听电影学英语-恋恋笔记本 02(在线收听

  [00:01.52]- Who's this girl with Sara? - Her name's Allie Hamilton.  - 和萨拉在一起的那个女孩是谁? - 她叫艾丽·汉密尔顿
  [00:04.59]She's here for the summer with her family.  她和她全家来这儿度假的
  [00:07.06]Dad's got more money than God.  她老爸巨有钱
  [00:08.40]- Hi, Fin! - Hi, honey.  - 嗨,费! - 嗨,亲爱的
  [00:10.53]Look, I won you a prize.  看,我为你赢了件奖品
  [00:13.37]Oh, Fin, thank you!  哦,费,谢谢!
  [00:18.71]- Oww! - Yeah.  - 啊! - 好
  [00:21.14]Hey great, huh?  玩得开心吧?
  [00:22.94]Hey Allie, you want some cotton candy?  嗨艾丽,想吃棉花糖么?
  [00:24.81]- Umm, okay. - That would be so much fun.  - 呃,好啊 - 真是太好玩了
  [00:28.68]You only get one chance, son.  你只有一次机会,孩子
  [00:31.32]- You want to dance with me? - No.  - 想和我跳舞么? - 不
  [00:33.72]- Why not? - 'Cause I don't want to.  - 为什么? - 因为我不想
  [00:36.89]Noah, she's with us.  诺亚,她是和我们一起的

  [00:39.93]Hey Allie, you want to ride the Ferris wheel?  嗨艾丽,想玩摩天轮吗?
  [00:43.86]- I'd love to. - All right.  - 想 - 好吧
  [00:45.43]Excuse me.  借过
  [00:48.34]Excuse me.  借过
  [00:53.97]- Noah Calhoun. - What?  - 诺亚·卡尔霍恩 - 什么?
  [00:56.91]Works down at the lumber yard with Fin.  和费一起在木材场工作
  [00:59.71]Oh...  哦……
  [01:01.92]Did you see he was standing like two inches away from my face?  你有没有看见 他就站在离我不到两寸的地方
  [01:04.92]Yeah, I saw. That's Noah, though.  是的,我看到了 他就是这样
  [01:08.76]You know I'm surprised he even came over.  我很惊讶 他居然会主动上来搭讪
  [01:10.36]I think he likes you.  八成是喜欢上你了
  [01:31.81]Hey what-- jerk--  我靠…… 你……
  [01:33.55]Get off me. Don't touch me.  走开,别碰我
  [01:36.95]- Hey! - Well, l... ugh!  - 嘿! - 呃……我……
  [01:39.05]- What are you doing? - Hey, you can't do that!  - 你想干嘛? - 嘿,你不能这样!
  [01:41.09]I'll pay you when I get down, Tommy.  下来了就给你钱,汤米
  [01:42.82]I'm Noah Calhoun.  我是诺亚·卡尔霍恩
  [01:44.66]- So?! - So, it's really nice to meet you.  - 那又怎么样? - 见到你真的很高兴
  [01:46.79]- Allie, who is this guy? - I don't know, Noah Calhoun.  - 艾丽,这家伙是谁? - 我不知道,诺亚·卡尔霍恩
  [01:49.40]- I would really like to take you out. - Friend! Do you mind?  - 我真的很想带你出去 - 哥们儿!你脑子有毛病吧!
  [01:53.57]You can't sit more than two people in a chair, Noah.  诺亚,一张椅子不能同时坐三个人!
  [01:56.50]Okay, Tommy, all right.  好的,汤米 好的
  [02:01.01]Get down, Noah, you're gonna kill yourself!  下来,诺亚 你不要命啦!
  [02:03.64]Noah, cut it out.  诺亚,别再犯傻了
  [02:04.88]Now, will you go out with me?  现在,你愿意和我出去么?
  [02:06.58]What?  什么?
  [02:08.28]- No. - No?  - 不 - 不?
  [02:10.25]- No. - No?  - 不 - 不?
  [02:11.62]Hey pal, she just told you.  哥们儿 你听到她说什么了
  [02:13.32]Why not?  为什么?
  [02:14.46]I don't know, because I don't want to.  我不知道 可我就是不想去
  [02:16.49]Noah!  诺亚!
  [02:17.56]What? Well, you leave me no other choice then.  这么说,我别无选择了
  [02:20.99]Oh my God.  我的天哪
  [02:22.16]I'm not kidding.  我不是在开玩笑
  [02:23.20]- Noah, stop fooling around. - What are you doing?  - 诺亚,别再做蠢事了 - 你想干什么?
  [02:24.97]- Noah, grab the bar. - I'm gonna ask you one more time.  - 诺亚,抓住杆子 - 我再问你一次
  [02:27.40]Will you...  你到底是愿意
  [02:29.04]- or will you not go out with me? - Noah, you best come on.  - 还是不愿意和我出去? - 诺亚,抓住杆子
  [02:31.81]- God damn, my hand's slipping. - Then grab the bar, you idiot.  - 靠,我的手要滑脱了 - 快抓牢杆子,笨蛋
  [02:34.74]- Not until she agrees. - Ah, go on out with him, honey.  - 她不同意,我就放手 - 啊,和他出去吧,亲爱的
  [02:37.51]- Okay, okay, fine, I'll go out with you.  - 好,好,好 我跟你出去
  [02:39.75]- What? - No, don't do me any favors.  - 什么? - 我可不要你可怜我
  [02:41.05]No, no. I want to.  不,不,是我想去的
  [02:42.42]- You want to? You want to? - Yes!  - 你想去?你真的想去? - 是的!

