英语歌曲:Lost With You(在线收听

lost without you

歌手:delta goodrem     专辑:innocent eyes

I know I can be a little stubborn sometimes
A little righteous and too proud
I just want to find a way to compromise
Cos I believe that we can work things out
I thought I had all the answers never giving in
But baby since you've gone I admit that I was wrong
All I know is I'm lost without you I'm not gonna lie
How my going to be strong without you I need you by my side
Delta Goodrem
If we ever say we'll never be together and we ended with goodbye don't know what I'd do ...I'm
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I'm lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I'm lost without you
How my ever gonna get rid of these blues
Baby I'm so lonely all the time
Everywhere I go I get so confused
You're the only thing that's on my mind
Oh my beds so cold at night and I miss you more each day
Only you can make it right no I'm not too proud to say
How my going to be strong without you I need you by my side
If we ever say we'll never be together and we ended with goodbye don't know what I'd do ...I'm
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I'm lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I'm lost without you
If I could only hold you now and make the pain just go away
Can't stop the tears from running down my face
All I know is I'm lost without you I'm not gonna lie
How my going to be strong without you I need you by my side
If we ever say we'll never be together and we ended with goodbye don't know what I'd do ...I'm
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I'm lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I'm lost without you

Delta Goodrem(黛尔塔)      

       1984年11月出生在悉尼的Delta Goodrem,7岁就开始在演艺圈里打滚儿,先是在广告里扮可爱,接着又在电视剧里装天真。12岁那年,她用上电视赚来的钱租了个录音室,把自己创作的五首歌曲外加一首她演唱的澳大利亚国歌录成了一张DEMO,寄给了她最喜爱的足球队——Sydney Swans,希望有朝一日能为球队在主场演唱国歌,结果球队转手把DEMO CD交给了他们的铁杆球迷兼著名经纪人Glenn Wheatley,就这样,三年后,在Glenn Wheatley的精心调教下,SONY唱片签下了Delta Goodrem。
       2003年,Delta Goodrem的第一张专辑《Innocent Eyes》问世,当年就为她拿下了ARIA最佳流行专辑、最佳新人-专辑、最佳新人-单曲、最佳女艺人、最畅销单曲、最畅销专辑和年度单曲奖7项桂冠和年度专辑奖等6项提名。从澳洲、英国、新西兰到香港、台湾、大陆,从十几岁的小屁孩到我这样的单身大叔,引无数乐迷尽折腰,几乎所有人都认为,这将会是Kylie Minogue之后又一位为澳大利亚赢得国际声誉的流行巨星。
Delta Goodrem从小就接受过良好的古典钢琴训练,不但能弹会唱,还会自己作词,这张专辑里的大部分曲子都是出自她自己之手。既有偶像派的资本又有实力派的功底,再加上SONY的力捧,这样的美女想不红基本上很难,直到2003年7月她被查出患有Hodgkin's disease(据说是一种淋巴肿瘤)。这场意外让Delta Goodrem不得不暂别舞台。不过顽强的Delta坚强地战胜了病魔,以全心的面貌在2004年推出了第2张个人大碟--《Mistaken Identity》,也就是这张作品让广大的中国歌迷认识了这个才华横溢的女孩,并迅速成为他们的偶像。
