新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 6a(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>elegant |a.|beautiful, attractive, or graceful |优雅的;文雅的
  ||||elegant manners |文雅的举止
  ||||an elegant person |举止优雅的人
  ||<2>application |n.|1. [C, U] a formal request for sth. or for permission to do sth. |申请
  ||||Free information will be sent out on application to the office. |公司收到申请将免费提供信息。
  ||||I've sent off applications for four different jobs. |我对四份不同的工作寄出了求职信。
  ||||2. [C, U] the use of a particular method, law, process, etc. |应用;使用;运用
  ||||The theory has no application in this case. |这理论不适用于这个情况。
  ||||The design has many applications. |这项设计有很多用途。
  ||<3> <em>impulsively</em> |ad.    |without thinking about the possible results of what one is doing |冲动地
  ||||These children tend to behave impulsively. |这些孩子的行为往往很冲动。
  ||||His early training was in the sciences and he never acts impulsively in his work. |他早期受过理科方面的训练,因此在工作中他从不冲动。
  |@ |<4>substitute |vt.    |use sth. new or different instead of sth. else |代替;替换
  ||||We must substitute a new chair for the broken one. |我们得用新椅子代替这把破椅子。
  ||||Honey can be substituted for sugar in this recipe. |在这种烹饪法里蜂蜜能代替糖。
  |||n.|[C] a person or thing that replaces sb. or sth. else |代替者;替代物
  ||||The manager was unable to attend but sent his secretary as a substitute. |经理不能出席,但派了他的秘书代替他出席。
  ||||The teacher's ill, so a substitute is teaching today. |老师生病了,因此今天由一位代课老师来上课。
  |@ |<5>professional |a.     |relating to a job that needs special education and training |职业的;专业的
  ||||A lawyer or a doctor is a professional man. |律师或医生是专业人员。
  ||||Sometimes an amateur can perform as well or better than a professional. |有时候业余人员的表现与专业人员的同样好,甚至比专业人员的更好。
  |||n.|[C] sb. who has special skills or does sth. as a job rather than for enjoyment |专业人员
  ||||She's a real professional in this field. |她是该领域真正的内行。
  ||||This house was decorated by a professional. |这房子是由专业人员装饰的。
  ||<6>talent |n. |1. [C, U] a natural ability to do sth. well |天才;天赋
  ||||Her talents are well known. |她的才华是众所周知的。
  ||||Her talent for music showed at an early age. |她小时侯就表现出了音乐方面的天赋。
  ||||2. [U] a person or people with a natural ability or skill |天才;人才
  ||||We're always looking for new talent. |我们总是在寻觅新的人才。
  ||||Promising talent is hard to find. |很难找到有发展前途的人才。
  ||<7>bible |n.|(the B~) |《圣经》
  ||||In the Bible it says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings. |圣经上说,亚当和夏娃是人类的始祖。
  ||||He studies the Bible every day. |他每天都在研习《圣经》。
  ||<8>definition |n.|[C] an exact statement of the meaning of sth. |定义;释义
  ||||Your definition of "ideal husband" is much different from mine. |你对“理想丈夫”的定义同我的定义大相径庭。
  ||||In this dictionary, definitions have been written using words from a specially chosen list. |这本字典释义所用的单词都是经过特别挑选的。
  ||<9>characteristic |a.    |(of) typical of a particular thing or of sb.'s character |特有的;典型的
  ||||Such honesty is characteristic of him. |他一向如此诚实。
  ||||With the friendly and generous care so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests. |这些人本性乐善好施,他们在家里接待了五十多个客人。
  |||n.|[C] a quality or feature of sb. or sth. that is typical of them |特点,特征
  ||||Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. |基因决定了每种生物的特征。
  ||||What characteristics separate Americans from Canadians? |美国人和加拿大人的性格特点有什么不同?
  ||<10> <em>descriptive</em> |a.     |giving a description of sth. |描写的;描述的
  ||||He teaches descriptive linguistics at a university. |他在大学教描写语言学。
  ||||a descriptive passage in a novel |小说里的一段描写
  |@ |<11>approval |n. |1. [U] the fact of believing sth. is good or right |赞成;同意
  ||||Do the plans meet with your approval? |你赞成这些计划吗?
