新视野大学英语视听说教程 4 Unit 10-11(在线收听

V. Let’s Talk
Culture shock happens to most people who travel abroad. Psychologists tell us that there are five distinct phases of culture shock.
During the first few days of a person’s stay in a new country, everything usually goes fairly smoothly. The newcomer is excited about being in a new place where there are new sights and sounds, new smells and tastes. They may find themselves staying in hotels or with a home-stay family that is excited to meet the foreign stranger. This first stage of culture shock is called the “honeymoon phase”.
Unfortunately, this phase often comes to an end fairly soon. The newcomer may encounter many problems in transportation, shopping, or interpersonal communication. You may feel that people no longer care about your problems. You might even start to think that the people in the host country don’t like foreigners. This may lead to the second stage of culture shock, known as the “rejection phase”. The newcomer may start to complain about and reject the host culture.
If you don’t survive stage two successfully, you may find yourself moving into stage three: the “regression phase”. The word “regression” means moving backward, and in this phase of culture shock, you spend much of your time speaking your own language, watching videos from your home country, and eating food form home. Also, you may remember only the good things about your home country.
If you survive the third stage successfully, you will move into the fourth stage of culture shock called the “recovery phase”. In this stage you become more comfortable with the customs of the host country. You start to realize that no country is that much better than another---they are just different.
Much later, when you return to your homeland, you may find yourself entering the fifth phase of culture shock---the “reverse culture shock”. After you have become comfortable with the habits and customs of a new lifestyle, you may find that you are no longer completely comfortable in your home country. It may take a little while to become at ease with your home culture.
If you overcome the problems in all five phases, you will be much stronger, and you will be a citizen of the world.

Honeymoon Phase

Everything usually goes fairly smoothly.




Rejection Phase

The newcomer may encounter many problems in transportation,shopping,or international communication You may feel that peoplet no longer care about your problems, and they don’t like foreigners. The newcomer may start to complain about and reject the host culture.



Regression Phase


You spend much of your time speaking your own language, watching videos from your home country, and eating food from home. You may remember only the good things about your home country.


Recovery Phase

You become more comfortable with the customs of the host country. You start to realize that no country is that much better than another---they are just different.



Reverse Culture Shock

You are no longer completely comfortable in your home country. It may take a little while to become at ease with your home culture.
