Ⅳ. Counter Offers
If a buyer does not agree with any or some of the transaction terms of a quotation1 or a firm offer, he sends a counter-offer.
In the counter-offer, the buyer may show his disagreement to the certain term or terms and state his own idea instead. Such alterations3, no matter how slight they may appear to be, signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis. The original offerer or the seller now becomes the offeree and he has the full right of acceptance or refusal. In the latter case, he may make another counter-offer of his own. This process can go on for many a round till business is finalized4 or called off.
1. Counter-offer on Price of Refrigerator
Dear Sirs,
(Your Offer No. 146 for QINDAO-LIEBHERR Refrigerators)
We have received your offer No. 146 offering us 2,500 sets for three designs of the subject goods.
In reply, we regret to inform you that our clients find your price much too high. Information indicates that some kinds of the said articles made in other countries have been sold here at a level about 5% lower than that of yours.
We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be so big. To step up the trade, we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time, February 18:
US $400.00 for BYD212
US $365.00 for BYD157
US $375.00 for BYD219
As the market is of keen competition, we recommend your immediate5 acceptance.
Yours faithfully,
1. in on case 不论怎样
2. to step up the trade 为促进贸易
3. counter-offer v. n. 还盘;还价
也可以写作counteroffer或counter offer
The price you counteroffered is not in line with the prevailing6 market. 你方还盘价格与市场价不符。
We are sorry to tell you that we can not accept your counter-offer. 非常抱歉地告诉你方,我方不能接受你方还价。 4. keen competition 激烈的竞争
keen 用于商业书信中,常见的词组有:
keen interest 强烈的兴趣
keen price 薄利的价格;低价
2. A Couter-offer on Price of Hand-Embroidered Silk Scarf
Dear Sirs,
(Hand-Embroidered Silk Scarfs)
We thank you for your offer by telex8 of September 3 for 5,000 pieces of the captioned9 goods at Stg £9.50 per piece CIF Hamburg.
We immediately contacted our customers and they showed great interest in the quality and designs of your products. However they said your price is too much on the high side, i.e, 10% higher than the average. They told us if you can reduce your price to Stg. £8.55 per piece, they will increase 1,000 pieces to the quantity. So there is a good chance of concluding a bigger transaction with them if you can meet their requirement. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity so that you will benefit from the expanding market.
We await your favorable reply with great interest.
Yours faithfully,
1. embroider7 v.t. 绣(花纹); v. i 绣花,刺绣
2. take advantage of this opportunity 利用这一有利时机
We are glad to take advantage of this opportunity to introduce our various products available to you. 我们很高兴利用这个机会向你方介绍我方可提供的各种产品。
3. benefit n. 利益,好处; v. i 获益,受益
benefit from (or: by)… 从……获益
Your will benefit from investing in China. 你们将从在中国投资中获益。
3. Buyer Asks for Reduction of Minimum Quantity
Dear Sirs,
(Your Offer No. 123)
We thank you for your fax of April 4 offering us six designs of Ornamental10 Cloth. However we regret to inform you that the minimum of 10,000 yards per design is too big for this market.
In case you can reduce the minimum to 7,000 yards per design, there is a possibility of placing orders with you, because a considerable quantity of this material is required on this market for manufacturing curtains, bed sheets, etc.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
1. design n. 设计,图样,花样; v.t. 设计
We have now various designs of Machine Printed Rayon Sateen available for exporting. 我方目前有多种图样的人丝贡缎可供出口。
Our Educational Instruments are carefully designed high quality products. They are made of best materials by most exquisite11 workmanship, suitable for teaching use in both schools and colleges. 我们的教学仪器是精心设计的高质量产品。它们是以优质材料和精湛的技艺制做的,适用于中学和大学的教学。
2. place an order with sb. 或place with sb. an order 向某人买进(= book with sb. sth.)
order n. 订单 v.t. 订购(用作名词时可与动词send, give, make, etc. 搭配)
If you reduce your price by 3%, we will send you an order immediately. 如你方能将价格降低3%,我们将立即发送订单。
For your "Goldlion" Brand Bicycles, we like to order 1,000 pieces. 关于你方的金狮牌自行车,我方乐意订购1000辆。
3. considerable quantity of… 相当数量的……
We can offer you considerable quantity of first-grade walnut12 meat from stock at present. 我方目前可现货提供你方相当数量的一级核桃仁。
4. Counter-offer on Payment Terms
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your quotation of February 3 for 1,000 sets of Panosonic 2188 Colour TV. We find your price as well as delivery date satisfactory, however we would give our suggestion of an alteration2 of your payment terms.
