新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit06 a(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1> <em>trashman</em>|n.|[C] a person who deals with trash |垃圾清理工
  ||||Trashmen should be respected, for it is they who make our lives more beautiful. |垃圾工应受到尊敬,因为是他们使我们的生活更美好。
  ||||A college student offers to work as a trashman. |有个大学生自愿当垃圾工。
  ||<2>haul|vt.|pull or move sth. from one place to another |拖,拉;拖运
  ||||He felt very tired after hauling trash for 4 hours. |运送垃圾四个小时了,他觉得很累。
  ||||The fisherman hauled the big fish into the boat. |渔民将那条大鱼拖进船里。
  ||<3>trash       |n.|[U] (AmE) waste matter; rubbish |垃圾,废物
  ||||Your job is to take the trash out. |你的工作就是将垃圾拿出去。
  ||||The yard is cluttered with trash. |院子里乱七八糟的,到处是垃圾。
  |@|<4>continuous|a.|happening or existing without stopping |连续的,不断的
  ||||He suffered a lot from his continuous cough. |不停地咳嗽让他遭了不少罪。
  ||||The continuous noise made me unable to fall asleep. |连续不断的噪音让我无法入睡。
  ||<5> <em>continuously</em> |ad.    |without stopping |连续地,不断地
  ||||He can speak continuously for four or five hours. |他能连续说四、五个小时。
  ||||It snowed continuously for three days. |雪连续不断地下了三天。
  |@|<6>wicked|a.|extremely bad or evil |极坏的,邪恶的
  ||||The man was foolish but not wicked. |那男子很笨,但是不坏。
  ||||The wicked man tried to kill the child but failed. |那个邪恶的人想杀掉那个孩子,但没有得逞。
  ||<7> <em>wickedly</em>|ad. |badly; extremely |非常地
  ||||The book is wickedly interesting. |这书很有趣。
  ||||This letter is wickedly funny. |这封信非常有趣。
  ||<8>barrel  |n.|[C] a round container with flat bottom |桶
  ||||The wine is kept in oak barrels. |酒存放在橡木桶中。
  ||||They can drink nearly two barrels of beer. |他们几乎能喝下两桶啤酒。
  |@|<9>tremble|vi.|shake slightly |颤抖,发抖
  ||||She was trembling with shock. |她吓得身子发抖。
  ||||The whole house trembled as the train went by. |火车经过时,整栋房子都在晃动。
  |@|<10>dump|vt.|drop carelessly; throw away |倾倒;抛弃
  ||||No dumping here! |此处不准倒垃圾!
  ||||She opened the bag and dumped the content on the desk. |她打开包,把里面的东西倒在桌上。
  |||n.|[C] a place for dumping waste |垃圾场
  ||||Their rubbish was carried straight to the dump. |他们的垃圾被直接运往垃圾场。
  ||||The walled garden was used as a dump. |那个有围墙的院子曾被用作垃圾场。
  |@|<11>route      |n.|[C] a way from one place to another |路线
  ||||We took the fastest and most direct route to the coast. |我们抄捷径去海边。
  ||||All escape routes were blocked by the police. |警察封锁了所有的逃跑路线。
  |@|<12>outdoor    |a.|happening or done outside |户外的
  ||||outdoor sports |户外运动
  ||||The performance was held on an outdoor theatre. |演出在一个露天剧场举行。
  ||<13>outdoors |ad. |outside; in the open air |在户外;在野外
  ||||Children are playing outdoors. |孩子们在外面玩。
  ||||They held the evening party outdoors. |晚会是在户外举行的。
  ||<14>greenhouse |n.|[C] a glass building for growing plants |温室
  ||||the greenhouse effect |温室效应
  ||||This kind of flower can only grow in the greenhouse. |这种花只有在温室里才能生长。
  ||<15>lengthy|a. |very long |冗长的,过长的
  ||||His lengthy speech bored most of the audience. |他冗长的讲话使多数听众生厌。
  ||||Recovery from the illness will be a lengthy process. |这种病的治愈是一个长期过程。
  ||<16>civilize|vt.|(BrE civilise) make sb. behave in a more polite way |使有教养,使文明
  ||||The teacher had a civilizing influence on her pupils. |老师对她的学生产生了文明的影响。
  ||||This comedy is about a man who tries to civilize a woman who ends up civilizing him. |这出喜剧说的是一个男人力图使一个女子有教养,但最后反倒是那女子使他有教养。
  ||<17> <em>civilized</em> |a.  |polite and reasonable |文明的,有礼的
  ||||It shouldn't be happened in a civilized society. |文明社会不应该发生这种事。
  ||||Civilized service is offered in this company. |本公司提供文明礼貌的服务。
  |@|<18>register   |v.|1. realize or notice sth. |意识到;注意到
  ||||He did tell me he was a vegetarian, but it didn't register. |他确实说过他是素食主义者,但我没记住。
  ||||Her beauty was registered in my memory. |她的美丽在我的记忆中留有印象。
  ||||2. put one's name on a list |登记;注册
  ||||Visitors are asked to register their names in the book. |请来客在簿子上登记名字。
  ||||Have you come to register at the school? |你来学校注册了没有?