  ||||Sam always tried hard to win his father's approval. |萨姆总是想尽办法去获得父亲的同意。
  ||||2. [U] official permission |批准;认可
  ||||The president's approval of the deal was vital. |总统的批准对这份协议是至关重要的。
  ||||I need the approval of the government to travel abroad. |我需要获得政府的批准才能去国外旅行。
  ||<12> <em>disapproval</em> |n.     |[U] a feeling of not approving of sb. or sth. |反对;不赞成
  ||||Although they said nothing, she could sense their disapproval. |虽然他们没说什么,她能感觉到他们并不赞同。
  ||||He expressed his disapproval of what they had done. |他表示自己并不赞同他们的所作所为。
  |@ |<13>reserve |n.     |1. [U] the quality of self-control or restraint |克制,拘谨
  ||||He was a man of such reserve that not even his closest friends really understood him. |他是一个很克制的人,甚至他最亲密的朋友都难以真正理解他。
  ||||A few drinks broke through his reserve. |几杯酒下肚他就放开了。
  ||||2. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. kept or saved for later use |储备物
  ||||the gold reserve |黄金储备
  ||||I have a reserve of food in case of emergency. |我储备了些粮食,以防万一。
  |||vt.|1. keep sth. for a particular purpose |保留;储备
  ||||I reserve Mondays for cleaning up my desk and answering letters. |我留出周一来清理书桌,答复信件。
  ||||Reserve your strength for the climb. |留点力气爬山吧。
  ||||2. arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane, etc. to be kept for sb. to use later |预定
  ||||I rang the hotel to reserve a double room for a week. |我打电话给旅馆,预定一间双人房,为期一周。
  ||||If you get there early, please reserve a seat for me. |如果你先到,请给我预定一个座位。
  ||<14> <em>plainness</em> |n.   |[U] lacking beauty or attractiveness |不好看;平常
  ||||the obvious plainness of the young lady |相貌平平的年轻女子
  ||||The plainness of these houses discourages many prospective buyers. |这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。
  |@ |<15>convey |vt. |communicate or express sth., with or without using words |传达;表达
  ||||The manufacturer has used posters and produced a video to convey the message to prospective buyers. |为了把信息传达给潜在的顾客,制造商张贴出广告,并制作了一盘录像。
  ||||His music conveys a sense of optimism. |他的音乐表达出一种乐观情绪。
  |@ |<16>specific |a.|1. particular |特有的;特定的
  ||||The money is to be used for a specific purpose: the building of the new theatre. |这笔款将专款专用:兴建新剧院。
  ||||They seem to have no specific plans for dealing with the problem. |他们似乎没有特别的计划来处理这问题。
  ||||2. detailed and exact |具体的;明确的
  ||||I asked you a specific question. Please give me a specific answer. |我问你一个具体问题,请给我明确的回答。
  ||||Are you doing anything specific this weekend? |这个周末你有什么具体的事情要做?
  |@ |<17>latter |a.     |being the second of two people or things |(两者中)后者的
  ||||There are plastic and wooden garden chairs but the latter ones are more expensive. |花园椅有塑料和木制的两种,不过后者贵些。
  ||||Of ham and beef, I like the latter meat better. |在火腿和牛肉两者之间,我更喜欢后者。
  |||n.|(the ~) the second of two people or things just mentioned |(两者中的)后者
  ||||We have to make the kitchen and the hall more attractive. I'd rather do the latter first. |我们得把厨房和客厅装饰得更漂亮些──我情愿先装饰客厅。
  ||||Many support the former plan, but personally I'm for the latter. |许多人支持前面那个计划,但我个人赞同后者。
  |@ |<18>qualify |v. |(make) have the necessary skills, knowledge, ability, etc. to do sth. |(使)有资格;取得资格
  ||||I won't qualify until next year. |我要到明年才够格。
  ||||Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits. |作为一个单身父 (母) 亲,你有权获得额外的福利金。
  |@ |<19>critic |n. |[C] sb. whose job is to judge the good and bad qualities of literary or artistic works |评论家;批评家
  ||||She's a film critic for <em>the Irish Times</em>. |她是《爱尔兰时报》的一名电影评论家。
  ||||He is a renowned literary critic. |他是著名的文学评论家。
  ||<20>prominent |a.|well-known and important |重要的;知名的
  ||||a prominent magazine |著名杂志
  ||||The government should be playing a more prominent role in improving public traffic. |政府应该在改善公共交通方面发挥更大的作用。
  |& |<21>by-line |n. |[C] a line at the beginning of an article that gives the writer's name |作者署名处
  ||||The essays published in this section usually carry no by-lines. |发表在这个专栏里的文章通常不署名。
  ||||She is a financial journalist with her own by-line. |她是金融记者,写文章都署名。
  |@ |<22>refine |vt. |1. make sb. become more elegant |使变得文雅
  ||||Delia has been refined. You can't imagine she is now an elegant lady. |德丽娅变文雅了。你想象不到她现在已是一位优雅的女士了。
  ||||refine one's language |使某人的语言更为文雅
  ||||2. make a substance pure |提炼;精炼
  ||||refining processes |精炼过程
  ||||Oil is industrially refined. |燃油是经过工业提炼的。
