AP 2010-08-05(在线收听

1. The Environmental Protection Agency says BP has cut its use of chemical dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico by nearly three quarters since May. That statement comes a day after Congressman Ed Markey released a letter, saying BP carpet bombed the ocean floor without knowing the chemicals’ effect on marine life.


2. The Obama administration plans to give ten million dollars in humanitarian aid to Pakistan in the aftermath of massive floods. More than a thousand people have been killed amid the disaster. Rescue workers are struggling to reach another 27,000 residents trapped by the waters.


3. United Arab Emirates is planning to block some messaging and web services on Blackberry smart phones. Officials say the device could pose a potential threat to the country's security and social values.


4. Several Michael Jackson fans gathered in a Wisconsin park this weekend for a group performance of Jackson's hit, Thriller. The gathering of more than 1,800 people set a new US record.