  [02:43.78]- Say it. - I want to go out with you.  - 说全了 - 我想和你出去
  [02:45.79]- Say it again. - I want to go out with you.  - 再说一遍 - 我想和你出去
  [02:48.42]All right, all right we'll go out.  好吧,好吧 那我们就出去吧
  [02:50.79]You think you're so smart, don't you?  你觉得自己很聪明是吗?
  [02:53.59]That wasn't funny, Noah, you idiot!  这一点都不好玩 诺亚,你这个笨蛋!
  [02:55.30]No, it's okay, I'll take care of this.  不,没关系 看我的
  [02:58.77]What are you doing?  你要干嘛?
  [03:00.50]Please don't do that.  求你别这么做
  [03:01.54]Please don't do that, Allie.  求你了,艾丽
  [03:03.10]I can't believe...  难以置信……
  [03:04.87]Oh God.  我的上帝
  [03:08.34]You're not so cocky now, are ya?  这下你蔫儿了吧
  [03:10.14]I'm gonna get you for that.  我一定会把你弄到手
  [03:12.05]Ah, maybe you will, maybe you won't.  也许吧
  [03:17.02]- Did he say anything to you? - Oh, yeah, will you look at that?  - 他对你说什么了? - 嗨,看哪
  [03:20.35]It's that girl from the Carnival, right?  这不是狂欢节晚上那个姑娘么?
  [03:24.86]Do you remember me?  你还记得我么?
  [03:26.79]Yeah, sure, Mr. Underwear, was it?  当然记得 这不是内裤先生么?
  [03:29.33]- Well, l... - How could I forget.  - 呃,我…… - 我怎么会忘了呢
  [03:31.10]Yeah, I wanted to clear that up with you,  是的,我想向你解释清楚
  [03:32.63]because I'm really sorry about that.  那天我真的很抱歉
  [03:34.17]It was a really stupid thing to do--  我做出那种事的确很愚蠢
  [03:35.50]crawl up a Ferris wheel to talk to somebody.  硬冲上摩天轮和别人说话
  [03:37.14]But I had to be next to you.  但是我真的想陪伴在你身边
  [03:39.07]I was being drawn to you.  一种莫名的力量把我引向了你
  [03:44.28]Oh-- oh, jeez, what a line!  哦……哦,老天 瞧你这一套一套的!
  [03:46.75]You use that on all the girls?  你是不是对每个女孩都这么说?
  [03:49.15]- No. - Right.  - 不是 - 哦?
  [03:50.92]I saw you the other night with little Miss Ribbons.  可是有一天晚上 我看见你和另一个女孩在一起
  [03:53.25]- What are you doing tonight? - What?  - 今晚你有空么? - 干嘛?
  [03:54.96]Or tomorrow night, or this weekend, whatever.  或者明晚,或者这周末 什么时候都行
  [03:57.02]- Why? - Why? Our date.  - 什么事? - 什么事?我们的约会啊
  [03:58.99]What date?  什么约会?
  [04:00.29]- The date that you agreed to. - No...  - 你答应我的约会啊 - 我可没有……
  [04:02.06]Yes, you did. You promised and you swore it.  你答应过的 你还发过誓的
  [04:04.30]Well, I guess I changed my mind.  好吧,我想我改主意了
  [04:07.67]Look, I know you get some dirty guy coming up to you  听着,我知道你不想在街上 碰到一个你不认识的
  [04:10.07]on the street-- you don't know him.  脏兮兮的人上来和你搭话
  [04:11.64]You don't know me, but I know me.  你不了解我 可是我了解我自己
  [04:15.14]And when I see something that I like,  当我看到一件喜欢的东西时
  [04:16.91]I gotta ha-- I love it.  我就必须得…… 我就是喜欢
  [04:19.28]I go-- I mean, I go crazy for it.  我会…… 我会为之而疯狂
  [04:21.38]Okay, what are you talking about?  好了,你在说什么?
  [04:24.18]Well, you.  我说的就是你
  [04:26.55]Oh, you're good.  哦,你很棒
  [04:28.29]- What? - You're good.  - 什么? - 你很棒
  [04:29.96]- No. No, you're getting me wrong. - You're good. You are.  - 不,不,你没明白我的意思 - 你很棒,真的
  [04:32.46]- You're fantastic. - I'm not.  - 你太棒了 - 不是的
  [04:34.03]You really are. I'm impressed.  真的 你给我留下了深刻的印象
  [04:35.93]- I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry. - Oh, yes, you are.  - 我平常不是这样的,对不起 - 哦,是的,你真的很棒
  [04:39.27]I can be fun, if you want...  如果你希望的话 我可以变得有趣
  [04:41.40]pensive, uh, smart,  或者忧郁,或者聪明
  [04:44.94]uh, superstitious, brave.  或者迷信,或者勇敢
  [04:47.71]And uh... I can be light on my feet.  还有……我会跳踢踏舞
  [04:50.68]I could be whatever you want.  你想要我变成什么样 我就可以变成什么样
  [04:53.28]You just tell me what you want and I'll be that for you.  只要你一句话

  [04:57.15]You're dumb.  你真是傻
  [05:00.85]I could be that.  变傻也可以啊
