新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 3b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1> <em>mother-in-law</em> |n.    |[C] the mother of one's husband or wife |岳母;婆婆
  ||||Her mother-in-law helps her to take care of her child and she is grateful. |她婆婆帮她照料小孩,她很感激。
  ||<2>brilliant|a.|1. very good; very clever or skilled |出色的;聪颖的
  ||||"Did you like the film?" "I thought it was brilliant." |“你喜欢这部电影吗?” “我觉得它太出色了。”
  ||||She's got a brilliant sense of humor. |她极富有幽默感。
  ||||2. full of light; shining, or bright in color |明亮的;光亮的
  ||||The rooms were all painted brilliant white. |所有的房间被粉刷成明亮的白色。
  ||||He flashed a brilliant smile at me. |他冲我灿烂一笑。
  |@|<3>arrange|v.|plan the details of a future event |准备;安排
  ||||I've arranged that one of my classmates will meet you at the airport. |我已作了安排,由我的一位同学将去机场接你。
  ||||Please arrange for a taxi to collect us after the meeting. |请安排一辆出租车在会议结束后来接我们。
  |||vt.|put a group of people or things in a particular position or order |排列;布置
  ||||arrange flowers |插花
  ||||The teacher arranged the students in groups according to their interest. |老师按兴趣将学生分组。
  ||<4>eve|n.|[C] the day or evening before a certain event |前夕;前一天
  ||||Mr. Hurd was speaking to Arab reporters in London on the eve of his visits to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. |赫德先生在访问约旦和沙特阿拉伯前夕,向在伦敦的阿拉伯记者们发表了讲话。
  ||||Are you doing anything exciting on New Year's Eve? |除夕之夜你有什么有意思的安排吗?
  ||<5>cube|vt.|cut food into cube-shaped pieces |切成方块
  ||||cube the potatoes |把土豆切成丁状
  ||||You'd better cube the meat. |你最好把肉切成小方块儿。
  |||n.|[C] a solid object with six square sides |立方体
  ||||Cut the meat into small cubes. |把肉切成小方块
  ||||The ice cubes in the bottom of her glass made a ringing sound as she drank. |喝酒时,她杯子底部的冰块叮当作响。
  |★|<6>garlic|n.|[U] |蒜,大蒜
  ||||garlic bread |蒜味面包
  ||||a garlic press |榨蒜汁机
  ||<7>slice|vt.|cut into thin flat pieces |切成薄片
  ||||Could you slice me a very thin piece of cake? |你能为我切一片很薄的蛋糕吗?
  ||||He sliced the top off his finger while he was cutting vegetables. |他切蔬菜时不小心削了手指尖。
  |||n.|[C] a flat thin piece of food that has been cut from a large piece |片
  ||||a slice of bread |一片面包
  ||||Would you like another slice of beef? |你还要一片牛肉吗?
  ||<8>ingredient|n.|1. [C] one of the foods that is used to make a particular dish |(食品的)成分,配料
  ||||The list of ingredients included 500g of sugar and 200ml of cream. |配料单上列出的成份包括500克糖和200毫升奶油。
  ||||Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. |把所有配料在碗里搅拌好。
  ||||2. [C] a quality one needs to achieve sth. |因素;要素
  ||||the ingredients of one's character |构成某人性格的种种要素
  ||||Trust is a key ingredient in a successful marriage. |信任是成功婚姻的关键要素。
  ||<9>chop|vt.|cut sth. into small pieces |切;剁碎
  ||||Mac would help his mother chop some firewood before she made the meals. |母亲做饭前,马克总要帮母亲劈点木柴。
  ||||Spread some chopped onions over the fish before it's served. |上菜之前,先在鱼上撒点剁碎的洋葱。
  ||<10>purple|a.| |紫色的
  ||||a purple flower |紫色的花朵
  ||||He went purple with anger. |他气得脸色发紫。
  |||n.|[U] |紫色
  ||||She wore a dress of dark purple. |她穿了一件深紫色的连衣裙。
  ||||The evening sky was full of purples and reds. |傍晚的天空全是一片紫红。
  |@|<11>concerning|prep.|about or relating to sb. or sth. |关于
  ||||a letter concerning your complaints |一封与你的投诉有关的信
  ||||If you have any information concerning the recent event at the station, please contact the police. |如果你了解任何与最近车站所发生的事情有关的情况,请与警方联系。
  ||<12>toe|n.|[C] |脚趾
  ||||It looks like you've broken your toe. |看上去你好像是摔断了脚趾头。
  ||||If you can feel your toes at the end of the shoe you probably need the next size up. |如果你感到脚趾头顶着了鞋子,你可能需要换一双大一号的鞋。
  |@|<13>anticipate|vt.|think that sth. will happen and be ready for it |预料;预计
  ||||Do you anticipate meeting any trouble? |你预料会遇到什么困难吗?
