英语歌曲:Right Now & Right Here(在线收听

Right Now & Right Here

Over and over you wanted it so fast
Head on my shoulder I'll pour myselfa glass
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to a lake
Then make a sad face and tell me it's to late
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
My love oh my dear

Over and over you wanted me to play
Head on my shoulder there's nothing left to say
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the sea
Then we can jump and pretend we disagree
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
(My love oh my dear)

Over and over we're turning off the light
Even the warriors are always great at night
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the moon
Then you can kiss me and say that it's too soon
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear

Faces under water , look much closer
When they appear
Your hand on my shoulder
We'll be older in a year
In the morning after should I laugh or disappear


        作为一个出品法国本地音乐的歌手和词作者,出生于以色列的Keren Ann有着非常不寻常的身世,父亲为俄国以色列混血,母亲为荷兰爪哇混血,Keren Ann身上流着四种不同民族的血液。她于荷兰渡过童年,十一岁搬至巴黎定居,自此开始了歌手生涯。目前Keren Ann旅居于巴黎紐約两地.

  Keren Ann的民谣实在“清新”,和古老的传说联系在一起,和远去的岁月里绵绵的小故事牵手,直接承载于简陋的乐器声中。然而,从第二张专辑《La Disparition》开始,KerenAnn在民谣中加入了更多爵士和布鲁斯的元素,据说是因为听了不少Che tBaker和Tom Waits的原因。所以清新本身,也是很不同的,16岁,30岁,50岁,80岁,就各有不同的聆听质感,如果你是一个可爱的民谣音乐家,那就看你碰上什么了,总之,不论你怎么拨弄音符、也不论你如何制造声响,你总会营造出“清新”的。KerenAnn的首张英文专辑《Not Going Anywhere》就是这样,那和语言的变化无关,就好像瀑布会变成溪流或地下水,可水仍是水。民谣之路也是,似乎只有一条,从清新到清新。

        这首歌出自专集《Not Going Anywhere》.《Not Going Anywhere》的吟唱更偏向于布鲁斯,也更低调。
