AP 2010-08-07(在线收听

1. BP says it has reached the desired outcome from a procedure in which it pumped mud down the throat of the blown-out well that is leaking in the Gulf of Mexico. The company says the mud is holding the oil down. BP has said that this procedure may be enough by itself to seal the well.


2. The group founded by Reverend Pat Robertson says it will challenge the vote that would allow construction of a mosque near ground zero. The petition is expected to be filed today. Critics say the mosque would disrespect the memory of those killed on 911.


3. A federal judge is expected to issue his ruling today on California's voter-approved, same-sex marriage ban, more commonly known as Proposition Eight. That referendum outlawed gay marriages in California five months after the state Supreme Court legalized them. Attorneys on both sides say they will appeal if the ruling doesn't go their way.


4. President Barack Obama turns 49 today. And he will celebrate away from wife Michelle and their two daughters. Obama is headed home to Chicago for a birthday celebration with friends. First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha are currently in Spain. The couple's other daughter Malia is away at summer camp.
