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相关教程: 趣味英语 英语学习
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    A very long time ago horses lived freely all over the world.One of these horses used to feed every day in a grassy meadow.No other animal used the meadow and the horse felt that it belonged completely to him.Then one day a stag came bounding ov...

  • A Tiger in Tow

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  • The Old Hound

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  • The“Finishing”Touch

    In the state of Chu,an aristocrat,after offering sacrifices to his ancestors,bestowed a flask of wine on the gentlemen who worked for him.They discussed among themselves.The wine is not enough for all of us but more than sufficient for one...

  • Aesop at Play

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  • The Dog and the Bone

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  • The Maidens on the River Bank

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  • The Camel and the Fly

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  • The Boy and the Lion

    Once upon a time a shepherd boy was wandering far from home.He lost his way in the forest and as darkness fell he felt very frightened and lonely.Suddenly a large lion came padding out of the trees toward shim.The boy was just about to run for...

  • Choice of Counsellors

    Bianque,a famous physician,came to see King Wu of the state of Qin.The King told the doctor about his disease and Bianque was ready to give him a treatment.The ministers at the king's side said to him,Sire,your malady is in front of your...

  • Socrates and His Friends

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  • The Love for the Child

    Once a farmer led a cow to a slaughter-house,but the cow would not go.The farmer started to drag the cow by force,but the cow planted her feet firmly on the ground and would not be moved.What did the farmer do?He brought the cow's calf and...

  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    There was once a shepherd boy who looked after sheep for all the people in the village where he lived.Every morning he collected the sheep from their owners and drove them out onto the hills to feed.Every evening he rounded them carefully up and...

  • Each to His Own Kind

    Yanzi came to the state of Chu as an ambassador.The men of the state of Chu knew him to be a short man so they specially opened a little door next to the main entrance and asked him to enter.Yanzi refused.An ambassador to a country of dogs woul...
