音乐咖啡厅:Ruben Studdard - Footprints in the sand(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Ruben Studdard - Footprints in the sand 

相关介绍:2003年5月21日,在第二季的美国偶像大赛(American Idol)决赛上,一个身材巨肥硕的黑小伙,被评委称为"天鹅绒般的泰迪熊(Velvet Teddy Bear)"的R&B歌手Ruben Studdard在观众最终的2400万张选票中,以极其微弱的优势压倒了被普遍看好的另一名决赛选手Clay Aiken成为了第一个美国偶像大赛的黑人歌手,从而也一举登上了著名的《滚石》杂志的封面,成为了最炙手可热的偶像明星。
        Ruben Studdard憨厚的笑容和成熟的嗓音,以及一身运动衫的打扮,打破了美国偶像大赛一直以来以青少年流行偶像占统治性地位的局面,这项大赛此前的冠军和亚军得主,Kelly Clarkson和Justin Guarini都是青少年流行音乐为主,包括赛前非常被看好的Clay Aiken也是这种风格,Ruben Studdard的出现,既证明了自己的演唱实力,也显示出了黑人音乐的强大魅力。作为偶像大赛的获胜者,Ruben Studdard拿到了最重要的战利品--和J-Records唱片公司签约,并且在比赛结束一个月之后,和大赛榜眼Clay Aiken一起发行了首支单曲,偶像大赛的激烈竞争仍然在延续,但是这次的获胜者是Clay Aiken,在单曲榜上RubenStuddard的单曲《Flying Without Wings》屈居其后。


Song:Footprints In The Sand
Artist:Ruben Studdard

What is life, if it doesn't have meaning?
We're just extras in a movie passing by

What is a man, if he doesn't have purpose?
With nothing real to show for all his time

I don't want to be, like footprints in the sand
I want to leave my mark, like the stars shine in the dark
I don't want to be, something that will fade away
A distant memory, punched out by the sea
Like footprints in the sand

For as long as I'm breathing, I will use my voice to sing what's in my heart
And with these hands, I rebuild what was broken
I will lift the ones who don't have strength to stand

I don't want to be, like footprints in the sand
I want to leave my mark, like the stars shine in the dark
I don't want to be, something that will fade away
A distant memory, punched out by the sea

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/footprints-in-the-sand-lyrics-ruben-studdard.html ]

Like footprints in the sand

Don't remember me, for the superficial things
Just remember how I showed my heart
And when you speak of me, oh I hope you tell the things
I did on this earth to do my part

'Cause I don't want to be, like footprints in the sand
I want to leave my mark, like the stars shine in the dark
And I don't want to be, something that will fade away
A distant memory, punched out by the sea

I don't want to be, footprints in the sand
I want to leave my mark, like the stars shine in the dark
I don't want to be, something that will fade away
A distant memory, punched out by the sea
Like footprints in the sand
