学个词Learn a Word 第923期 In the zone(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是in the zone。 In the zone, 意思是进入最佳状态。 "He was in the zone throughout the playoffs," 整个季后赛他一直保持最佳状态。 "Nobody can touch him when he is in the zone," 他一旦进入最佳状态,谁都望尘莫及。 "It's obvious that both chess players are in the zone," 很显然,两名象棋选手都进入了最佳状态。

美国高山滑雪选手沃恩是这次温哥华冬奥会的看点之一。奥运会开幕前, "Vonn claimed she is in the zone," 沃恩就表示,自己已经进入了比赛状态。好的,今天我们学习的词是in the zone...