  ||||I anticipate great pleasure from my visit to Paris. |我想我的巴黎之行会很愉快。
  |@|<14>criticism|n.|[C, U] the words not in favor of sb. or sth. |批评;指责
  ||||He can't take criticism; he just stops listening and starts shouting. |他接受不了别人的批评;对别人的批评不但不听,还大声嚷嚷。
  ||||I have a few criticisms to make about your speech. |对你的讲话我有些不同的看法。
  ||<15>curl|n.|[C] |卷发;卷曲物
  ||||Her hair fell in curls over her shoulders. |她的头发卷曲着一直垂到肩上。
  ||||Curls of smoke were rising from the chimney. |缕缕青烟从烟囱中升起。
  ||<16>curly|a.|having lots of curls |卷曲的
  ||||curly leaves |卷曲的叶子
  ||||My hair is by nature curly and thick. |我的头发天生又卷又密。
  ||<17>splash|n.|[C] |有色斑点
  ||||Add a red scarf to give a splash of color. |加条红围巾,添点亮色。
  ||||The little girl in her flowery dress provides the only splash of color in the picture. |穿着花裙子的小女孩给照片增添了唯一的一点色彩。
  |&|<18>freckle|n.|[C] |雀斑;斑点
  ||||He has red hair, green eyes and a face full of freckles. |他长着红头发、绿眼睛和一张满是雀斑的脸。
  ||||The light from the sun causes freckles to darken and new ones to appear. |太阳光会使雀斑颜色变深并长出新的雀斑来。
  ||<19>compact|a.|1. small, but solid and strong |结实的
  ||||a compact body |结实的身体
  ||||a compact build |结实的身材
  ||||2. packed together closely and neatly |紧凑的
  ||||compact disc (CD) |激光唱片
  ||||What a compact office! How did you fit so much into so little space? |多紧凑的办公室啊!你们是如何把这么多东西放进这么小的房间的?
  ||<20> <em>compactly</em> |ad. |in a compact manner |结实地;密实地
  ||||The car was compactly built. |这辆车造得精巧牢固。
  ||||He packed all his camping equipment compactly into one bag. |他把所有的宿营用品都严严实实地塞在一只包里。
  ||<21> <em>forgettable <em>|a.|that can be forgotten easily |容易被忘记的
  ||||He's an ordinary man and easily forgettable. |这是个普通男人,容易被人忘记。
  ||||It's a forgettable movie; it's hard to believe that people are swarming into cinemas to see it. |这时一部看了就忘的电影,很难想象人们还蜂拥进电影院去看。
  ||<22>bubble|vi.|form thin balls of air or gas in liquid |冒泡
  ||||Is the water bubbling yet? |水烧开了吗?
  ||||We could hear the soup beginning to bubble. |我们能听见汤开始冒泡的声音。
  |||n.|[C] a ball of air |气泡;泡沫
  ||||As water begins to boil, bubbles rise ever faster to the surface. |水开始沸腾时,气泡会更快地升向水面。
  ||||Rosie was out in the garden blowing bubbles. |罗西在花园里吹泡泡玩。
  ||<23>bump|n.|1. [C] an area of skin that is raised because one has hit it on sth. |肿块;突起
  ||||goose bumps |鸡皮疙瘩
  ||||Her bicycle hit a bump in the road and threw her off. |她的自行车撞上了路中的突起处,把她摔了下来。
  ||||2. [C] a blow or hit |碰撞;猛撞
  ||||She got a bump on her head when she fell down, but luckily she wasn't hurt. |她摔倒时头被撞了一下,所幸没有受伤。
  ||||We heard a bump from the next room. |我们听见从隔壁房间传来东西碰撞的声音。
  |||v.|hit with force, esp. accidentally |碰撞
  ||||She bumped into his dinner table, knocking the food onto his lap. |她碰上了他的餐桌, 把食物撞翻到了他的腿上。
  ||||We bumped into Kate as we were rushing around the corner.  |我们在匆忙跑过转角处时与凯特撞个满怀。
  |@|<24>compel|vt.|make sb. do sth.; force |强迫,迫使
  ||||We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should. |我们不能强迫你做这件事,可是我们认为你应该做。
  ||||The rain compelled us to stay indoors. |大雨迫使我们呆在屋里。
  |@|<25>behalf|n.|[U] (on sb.'s ~ or <em>on</em> ~ of sb.) instead of sb., or as their representative |代表某人;代替某人
  ||||On behalf of my husband and myself I thank you. |我代表我的丈夫和我本人向您表示感谢。
  ||||Ken is not present, so I shall accept the prize on his behalf. |肯没出席,所以我将代表他领奖。
  ||<26> <em>heatedly</em>|ad.|with strong, excited, and often angry feelings |热烈地;激烈地
  ||||We used to stay up all night, drinking wine and arguing heatedly about politics. |我们常常彻夜不眠,一边喝酒,一边热烈地谈论政治。
  ||||She heatedly stormed into the room to confront her husband's lover. |她怒冲冲地冲进房间去质问丈夫的情人。
  |@|<27>innocent|a.|1. done or said without intending to harm or offend anyone |无恶意的
  ||||It was an innocent question. Why get so worked up about it?  |这个问题毫无冒犯之意,你为什么要这么激动?