  ||<23> <em>refined</em>|a.|polite and seeming to be well-educated or to belong to a high social class |有教养的;高雅的
  ||||She is a woman of refined manners. |她举止文雅。
  ||||She is so refined that she never loses her temper in public. |她非常有教养,从不在公共场合发脾气。
  |@ |<24>attractive |a. |pleasing to the eye or mind |动人的;有吸引力的
  ||||She's so attractive, but I'd never dare ask her out. |她非常美丽动人,但我始终没有勇气邀她出去。
  ||||The pay they're offering is very attractive, but I still don't want the job. |他们给的薪水很有吸引力,但我还是不想要这份工作。
  |@ |<25>impressive |a. |having a strong effect on sb. |使人印象深刻的
  ||||There are some very impressive buildings in the town. |城里一些建筑物给人留下非常深刻的印象。
  ||||His speech is the most impressive. |他的演讲最感人。
  ||<26>stereotype |vt.    |have fixed unfair ideas about sb. or sth. |对...有成见;把...模式化
  ||||The study says that British advertisements stereotype women. |该项研究说,英国的广告对妇女抱有成见。
  ||||The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people. |有人批评警方对黑人有成见。
  |||n.|[C] a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like |模式化的思想
  ||||He doesn't fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman. |他与法国人的固有形象大相径庭。
  ||||The characters in the book are just stereotypes. |这书中的角色都很老套。
  ||<27>extent |n.|[sing., U] the degree to which sth. happens |程度
  ||||To some extent you are correct. |在某种程度上你是对的。
  ||||To what extent can he be believed? |他有多可信?
  |@ |<28>confess |v. |1. admit sth. that one is embarrassed about |承认
  ||||I'm rather bored, I must confess. |我不得不承认我有点厌烦了。
  ||||I'm afraid that I've got something to confess: I've broken your vase. |恐怕有件事我得告诉你──我打破了你的花瓶。
  ||||2. admit, esp. to the police, that one has done sth. wrong or illegal |供认;招供
  ||||Eventually she confessed to the police. |最后她终于向警方认罪。
  ||||After hours of interrogation, he confessed everything. |经过数小时的审问,他全部招供了。
  ||<29>carpenter |n.|[C] sb. whose job is making and repairing wooden objects |木匠,木工
  ||||We've found a good carpenter to build some bookcases for us. |他们找了个好木匠为我们做一些书橱。
  ||<30>physicist |n.|[C] a scientist trained in physics |物理学家
  ||||Two American physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics this year. |两位美国物理学家获得今年的诺贝尔物理奖。
  ||||She's one of the few women physicists in the country. |她是国内仅有的几名女物理学家之一。
  ||<31>Pope |n.|[C] ( the ~) |教皇
  ||||Pope John Paul II |教皇约翰·保罗二世
  ||<32>nursery |n.|[C] a place where children are cared for while their parents are at work |托儿所
  ||||Their two children have been going to a nursery since they were small babies. |他们的两个孩子从婴儿时起就一直上托儿所。
  ||||It was a room that might, in time, become a nursery. |这个房间到时候可以用做托儿室。
  ||<33> <em>nursery school</em> |n.     |[C] a school for children between the ages of three and five |幼儿园
  ||||Christine has been a nursery school teacher for 27 years. |克里斯汀当幼儿园老师已经有27年了。
  ||||Her son attends a nursery school in the church. |她儿子在教会办的一家幼儿园里上学。
  ||<34>thoughtful |a. |1. engaged in thought |深思的;思考的
  ||||The doctor gave a thoughtful look and then started to write something on the paper. |医生若有所思地看了一眼,开始在纸上写了起来。
  ||||When Beth is writing a letter, she looks thoughtful. |当贝思写信时,她看上去像在沉思。
  ||||2. showing care for the need of others |体贴的;考虑周到的
  ||||She's a very thoughtful person. |她是个很体贴别人的人。
  ||||Thank you for phoning to see if I was feeling better—it was very thoughtful of you. |谢谢你打电话问我是否觉得好点了──你真关心人。
  |@|<35>creature |n.|[C] a living thing or being, esp. a person or an animal |生物;人
  ||||John is a strange creature. |约翰是个怪人。
  ||||We could see amazing creatures through the glass in the bottom of the boat. |透过船底的玻璃我们可以看到一些惊人的生物。
  ||<36>award |vt.    |give sb. sth. as a reward for what they have done |授予;给予
  ||||The university has awarded Jane $500 for travel. |学校给予简500美元旅行补助。
  ||||She was awarded a medal for bravery. |她因勇敢而被授予一枚奖章。
  |||n.|[C] sth. given to sb. as a reward for sth. they have done |奖金;奖品
  ||||an award ceremony |颁奖仪式
  ||||They gave an award of $900 to each of the winners. |他们给予每位获胜者900美元作奖励。
  ||<37>Dr. |abbr. |(doctor 的缩略词) |博士;医生
  ||||Dr. Li is a professor of mathematics at a Korean university. |李博士是韩国一所大学的数学教授。
  ||||Dr. Wang works in this hospital. |王医生在这所医院工作。
  |@ |<38>objective |a.  |based on facts, or making a decision that is based on facts |客观的
  ||||How can you make an objective decision if she's your own daughter? |如果她是你女儿,你怎么可能做出客观的决定呢?
