try to avoid it, most often by postponing5 it.
It’s important to understand that no one and nothing is perfect. It’s actually the imperfections that make the world around us so beautiful and most of all unique. You can try to write the most complete and helpful article ever or build the perfect software all you won’t, but you’ll never succeed, because there’ll always be room for improvement. Realize that an imperfect job completed today is always superior to the perfect job delayed indefinitely.
6. 停止完美主义
另 外一个导致拖拉的因素是完美主义。 努力把事情做到最好是人的天性,但是有时候沿着这条思路我们会产生反应过度的企图,变成了完美主义者。一开始我们就想着要把事情做的完美无缺,但这会需要很多的工作,最终导致很大的压力,于是就导致了拖拉。这是因为你的大脑很快就能把这些任务和这些压力联系到一些,于是产生抵触的意识,常见的做法就是推迟延期。
没有完 美的人和事物,认识到这一点很重要。 正是因为这不完美才让我们周围这个世界变的如此美丽,如此各具特色。你可能会试图写一篇最完全的最有价值的文章或编写一个最完美的软件,但你永远不会成功,因为什么事情都有可以再改进的空间。你要明白,今天完成的不完美的工作远优于无限期拖延的完美的工作。

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n.拖延,耽搁 | |
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n.使人分心的事[人]( distraction的名词复数 );娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱 | |
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adv.(用于否定句中以加强语气)任何;pron.无论什么 | |
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vt.履行,实现,完成;满足,使满意 | |
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v.延期,推迟( postpone的现在分词 ) | |
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