  ||||It was an innocent remark; I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.  |这话没有恶意;我并没有想伤害他的感情。
  ||||2. not guilty of a crime |无罪的;无辜的
  ||||A man should be supposed innocent of crime until he is found guilty. |一个人在被证明有罪之前应被认为是无罪的。
  ||||They have put an innocent man in prison. |他们把一个无辜的人投进了监狱。
  ||<28>innocently|ad.|in an innocent manner |无恶意地
  ||||"Have I done anything wrong?" she asked innocently. |“我做错什么了吗?” 她一脸无辜地问道。
  ||||He made the criticism innocently. |他作出这样的批评并无恶意。
  ||<29>dialect|n.|[C, U] a special form of language which is peculiar to a certain region or social group |方言,土语
  ||||A rich variety of dialects still exist throughout the country. |全国各地仍然存在着各种各样的方言。
  ||||The novel was written in northern dialect. |这部小说是以北方方言写成的。
  |&|<30>pox|n.|[U] |痘,痘疮
  ||||chicken-pox |水痘
  ||||smallpox |天花
  |@|<31>criticize|vt.|(BrE criticise) |
  ||||1. point out the mistakes of sb. or sth. |批评;批判
  ||||She was criticized by name for her lack of leadership. |她因领导不力而受到了点名批评。
  ||||The report strongly criticizes the police for failing to deal with this problem. |报道对警方未能解决这个问题进行了强烈指责。
  ||||2. form and express a judgment on a work of art, literature, etc. |评论
  ||||He taught students how to criticize the films. |他教学生如何进行电影评论。
  ||||We're a group of artists who meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work. |我们是一群聚在一起讨论问题、评论相互作品的艺术家。
  ||<32>clue|n.|[C] information that helps sb. understand the reasons why sth. happens |线索;提示
  ||||Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl. |警方仍在寻找线索以便找到失踪的女孩。
  ||||I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a clue. |如果你不给我一点提示,我绝对猜不到答案。
  ||<33> <em>salty</em>|a.|tasting of or containing salt |咸的;盐的
  ||||He cut two thick slices of bread and spread yellow, salty butter over each one. |他切了两片面包,涂上了黄色的咸味奶油。
  ||||Don't feed your friends salty biscuits, because they don't like them. |不要给你朋友吃盐味饼干,他们不喜欢。
  ||<34>cue|n.|[C] a signal for sb. to do sth. |暗示;信号
  ||||They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party. |他们开始洗刷碗碟,这就暗示我们该离开晚会了。
  ||||The rise in interest rates may be a cue for the cooling down of the stock market. |利息上涨可能暗示着股市将要冷却下来。
  ||<35>proclaim|vt.|say publicly that sth. is true or exists |宣布;声称
  ||||The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince. |响亮的钟声宣告了王子的诞生。
  ||||A national holiday was proclaimed. |宣布了一个国定假日。
  ||<36>diplomatic|a.|1. skillful in dealing with people |有交际手段的;圆滑的
  ||||Ask him nicely; be diplomatic. |好好问他,要注意方式。
  ||||They have to be more diplomatic in public speeches. |他们在公开讲话时必须更加谨慎。
  ||||2. relating to the work of diplomats |外交的
  ||||The two leaders have been involved in lengthy diplomatic discussions. |两位领导人陷入了旷日持久的外交谈判中。
  ||||Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. |英国威胁说要断绝外交关系。
  |&|<37>soy|n.|[U] |大豆
  ||||soy milk |豆奶
  ||||What sauces go best with fish? |烧鱼用什么佐料最好?
