销售报告在第一次便能向贵公司提出如此满意的报告, 甚感欣慰。我们保证对以后的船货, 以尽全力加以关注。
We are pleased that in this first instance, we have been enabled to give you such a satisfactory report, and you can be assured that future shipments would receive our best care and attention.
关于这批葡萄酒, 仅有4桶以每桶27美元的价格拍卖。随后, 又将110加仑一桶的酒, 以每桶24美元的价格, 卖出10桶。赊销期为4个月。
Of the wines, four pipes only were sold by auction1 at $27, and I have since disposed of ten pipes at $24 per pipe of 110 gallons, at four months' credit.
货轮到港后, 我们将保管30桶葡萄酒, 并尽力以高价出售。至于销货帐单及应付款项,将按贵公司指示办理。
As soon as the motorship arrives, we will take charge of the thirth pipes of wine, and dispose of them to the best advantage, obtaining directions as to the account sales and remittances2 for the proceeds.
该商品, 我可以每5公斤、1,800元的价格出售, 按此价格计算, 贵公司可得净款4,805,600元, 望该结果能令您满意。
I was enabled to place them at $1,800 per 5 kilogrammes, which I hope will give you satisfaction, as at this price you perceive the net $4,805,600.
该葡萄酒到岸后, 我们将尽力以最好的价格脱手。
I will dispose of your wines when landed, at the best price I can obtain.

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n.拍卖;拍卖会;vt.拍卖 | |
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n.汇寄( remittance的名词复数 );汇款,汇款额 | |
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