学个词Learn a Word 第310期 Limited(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是,limited。 Limited, 是有限的意思。拉美裔移民在维吉尼亚州的王子威廉姆斯县罢工一天,"The one-day work boycott appeared to have a limited effect on businesses in the county." 但似乎并没有对商家产生多大的影响。

欧洲一家投资银行预计,"Strong demand from China and limited supply will keep the price of lead strong over the next year," 中国的强劲需求和有限供应会让明年铅的价格居高不下。很多商家为了拉生意,都会推出促销活动。"For a limited time only, the membership fee will be waived," 促销期间免收会员费。好的,今天我们学习的词是limited...