  ||<39> <em>soy sauce</em> | ||酱油
  ||<40>china|n. |[U] |瓷器
  ||||a china vase |瓷花瓶
  ||||The best china was only taken out when guests came to dinner. |最好的陶瓷餐具只在有客人来吃饭时才拿出来。
  |@|<41>somehow|ad.|1. in some way; by some means |以某种方法;不知怎么的
  ||||We must stop him from seeing her somehow. |我们得设法阻止他看到她。
  ||||It won't be easy, but we'll get across the river somehow. |这将不是件简单的事情,但我们能想办法过河去。
  ||||2. for a reason that is unknown |由于某种未知的原因
  ||||Somehow the dog had escaped. |不知为什么,那狗跑了。
  ||||I always knew I'd get the job, somehow. |说不出什么道理,我总觉得我会得到那份工作。
  |@|<42>miserable|a.|very unhappy or uncomfortable |痛苦的;悲惨的
  ||||They were living in miserable conditions. |他们生活得很悲惨。
  ||||She's been so miserable since her son died. |自她儿子死后,她一直都那么痛苦。
  ||<43> <em>miserably</em> |ad.|in a miserable way |痛苦地;悲惨地
  ||||It's been miserably wet all week. |整个星期都在下雨,真让人受不了。
  ||||We failed miserably to agree. |很糟糕,我们未能达成一致意见。
  |@|<44>modest|a.|1. (of a person) not liking to talk about their abilities, achievements, success, etc. |谦虚的,虚心的
  ||||The young man is very modest about his success. |这个年轻人对自己的成功表现得很谦虚。
  ||||Really great men are modest. |真正的伟人都很谦虚。
  ||||2. not large in amount, size, etc. |适中的,适度的
  ||||His needs are quite modest. |他的需求一点不过分。
  ||||There has been a modest development in housing conditions for the poor. |穷人的住房条件有了一些改善。
  ||<45> <em>modestly</em>|ad. |in a modest way |谦虚地,虚心地;适中地,适度地
  ||||"I'd never have won the prize without the help of my two assistants," she said modestly. |她谦逊地说:“如果没有两名助手的帮助,我决不可能获得这个奖。”
  ||||At just $9, the radio is modestly priced. |只卖9美元,这收音机价格合理。
  |&|<46>A-OK|ad.|(colloq.) very good |极好;棒极了
  ||||Everything is going A-OK thanks to his help. |由于他的帮助,一切都进展得很顺利。
  ||||James read quite A-OK for his age. |詹姆士就他的年龄来说读得棒极了。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<47>come up with |find an answer, a solution, etc. |想出,提出(答案、解决方法等)
  |||She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. |她想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。
  |||I hope you can come up with a better plan than that. |我希望你能想出一个比这个更好的方案来。
  ||<48>win over|gain sb.'s support or favor |说服;把...争取过来
  |||She's against the idea, but I'm sure I can win her over. |她反对这个主意,但是我确信我能说服她。
  |||They've won over a lot of villagers since she's been leader of the party. |自她成为这个党的领导者之后,已经赢得了众多乡村居民的支持。
  ||<49>from head to toe |over the whole of one's body |从头到脚;浑身上下
  |||The children were covered in mud from head to toe. |孩子们浑身上下都是泥。
  |||The policeman observed me from head to toe as though I were a thief. |警察上上下下地打量我,似乎我是个小偷。
  ||<50>on the short/fat/thin, etc. side |slightly short/ fat/thin, etc. |有点矮(胖、瘦等)
  |||Your clothes are on the long side for your younger brother. |你弟弟穿你的衣服都有点长了。
  |||That girl is tall and beautiful, but she is a bit on the fat side to be a model. |那个女孩儿又高又漂亮,但当模特儿还是稍微胖了点儿。
  ||<51>think of|have a particular opinion about sb. or sth. |有...看法
  |||Mary doesn't think much of Jane's new boyfriend. |玛丽认为简新交的男朋友不怎么样。
  |||What do you think of the government's latest action? |你对政府近来采取的措施怎么看?
  ||<52>put (sb.) to bed |make (sb.) go to bed |安置(某人)睡觉
  |||It's time to put the children to bed. |该让孩子们去睡觉了。
  |||I always put the children to bed at 7:00 p.m. |我总是在晚上7点让孩子们上床睡觉。
  ||<53>hit it off|enjoy good relations; like each other |相处得很好;一见如故
  |||Do you hit it off with your husband's mother? |你和你婆婆合得来吗?
  |||I didn't really hit it off with his friends. |我和他的朋友并不很合得来。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<54>Rich       | |里奇 (人名)
  ||<55>Vincent          | |文森特 (人名)
  ||<56>Lisa Lum      | |莉萨·卢姆 (人名)
  ||<57>Shoshana         | |肖莎娜 (人名)
