英语语法:77 Present Tense Books(在线收听) |
![]() 图片1 Grammar Girl here. Today's topic is verb tense. Fiction writing is way outside my area of expertise, but I believe it's interesting enough to be worth discussing, and I welcome your comments on the website if you want to add to the discussion. As an aside, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says that it's acceptable to use the word way as an adverb, as I did when I said fiction was way outside my area of expertise. But you shouldn't use it that way in formal situations (1).
Back to tense. First here are some examples of simple tense so we're all on the same page: Present tense is when you write as if things are happening right now. For example, the first sentence of Jack Wakes Up is Jack walks into a diner just south of Japantown. Those are the basics, but there are many other tenses such as progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive. I've put a chart of the major verb tenses on the website. English Tense Chart(图一)
It was subtitled, in my conception of it, ''A Movie''; I imagined the opening scene as something that would happen behind credits, and I saw the present tense of the book as corresponding to the present tense in which we experience the cinema (3). I read that and thought, "Ah, ha! He thought of it as screen direction too." I was so intrigued by this idea of writing a novel in the present tense that I interviewed Seth Harwood a few days ago to learn more about his reasoning for doing it and learned that other people had also told him that it seemed like a screenplay. But his background is in writing short stories, and he tells me that short stories are more commonly written in the present tense, so it wasn't a big leap for him to write a novel that way. Also, because his book is a crime novel, writing it in the present tense allows the reader to unfold the mystery at the same time as the main character. When Jack is surprised, we're surprised at the same time. Reading a fiction novel requires the reader to suspend disbelief to some degree to get wrapped up in a story we know isn't true, and a present tense novel can require an extra suspension of disbelief to accept the idea that events are unfolding right now. I was also reminded by one of my Twitter friends that another book I recently read was written in the present tense: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I found the use of present tense in that novel less distracting, I imagine because the entire novel is written in such an unusual way. That book is about a time traveler and tells the story from the perspective of two different people, and there is a lot of jumping around in time. Anyway, my take away from reading about verb tense in novels and from talking with Seth Harwood is that some people think writing in the present tense is modern and other people think it is trendy and annoying. It's kind of a risky move if you're trying to get your first novel published, but it didn't stop Seth. He got his book published and it comes out March 16. And although I did find the present tense in his book distracting, I still enjoyed the story. It had a lot of action and was a great book to read on the plane. Seth was kind enough to provide three signed copies of Jack Wakes Up for me to give away to listeners. I didn't get the winners names before I had to record, but if you're a winner you'll get an e-mail message. Also, If you go to Seth's webpage--sethharwood.com--you'll find a recording of our interview, in which we actually talk about tense and person, and a free PDF version of his novel. That's right. You can buy the book or you can download the free PDF at sethharwood.com. If you go to the Grammar Girl section at QuickAndDirtytips.com, you'll find a transcript of this podcast, which also has a verb-tense chart and a short list of novels written in the present tense. Also, I have the city list for my book tour! Thanks to everyone who voted. The list is a direct reflection of how many votes each city received. So your votes completely determined that in July and August, I'll be in Austin, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago/Milwaukee, Colombus, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Detroit/Ann Arbor, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C./Baltimore. I can't wait to meet everyone in person, and summer is coming up faster than it sounds. I'll fill you in on more details as we plan the trip.
That's all. Thanks for listening.
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/grammargirl/103829.html |