  ||||It is an objective report. |这是一篇客观的报道。
  |||n.|[C] what one tries hard to do or achieve |目标
  ||||Her main objective now is to become an internationally famous scientist. |她现在的主要目标是成为国际知名的科学家。
  ||||I don't know what his objectives were in making such a criticism? |我不知道他这样指责的目的是什么?
  ||<39> <em>objectively</em> |ad.    |based on facts |客观地
  ||||Are the laws of physics objectively true? |物理定律在客观上都正确吗?
  ||||Judges are supposed to judge each case objectively. |法官应公正处理每一个案子。
  ||<40>appealing |a.|attractive; inviting |吸引人的;悦人的
  ||||The idea of a whole week on the beach is very appealing. |在海边度假一周,这个主意挺吸引人的。
  ||||Having someone to do all my cleaning for me was an appealing prospect. |有人帮我做清洁,这想法挺诱人的。
  ||<41>popularity |n.|[U] the state of being liked or supported by a lot of people |受欢迎;流行
  ||||Prolonged recession and high unemployment knocked his popularity down to rock-bottom. |经济长期衰退,失业率也很高,这些使他的受欢迎程度降到了最低。
  ||||Margaret has profited from her own popularity among her film fans. |玛格丽特因深受影迷欢迎而获利。
  |@ |<42>despair |vi.    |feel that there is no hope at all |失望;绝望
  ||||We've despaired of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months. |我们对他非常失望,没有哪个工作他能干半年以上。
  ||||Don't despair! We'll find a way out! |不要绝望!我们会找到解决办法的!
  |||n.|[U] a feeling that one has no hope at all |失望;绝望
  ||||He gave up the struggle in despair. |他绝望地放弃了斗争。
  ||||To the despair of her teachers, Nicole never does the work that she's told him to do. |尼科尔从来不做布置给他的作业,令老师们感到很失望。
  |@ |<43>label |n.|1. [C] a word or phrase describing sb. or sth. |称号;绰号
  ||||A critic called her first novel "super-romantic" and the label has stuck. |一位评论家称她的第一部小说为 “超级浪漫小说”,于是这雅号就传下来了。
  ||||"Middle-class" is the label generally applied to this magazine. |人们一般用“中产阶级” 这个词来形容这本杂志。
  ||||2. [C] a piece of paper or another material that is attached to sth. and gives information about it |标签
  ||||I read the information on the label before deciding which to buy. |我先看标签上的说明,然后再决定买哪一种。
  ||||Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases. |记住在衣箱上贴几张地址标签。
  |||vt.|1. use a word or phrase to describe sb. or sth. |把...归类;描述
  ||||His work is difficult to label precisely. |他的工作难以准确描述。
  ||||We shouldn't label these boys as criminals so early in their lives. |我们不应该把这些男孩子早早地归为罪犯,他们的人生道路还长着呢。
  ||||2. put a label on an object |给...加标签
  ||||He was busy labeling all the bottles of wine that he'd made that year. |他忙着往所有装那一年酿的酒的瓶子上贴标签。
  ||||This jam is labeled "apple and banana". |这瓶果酱上贴着“苹果和香蕉”的标签。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<44>fill out |write necessary information on an official document, form,  etc. |填写
  |||All the applicants for the job must fill out this form. |所有申请这一工作的人都要填写这张表。
  |||Please fill out your check and sign it. |请填写你的支票并在上面签字。
  ||<45>if only|used for saying that sth. is good only for a limited purpose or time |就算...都行;哪怕...也好
  |||Just call her, if only to say that you are sorry. |给她打电话吧,哪怕就告诉她你感到很抱歉也好啊。
  ||<46>for better or (for) worse |whether the result is good or bad |无论好坏;不管怎样
  |||It's been done, and for better or worse, we can't change it now. |木已成舟,好也罢,坏也罢,我们现在已无法改变。
  |||I decided to follow her advice, for better or worse. |不管怎样我都决定采纳她的意见。
  ||<47>even so |in spite of this |即使如此;尽管这样
  |||There are many spelling mistakes; even so it's quite a good essay. |虽然有很多拼写错误,但这仍不失为一篇相当不错的文章。
  |||I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert. |我头痛得厉害,但我还是去了音乐会。
  ||<48>turn down |refuse to accept an offer or request |拒绝
  |||He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health. |他想参军,但因身体不好被拒绝了。
  |||Why was I turned down for the job? Is it because I'm a woman? |为什么不让我做那项工作?因为我是一个女人吗?