  ||<19>retreat |vi.    |move back or away |后退;撤离
  ||||The defeated army had to retreat hastily to the coast. |败军被迫仓惶向海岸撤退。
  ||||The troops were forced to retreat. |军队被迫撤退。
  |||n.     |[sing., U] the act of retreating |后退;撤离
  ||||The army fell back in full retreat. |部队全线溃退。
  ||||An army in retreat can be even more dangerous than one that is advancing. |撤退的军队甚至比前进的军队更危险。
  |@|<20>indoors|ad.|into or inside a building |在室内
  ||||Mom and Dad went out, but we children stayed indoors. |爸爸和妈妈出去了,但是我们这些孩子留在屋里。
  ||||Let's go indoors and have something to eat. |让我们进屋吃点什么吧。
  |@|<21>peculiar|a.|1. strange |奇怪的,罕见的
  ||||This meat tastes peculiar; I hope it's all right. |这块肉有异味,但愿它没有什么问题。
  ||||He has always been a little peculiar. |他总是有点古怪。
  ||||2. typical of a particular person, place, etc. |独特的
  ||||The custom is peculiar to these tribes. |这种习俗是这些部落所特有的。
  ||||Each person's handwriting has its peculiar characteristics. |每个人的笔迹都有其独特之处。
  ||<22>rage|v.|shout angrily (at sb.) |大怒;怒吼
  ||||He raged over such a trivial matter. |他为这么一件小事而发火。
  ||||"How was I to know?" Jenny raged. | “我怎么知道呢?”珍尼生气地说。
  |||n.|[C, U] a strong feeling of anger |大怒,发火
  ||||What Joan did sent her mother into a rage. |琼的所作所为令她母亲极为生气。
  ||||Sam became quite frightening when he was in a rage. |萨姆生气时样子很可怕。
  ||<23>spontaneous|a.  |happening by itself without being planned |自发的;即时的
  ||||My spontaneous reaction was to run away. |我的本能反应是逃走。
  ||||His offer of help was quite spontaneous. |他提出帮助是自发的。
  ||<24> <em>spontaneously</em> |ad.    |in a way that happens naturally |自发地
  ||  |  |The crowd burst into cheers spontaneously for the skillful play. |由于表演精彩,人群中自发地爆发出了喝彩声。
  ||  |  |He offered to help us spontaneously. |他自发地提出帮我们。
  ||<25>monster    |n.|[C] a creature that is ugly and frightening |怪物,妖怪
  ||||The murderer was described as a dangerous monster. |凶手被描述为极其危险的怪物。
  ||||A cow with two heads is a real monster. |长两个头的牛是个真正的怪物。
  |@|<26>graduate|vi.|complete one's studies and receive a certificate or diploma |毕业
  ||||He graduated from Oxford with a doctor's degree in physics. |他从牛津大学毕业,获得物理学博士学位。
  ||||What are you going to do after you graduate? |你毕业后打算做什么?
  |||n.|[C] sb. who has finished their studies at a high school, college or university |毕业生
  ||||a Harvard graduate |一位哈佛大学毕业生
  ||||Many graduates find it difficult to find a job with only a bachelor's degree. |许多大学生发现只获得学士学位很难找到工作。
  ||<27> <em>garbageman</em> |n.    |[C] (also garbage man) trashman |垃圾工
  ||||A garbageman is a garbage collector. |垃圾工是收集垃圾的人。
  ||||Sometimes garbagemen are referred to as environmental workers. |有时候垃圾工被称为环境工作者。
  ||<28>folk       |n. |1. (~s) (esp. AmE) one's parents and family |家人;亲属
  ||||It seems that your folks don't like me. |看上去你父母不喜欢我。
  ||||Is it OK if I call my folks? |我跟家人打电话可以吗?
