常春藤解析英语【6】The Sinful Centaur 神话中的人(在线收听

by Rachel Black

It is speculated that in ancient Greece, before horses became common, invaders from the north rode on horseback and attacked villages. To the Greeks, these horsemen looked like monstrous half-men and half-animals. It seemed as if the horse and the man were both one creature. The Aztecs in the Americas felt the same way when they first spied Spanish cavalrymen.

Over time, many stories developed about these beasts with the head, body, and arms of a man but the legs, back, and tail of a horse. They were said to be lustful, drunken creatures that savagely interrupted life wherever they turned up.

According to legend, the centaurs were the grandsons of Ixion, the king of Thessaly. When Ixion died, King Pirithous inherited part of Thessaly. The centaurs then claimed Thessaly as their birthright. The centaurs fought Pirithous, but eventually peace was secured. The centaurs were invited to Pirithous' wedding as a gesture of goodwill. Unfortunately, they got drunk and tried to carry off Pirithous' bride and the other women. Naturally, Pirithous wouldn't stand for this, and a battle ensued. The centaurs lost the fight and were exiled.

This famous battle is depicted on earthenware in museums across the globe. History has forever judged them as drunken, violent, lustful monsters without honor. But there is a constellation in the heavens that tells a different tale, and the Harry Potter books cast them in a better light, too.

1. How did the legend of centaurs begin?
(A) When Greeks first saw men on horseback.
(B) When Ixion's son married a horse.
(C) When ancient Greeks looked at the stars in the sky.
(D) When the Harry Potter books were published.

2. What is meant by the expression "gesture of goodwill"?
(A) Act of aggression.
(B) Show of kindness.
(C) Sign of hostility.
(D) Nod of appreciation.

3. What happened to the centaurs after the wedding?
(A) They lost a fight and were sent away.
(B) The centaurs made some pottery with the women.
(C) The centaurs regained Thessaly after a fight.
(D) They became stars in the sky.


1. speculate vt. 推测
例: It is speculated that the manager is going to resign next month.

2. spy vt. 侦查 & vi. 暗中监视
spy on...  暗中监视……
例: The police spied on the suspicious man 24 hours a day.

3. interrupt vt. 打断;打扰
例: David tends to interrupt people's conversations, so I don't like to be around him.

4. turn up  出现
= show up
例: My boyfriend turned up shortly before the party was about to come to an end.

5. inherit vt. 继承
例: After inheriting my grandfather's farm, my mother has been enjoying the peaceful country life.

6. claim vt. 声称;要求
claim damages on...  对……要求赔偿损失
例: After the accident, Randy claimed damages on his wrecked scooter.

7. secure vt. 使巩固;使安全
例: The police officers secured the area around the hotel the president was staying in.

8. be invited to...  被邀请至……
例: All of the students in this class were invited to their teacher's wedding.

9. carry off...  劫持……;获得……(奖品、荣誉等)
例: Tina carried off first prize in the composition contest.

10. ensue vt. 接着发生
例: The fire broke out in the building, and unfortunately, an explosion ensued.

11. exile vt. 放逐
be exiled to...  被放逐至……
例: After the revolution, some rioters were exiled to other countries.

12. cast...in a...light  从……的角度诠释……
例: The film cast the late president in a negative light.

For Your Information



1. sinful a. 有罪过的

2. centaur n.(希腊神话中)人首马身的怪物

3. invader n. 侵略者

4. monstrous a. 似怪物的

5. cavalryman n. 骑兵

6. lustful a. 好色的

7. savagely adv. 野蛮地

8. birthright n.(理应继承的)财产

9. gesture n. 表示;姿态

10. goodwill n. 亲善,友好

11. earthenware n. 陶器

12. constellation n. 星座

13. aggression n. 侵略

14. hostility n. 敌意

15. appreciation n. 欣赏

16. pottery n. 陶器


1. on horseback  骑着马

2. over time  随着时间流逝

3. stand for...  容忍∕允许……

For Your Information

1. 人马的传说如何开始的?
(A) 希腊人第一次人看见骑在马背上。
(B) 伊克西翁的儿子和一只马结婚后。
(C) 希腊人看到天上的星星后。
(D) 《哈利波特》出版后。
题解: 根据第一段,古希腊人在马匹尚未普遍之前,看见北方来的侵略者骑在马背上,这些骑着马的人看起来就像半人半马的怪物,故应选 (A)。

2. "gesture of goodwill" 指的是什么?
(A) 侵略的行动。
(B) 善意的表示。
(C) 敌意的象征。
(D) 点头表示欣赏。
题解: gesture 是『表示』,goodwill 是『友好』,意思与 (B) 相近,故选之。

3. 婚宴之后人马发生了什么事?
(A) 牠们输了战争而遭放逐。
(B) 人马和那些女人一起做陶器。
(C) 人马在战后重新得到赛萨斯。
(D) 牠们变成天空中的星星。
题解: 根据第三段,人马在婚宴上喝醉了,试图掳走皮里托斯的新娘和其它女人,引起皮里托斯的愤怒,战争因而爆发,人马打了败仗而遭到放逐,因此 (A) 为正选。

标准答案: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A)
