听动感英语学口语 第75讲(在线收听


film projection  放映电影


剧中:Care to do the honors?

do the honors  :  做...很荣幸

e.g. <1>Why don't you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all?

      <2>I'll do the honors and open the present.


1.剧中:Two and a half yours of undercover work

undercover  :   秘密从事的, 秘密的, 被雇进行间谍活动的   undercover work   :   秘密的工作 

e.g. <1>The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers.

      <2>James Bond works undercover to get secret information from his enemies.

2.剧中:Well,so long

so long  :   再见(分别很长的时间)

e.g. <1>I'll see you when you return of Beijing,so long.

      <2>Take care and so long,I hope you have a good trip.


I will go sailing No More

All the things I thought,
I'd be all the brave things,
I'd done vanished like a snowflake,
with the rising of the sun.