  ||        | |2. (also ~s) people in general |人,人们
  ||||Old folks often don't like change. |老年人不喜欢变化。
  ||||Many folks are upset at the changes. |许多人对这些变化感到不安。
  ||        |a. |traditional and typical of people who live in a particular area |民间的;民俗的
  ||||folk song |民歌
  ||||folk dance |民间舞蹈
  |@|<29>boast      |v.|talk too proudly about one's abilities, achievements, etc. |夸口,吹嘘
  ||||He's always boasting that he's the fastest runner in the school. |他老吹嘘自己是全校跑得最快的人。
  ||||He's boasting about how much money he has made. |他吹嘘自己赚了多少多少钱。
  ||<30>yell       |v.|shout |大叫,大喊
  ||||Don't yell at me like that! |别那样对我大喊大叫的!
  ||||He opened the door and yelled, "Anybody home?" |他打开门,大声喊道,“有人在家吗?”
  ||<31>original   |a.|1. first; earliest |原先的,最初的
  ||||My original suggestion was that we move to the country. |我原先的建议是搬到乡下去住。
  ||||The land was returned to its original owner. |土地还给了原来的主人。
  ||        ||2. new and different |新颖的;与众不同的
  ||||His thesis did not offer anything original. |他的论文毫无创新之处。
  ||||It's a bad movie, because there's nothing original about it. |这电影很差劲,没有什么新意。
  ||<32> <em>originally</em> |ad.   |in the beginning |原先,原来
  ||||She's from Shanghai originally, but she left there at the age of 16. |她原本是上海人,但16岁时离开了那里。
  ||||The village was originally surrounded by trees, of which none remain now. |原先村子四周都是树,现在这些树都不见了。
  |@|<33>employment|n.|[U] paid work |职业,工作;就业
  ||||She found employment in a local bank after graduation. |毕业后她在当地一家银行找到了工作。
  ||||The number of people in employment has fallen. |就业人数减少了。
  ||<34>muscle     |n.|[C, U] one of the pieces of flesh inside the body |肌肉
  ||||He developed his arm muscles by lifting weights. |他通过练举重来使手臂肌肉发达。
  ||||This exercise works the muscles of your legs. |这种操锻炼你的大腿肌肉。
  ||<35>sore|a.|painful, esp. from a wound or hard use |疼痛的
  ||||My muscles were sore because I had exercised too much. |我因锻炼过度而肌肉发痛。
  ||||I had a sore throat and aching limbs. |我喉咙痛,四肢也痛。
  |@|<36>contrary|a.|opposite |相反的
  ||||I thought it was possible, but she took the contrary view. |我以为行得通,但她的看法相反。
  ||||This, he thought, was contrary to the principles. |他认为这违背了原则。
  |@|<37>harm |n.|[U] damage or hurt |伤害,损害
  ||||His film was a complete failure, and this did his reputation a lot of harm. |他的这部电影彻底失败了,他的声誉受到很大损害。
  ||||It is a parent's responsibility to ensure that their children do not suffer any harm. |父母的责任是确保孩子不受伤害。
  |||vt.|hurt; cause damage to |损害,伤害
  ||||Getting up early won't harm you! |早起对你没有害处!
  ||||The kidnappers didn't harm him. |绑架者没有伤害他。
  ||<38>frank |a.|open and direct in speech or manner |坦诚的,直率的
  ||||To be frank, I don't think the plan will succeed. |坦率地说,我认为这个计划不会成功。
  ||||He was completely frank with her about what had happened. |他一五一十地告诉她所发生的事。
  ||<39> <em>frankly</em> |ad.|honestly and directly |坦率地(说)
  ||||Frankly, I think your chances of getting the job are slim. |坦率地说,我认为你得到这份工作的机会并不大。
  ||||Quite frankly, I'm very troubled by what you've told me. |说老实话,你的话使我很不安。
  ||<40>philosopher|n. |[C] a person who studies the nature and meaning of existence, reality, morals, etc. |哲学家
  ||||Confucius was not only a great philosopher but also a great educator. |孔子不仅是个伟大的哲学家,还是个伟大的教育家。
  ||||This explains why so many philosophers have supported this theory. |这解释了为什么如此多的哲学家支持这一理论。
  |■|<41>plumber |n.|[C] a person who fits and repairs water pipes |管道工
  ||||He was first a plumber, then an engineer, and now is the owner of a factory. |他一开始是位管道工,然后是位工程师,现在是工厂的老板了。
  ||||I need a plumber to fix the water pipes in the kitchen. |我需要一位管道工来修理厨房里的水管。
  |@|<42>theory|n.|[U] general principles or ideas of a subject |理论
  ||||Your plan sounds fine in theory, but I don't know if it'll work in practice. |你的计划理论上不错,但我不知道实际上是否可行。
