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相关教程: 实用英语 生活英语
  • 双语:男性忠贞法则 父爱让人本分

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  • 梦境十大真相揭秘:你了解你的梦吗?

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  • 双语:职场妈妈依赖“亲友团”平衡生活

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  • 双语:研究表明自信者更易取得成功

    hey are regularly accused of being too confident even cocky but the highest achievers are more often than not those who over-rate their ability。 Now researchers believe they have discovered, for the first time, why humans have a false sense of opti...

  • 15条忠告让你的网恋更给力

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  • 双语:数据表明女性停车技术不如男性

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  • Aha moment “灵感乍现时”

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  • “我不是女巫”领衔年度耶鲁名句

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  • 流行美语:后悔到想踹自己

    李华和Larry一起到饭馆吃饭。店里人多,他们只好排队等位。今天我们要学两个常用语:to kick oneself和wiggle room。 LH: Larry, 真希望这家饭馆能快点上菜,我快饿晕了! L: Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too, an...
