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相关教程: 实用英语 生活英语
  • 职业装的英语词汇

    The byword for dress in the Western business world is conservative. This means nothing too flashy, too provocative, too casual, too tight or too revealing. 西方商界对于上班着装的观念比较保守,指衣服不能太浮华、太张扬、太...

  • 开会常用句型

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  • 与同事友好相处助长寿

    Getting along with your work colleagues could actually help you live longer, new research has shown. A study of 820 men and women showed those with good peer-to-peer relationships had a lower risk of mortality than those did not chime with their co-w...

  • 向着面试官勇敢提问题

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  • 英文求职信十大常用结尾句

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  • 面试英语常规问题

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  • 七点助你成功加薪

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  • 职场地道口语

    1.What are you up to? 你正在做什么? 假设你在办公室想跟同事沟通下工作情况,又怕耽误对方的工作,就可以 先问同事In the middle of something?(你在忙吗?)如果对方回答Kind of.(算是吧。)这时你就可以继...

  • 发人深省的职场警言

    You never really hear the truth from your subordinates until after 10 in the evening. 晚上十点以后你才能从下属那儿听到些真话。 Success is not defined by obtaining everything you want, but by appreciating everything you have. 成功不...

  • 教你如何打办公电话

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  • 谈论经济时使用到的英语

    涉及到经济方面的最新问题与我们息息相关。因此,对每个公司而言,无论是在哪个发展阶段,我们都会面临这样的情况,因为我们会涉及到诸如employment(雇佣), income(收入), combating poverty(贫穷...

  • 关于职业装的英语词汇

    The byword for dress in the Western business world is conservative. This means nothing too flashy, too provocative, too casual, too tight or too revealing. 西方商界对于上班着装的观念比较保守,指衣服不能太浮华、太张扬、太...

  • 英文电子邮件高频句

    1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with...

  • 十个温暖人心的句子

    在秋日降临的时候,一句温暖的话语也许就能跟我们带来一丝暖意,讲给你伤害过或者伤害过你的人,也许这个秋天你会发现跟周围的人从没有这么亲近过。 1. I forgive you。 Words of forgiveness h...

  • 美语生活俚语

    俚语对话: Chris: I wonder what's keeping Steve? Lisa: Oh, I forgot to tell you. He's not gonna show up. He called just before we took off. Chris: what kind of line did he hand you this time? Lisa: something about his car dying again. Chris: wha...