  ||||Freudian theory has had a great influence on the study of psychology. |弗洛伊德理论对心理学研究的影响非常大。
  ||<43>economist  |n.|[C] a person who studies economics |经济学家
  ||||He speaks like a philosopher rather than an economist. |他讲话像个哲学家而不像经济学家。
  ||||He is a great economist. |他是个伟大的经济学家。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<44>head to    |go to |去;去往
  |||She turned left, heading to the supermarket. |她左转弯,直往超市走去。
  |||It's about time we were heading to the hotel where we are to be put up. |我们应该走了,到被安排住的旅馆去。
  ||<45>make the rounds  |go around from one place to another |逐一巡查、访问
  ||      |The watchman makes the rounds of the building. |看守人在大楼里走来走去地查看。
  ||      |The postman is making the rounds of houses to find out to whom the letter belongs. |邮递员一家一家地查访,想找到收信人。
  ||<46>go with    |match; suit |与...相配
  |||Mary's blue dress goes well with her shoes. |玛丽的蓝色衣服与她的鞋十分相配。
  |||I'm not sure whether those earrings will go with your dress. |我不敢肯定这些耳环是否与你的衣服相配。
  ||<47>look sb. in the <br>eye(s)  |look directly at sb. |坦然正视某人
  ||     |Can you look me in the eye and say you didn't steal it? |你敢正视着我说没有偷这个吗?
  ||     |He dared not look her in the eyes. |他不敢正视她。
  ||<48>at the sound of  |as soon as one hears |一听到
  ||      |They danced at the sound of music. |他们听到音乐就跳起舞来。
  ||      |At the sound of footsteps, the thief ran away. |听到脚步声,小偷就跑了。
  ||<49>nothing but|only  |只是
  |||I could see nothing but your shoulder. |我只能看见你的肩。
  |||The girl longs for nothing but a red skirt. |那个女孩只想要条红裙子。
  ||<50>be/feel ashamed of |feel embarrassed or guilty of |为...感到羞耻;为...感到惭愧
  |||He was ashamed of having lied to her. |他因对她说了谎感到内疚。
  |||She felt so ashamed of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher. |对考试作弊她感到非常羞愧,因此向老师坦白交代了。
  ||<51>boast about/of   |speak too proudly of |吹嘘
  ||      |He boasts of owning a digital camera. |他吹嘘自己有了数码照相机。
  ||      |He's always boasting about how clever his children are. |他总是夸耀自己的孩子多聪明。
  ||<52>stay away from   |keep away from; remain at a distance from |避开
  ||      |The sign warns people to stay away from the dangerous building. |标牌警告人们不要接近这座危楼。
  ||      |"Stay away from my daughter!" She said to the young man. |她对那年轻人说,“别和我女儿来往!”
  ||<53>stay at    |remain at  |停留在
  |||He decided to stay at his job as a trashman for another two years. |他决定再当两年垃圾工。
  |||I'll stay at the bus stop while you go and see if there's a bus coming. |我呆在车站,你去看看有没有公交车来。
  ||<54>contrary to|completely different and opposed to each other |与...相反
  |||Contrary to what the fans had expected, the football team lost. |与球迷的期望相反,球队输了。
  |||He's actually very nice, contrary to what people say about him. |与人们传说的恰恰相反,他其实十分和善。
  ||<55>look down on/upon|think that one is better or more important than sb. else |蔑视;看不起
  ||      |Women have grown tired of being looked down on by employers. |女人越来越厌恶被雇主瞧不起。
  ||      |She looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education. |她瞧不起任何没有受过大学教育的人。
  ||<56>be in for  |be going to experience (sth. unpleasant) |将遭遇
  |||It looks as if we're in for some bad weather. |看样子我们要有坏天气了。
  |||He'll be in for a shock when he gets the bill. |他收到账单时准要吃一惊。
  ||<57>hold water |be true or reasonable |经得起考验;可靠
  |||His explanation of where he got the money just doesn't hold water. |他对这笔钱的来源的解释是站不住脚的。
  |||There are times when this theory just does not hold water. |有时候,这一理论不管用。
  ||<58>leave behind |not take sb. or sth. when leaving a place |忘记带;留下
  ||  |I've left the tickets behind. |我把票落在家里了。
  ||  |Did anybody leave a dictionary behind last night? |昨晚谁忘了拿词典?
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<59>Steve | |史蒂夫(人名)
  ||<60>John Gardner| |约翰·加德纳 (人名)
