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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>资源技巧>英语作文>
  • 2012年英语专四作文:端午节(网友回忆版)

    2012年英语专四考试作文题: 大作文试题大意: The Dragon Boat Festival 第一段,谈谈你对端午节的认识 第二段,端午节都做些什么,如何庆祝端午节 小作文题目: 便条写作,你寒假回来, 一同学...

  • 2012年英语专业四级作文范文

    2012年英语专四考试作文题目:端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This festival is to commemorate...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(一)

    Nowadays the Internet is wildly used for studying, shopping, entertainment, etc. on the campus. Some people say that the Internet facilitates Students lives while others dont agree. What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of a...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(二)

    Many people today use electronic dictionaries instead of printed ones. Some people worry that printed dictionaries may disappear one day. What do you think about this? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topi...

  • 英语专四作文范文:如何看待养宠物

    如何看待养宠物 There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness suffered by se...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(三)

    Peoples attitudes toward work vary. Some live to work. Others, however, work to live. What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your...

  • 英语专四作文范文:诚信如金

    每年的英语专业四级考试中,写作都是重要的组成部分,为了更好地应对专四写作,下面就为大家带来英语专四的写作范文,希望能够对考生的写作有所帮助。 诚信如金 Honesty means speaking the...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(四)

    Crisis Crisis is to our life what illness is to our body. Just as fatal disease can destroy our body and sometimes even put an end to our lives, so does smashing crisis knock us down so hopelessly that we might never have chance of standing up again....

  • 英语专四作文范文:校园音乐商业化

    每年的英语专业四级考试中,写作都是重要的组成部分,为了更好地应对专四写作,下面就为大家带来英语专四的写作范文,希望能够对考生的写作有所帮助。 Commercialization of Campus Music In re...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(五)

    论人生态度 Just as is revealed in the pictures above, people are generally classified into two types: the pessimistic and the optimistic. We can see in one picture some people, long-faced and downhearted, are counting the nights by the shadows w...

  • 英语专四作文范文:对毕业生的建议

    每年的英语专业四级考试中,写作都是重要的组成部分,为了更好地应对专四写作,下面就为大家带来英语专四的写作范文,希望能够对考生的写作有所帮助。 More and more college students complain...

  • 2016英语专四作文预测(六)

    有四个人在做 科研论文, 这四个人围坐在一起, 左边的人抄袭右边的人, 形成一个怪圈。(图略) 1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below(描述点题段). 2) Give a specific example, and...

  • 2016年专四写作范文:互联网是福是祸?


  • 2016年专四作文范文押题

    押题1 我们应该欢迎宅生活吗? 题目要求: The popularization of computer and Internet service has created a group of people called indoorsy men or indoorsy women. They prefer to spend most of their time at home rather than going outdo...

  • 2016年专四作文范文押题:网络报纸潮流

    2016年4月23日专四开考,小编特为考生准备了10篇考前密押新题型作文,这是目前市面上唯一的新题型押题作文,希望助广大考生一臂之力。不多说了,看官请看星火老师的作文押题系列吧! 押...
