听电影学英语-盗梦空间CD2 10(在线收听

  [00:03.87]Watch. 看吧
  [00:05.74]James? Phillipa? 詹姆斯 菲利帕
  [00:07.60]Don't do this, Mal. Please. Those aren't my children. 别这样 玛尔 求你了 那不是我的孩子
  [00:10.44]You keep telling yourself that, but you don't believe it. 你就这样说 你自己都不相信
  [00:12.78]No, I know it. What if you're wrong? 不 我知道      万一是你错了呢
  [00:15.14]What if I'm what's real? 万一我才是真实的呢
  [00:18.65]You keep telling yourself what you know. 你不断告诉自己何为真相
  [00:22.45]But what do you believe? 但你到底相信什么
  [00:25.66]What do you feel? 你感觉到了什么
  [00:29.03]Guilt. 罪恶感
  [00:31.66]I feel guilt, Mal. 我有罪恶感 玛尔
  [00:34.43]And no matter what I do, no matter how hopeless I am... 不管我做什么 不管我多绝望
  [00:38.53]...no matter how confused, that guilt is always there... 不管我多困惑 罪恶感一直在
  [00:42.97]...reminding me of the truth. 一直提醒我事实的真相
  [00:46.01]What truth? 什么真相
  [00:49.75]That the idea that caused you to question your reality came from me. 是我让你怀疑现实的
  [00:58.35]You planted the idea in my mind? 你把这个想法植入我的意识了?
  [01:02.99]What is she talking about? 她在说什么
  [01:05.39]The reason I knew inception was possible  我之所以知道奠基可行

  [01:07.70]was because I did it to her first. 是因为我在她身上做过第一次的实验
  [01:11.70]I did it to my own wife. Why? 我拿自己的妻子做实验      为什么
  [01:15.40]We were lost in here. 我们在梦境里迷茫了
  [01:17.84]I knew we needed to escape, but she wouldn't accept it. 我知道我们必须逃离梦境 但她不肯
  [01:25.68]She had locked something away, something deep inside. 她把什么东西锁起来了 深深地锁起来了
  [01:32.12]A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. 是关于她明明知道 却选择遗忘的真相
  [01:37.23]And she couldn't break free. 她始终不能放开
  [01:42.06]So I decided to search for it. 所以我决定找到它
  [01:45.37]I went deep into the recess of her mind and found that secret place. 我进入她的意识深处 找到那个秘密
  [01:50.41]And I broke in... 我闯进她的意识
  [01:52.88]...and I planted an idea. 植入了一个想法
  [01:55.78]A simple little idea that would change everything. 一个简单的却改变了一切的想法
  [02:04.79]That her world wasn't real. 就是她的世界并非真实的
  [02:19.97]That death was the only escape. 死亡是唯一的出路
  [02:30.58]You're waiting for a train. 你在等待一列火车
  [02:34.65]A train that'll take you far away. 一列能带你远走的火车
  [02:38.56]You know where you hope this train will take you... 你知道你想让火车带你去哪儿
  [02:42.66]...but you can't know for sure. 但你不能确定
  [02:45.86]Yet it doesn't matter. 但没有关系
  [02:48.83]Now, tell me why! Because you'll be together! 告诉我为什么      因为你会和我在一起
  [02:56.34]But I never knew that 但我没想到
  [02:58.30] that idea would grow in her mind like a cancer... 那个想法像癌细胞一样在她意识里扩散
  [03:01.00]...that even after she woke.... 甚至在她醒来之后
  [03:05.88]That even after you came back to reality... 在你回到现实之后
  [03:11.29]...that you'd continue to believe your world wasn't real. 你仍然相信你的世界不是真实的
  [03:17.03]That death was the only escape. 死亡是唯一的出路
  [03:19.60]Mal, no! Jesus! 玛尔 不要啊 老天啊
  [03:22.43]You infected my mind. I was trying to save you. 你侵入了我的意识      我本来是想救你的
  [03:26.34]You betrayed me. 你背叛了我
  [03:28.54]But you can make amends. You can still keep your promise. 但你可以弥补 你还能兑现承诺
  [03:32.41]We can still be together, right here... 我们还能在一起 就在这
  [03:35.61]...in the world we built together. 在我们共同建造的世界里
  [04:58.89]Cobb, we need to get Fischer. 柯布 我们要找到费舍尔