  ||<49>come up to |move toward sb. |走近,靠近
  |||A man came up to me and asked for a match. |一名男子走到我跟前向我借火柴。
  |||She came up to me and laughed. |她朝我走来,哈哈大笑。
  ||<50>press for |try in a determined way to get sth. |催促;竭力争取
  |||The chairman is pressing for improved working conditions. |主席一再要求改善工作条件。
  |||Many parents have been pressing for the local school to be reopened. |许多家长一直迫切要求重开当地那所学校。
  ||<51>ill at ease |uncomfortable; not relaxed |不自在
  || |Pat was ill at ease with his family, wondering whether or not to announce his news. |帕特和家人在一起很不自在,不知是否要宣布他的事。
  || |She was ill at ease when she was criticized by her mother. |母亲批评她的时候,她觉得非常难堪。
  ||<52>free from |not containing or involving sth. unpleasant |无...的;不涉及...的
  |||Is the President free from prejudice? |总统不会有偏见吧?
  |||Make sure the wound is free from dirt. |保证伤口不沾上污物。
  ||<53>take charge of |take control and become responsible for sb. or sth. |负责;管理
  ||    |The department was badly organized until she took charge of it. |在她负责以前,这个部门的管理是一团糟。
  ||    |The boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. |老板让他在她离开时掌管办公室几天。
  ||<54>be stuck with  |be forced to have or use sth. |被迫拥有或使用
  ||    |We were stuck with relatives who came to stay with us the whole holiday. |亲戚来我们家了,我们整个暑假都得和他们呆在一起。
  ||    |The landlady didn't allow us to make any change to her house, so we were stuck with the tasteless decoration. |房东不让我们随意更改房子的任何一处,因此我们不得不忍受这没品味的装修了。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<55>Debbie | |黛比(人名)
  ||<56>Lynne | |琳恩(人名)
  ||<57>Webster | |韦伯斯特(人名)
  ||<58>Joe | |乔(人名)
  ||<59>Arthur | |阿瑟(人名)
  ||<60>Adrian | |艾德里安(人名)
  ||<61>Susan| |苏珊(人名)
  ||<62>Harry | |哈里(人名)
  ||<63>Nigel | |奈杰尔(人名)
  ||<64>Bertha | |伯莎(人名)
  ||<65>Mel | |梅尔(人名)
  ||<66>Julian | |朱利安(人名)
  ||<67>Rory | |罗里(人名)
  ||<68>Herbert Harari | |赫伯特·哈拉里(人名)
  ||<69>San Diego | |圣迭戈 (美国加利福尼亚州西南部港市)
  ||<70>John McDavid | |约翰·麦克戴维(人名)
  ||<71>Elmer | |埃尔默(人名)
  ||<72>Hubert | |休伯特(人名)
  ||<73>Michael | |迈克尔(人名)
  ||<74>Thomas V. Busse | |托马斯·V.布塞(人名)
  ||<75>Louisa Seraydarian | |路易莎·瑟拉里达里安(人名)
  ||<76>Linda | |琳达(人名)
  ||<77>Diane | |黛安(人名)
  ||<78>Barbara | |芭芭拉(人名)
  ||<79>Carol | |卡罗尔(人名)
  ||<80>Cindy | |辛迪(人名)