Our past purchase of other household electrical appliances from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly13 high bank interest.
In view of our long business relations and our amicable14 cooperation prospects15, we suggest that you accept either "Cash against Documents on arrival of goods" or "Drawing on us at 60 day's sight".
Your first priority to the consideration of the above request and an early favourable16 reply will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
1. alteration n. 改变;改动
2. household electrical appliances 家用电器
3. as a rule = usually 通常
As a rule, we give our agents 3% of commission. 通常我们给代理商3%的佣金。
4. taxing adj. 难以负担的,使人感到有压力的
Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means. 这样一笔数额对一个中等财力的商号是有压力的。
5. tight adj. (钱、商品等)紧的,难得到的
tight money 银根紧;tight-up of funds 占用资金
6. unprecedentedly adv. 空前地
As a result of energy crisis, the price of oil is unprecedentedly high. 由于能源危机,石油价格空前高涨。
7. cash against documents on arrial of goods 货到后凭单付款,简称CAD (Cash Against Documents) (凭单付款是从买方的角度说的,即买方付款是以卖方提供一定的单据为条件。)
8. drawing on us at 60 day's sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款
draw v. 开出(汇票),指开立票据时,及物动词draw作"开立"解,不及物动词draw作"开立票据"解。
因此,draw (v.t.) a draft = draw (v. i.)
常用结构为draw (a draft) on sb for… 开出向某人索取……的汇票
As agreed, we are drawing (a draft) on you for the value of this sample shipment. 按照商定,对这批样货的价款,我们开出汇票向你方索取。
有时也用draw on sb. against sth 这个结构,表示开出汇票向某人索取某笔款项
As agreed, we are drawing on you at sight against your purchase of a sample lot. 按照商定,对你方所购样货我们开出即期汇票向你方索款。
drawings n. pl 用汇票支取的金额
Your letter of credit is to allow 5% more or less in drawings. 你方信用证应准许在收款时有5%的上下幅度。
9. priority n. 优先
top priority 最优先考虑的事
first priority 最优先考虑的事
give priority to 给……以优先权;优先考虑……
We will give (first or top) priority to your orders. 我们对你方的订单将给予(最)优先考虑。
take (top or first) priority in 在……中占优先地位
The question of payment will take top priority in our discussions. 支付问题将在我们讨论中占最优先地位。
enjoy priority in 在……方面享有优先权
You may enjoy priority in our offers. 你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。
5. Buyer Asks for Earlier Delivery
Dear Sirs,
We refer to your offer of March 13 for 2,000 pieces of the subject articles.
As our customers urgently need the goods, they request us to telex you to shift your delivery time from "the end of July" to "on or before June 15", or they will get the goods from other resources.
In order to promote your business, please accept this unharsh condition.
We await your pleasant reply.
Yours faithfully,
1. compressor n. 压缩机,压气机
2. shift v.t. 替换,转移,转变,改变
3. unharsh a. 不严厉的,不苛刻的
unharsh terms (or: condition) 不苛刻的条件
harsh a. 严厉的,苛刻的

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n.引文,引语,语录;报价,牌价,行情 | |
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n.变更,改变;蚀变 | |
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n.改动( alteration的名词复数 );更改;变化;改变 | |
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vt.完成(finalize的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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v.刺绣于(布)上;给…添枝加叶,润饰 | |
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n.用户电报,直通专用电传 | |
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a.标题项下的; 标题所说的 | |
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adj.装饰的;作装饰用的;n.装饰品;观赏植物 | |
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adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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n.胡桃,胡桃木,胡桃色,茶色 | |
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adv.空前地 | |
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adj.和平的,友好的;友善的 | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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