听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 09(在线收听

  [00:35.72]America 美国
  [01:00.54]Why the hell don't you get off? 你为什么不下去
  [01:02.87]Just once? One time? 就一次  一次而已
  [01:06.42]See the world for yourself 用自己的眼睛
  [01:09.09]with your own eyes? 去看看世界
  [01:13.26]You ever think about it? 你从没想过吗
  [01:14.88]You could do anything you wanted to 你能做任何事
  [01:16.51]People would go crazy for you 人们会为你而疯狂
  [01:20.76]You could make beaucoup bucks, man 兄弟 你会赚很多钱
  [01:23.77]Get yourself the finest house 住最好的房子
  [01:26.64]Get yourself a wife 找个妻子
  [01:29.52]Why not? 有什么不好
  [01:35.78]God knows you 上帝知道
  [01:37.19]can't spend the rest of your life 你不能把余生
  [01:38.61]traveling back and forth like some yo-yo 变得像悠游球那样来来回回
  [01:40.99]The world is out there 世界就在那儿
  [01:43.70]Nothing but a gangplank to cross 就是一个跳板的距离
  [01:45.95]And what's a gangplank? A few stupid steps 什么是跳板  就是几步而已
  [01:49.58]Christ 天呀
  [01:51.89]everything is waiting at the bottom of those steps 美好的生活就几步而已
  [01:54.21]Why don't you just do it 为什么不试一下

  [01:56.84]one time? 一次
  [01:58.88]Why don't you just get off? 为什么就是不下去
  [02:06.47]Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? 为什么  为什么
  [02:13.98]I think land people 陆地上的人
  [02:17.44]waste a lot of time wondering why 浪费太多时间在为什么上
  [02:22.65]Winter comes and you can't wait for summer 冬天害怕夏天的迟来
  [02:24.40]Summer comes and you live in dread of winter 夏天担心冬天将至
  [02:28.41]That's way you never tire of traveling 这就是为什么你不会厌倦
  [02:31.12]Always chasing someplace far away 永远在追寻着
  [02:35.04]where it's always summer 哪里永远是夏天
  [02:40.34]Doesn't sound like a good bet to me 我并不羡慕
  [02:54.81]Hold it! Stop everything 停一下 都停下
  [04:12.67]Forgive me for allowing myself 请原谅我
  [04:15.32]to your music was so strong 沉醉于你的音乐之中
  [04:37.19]You don't look too happy 去美国
  [04:38.65]to be going to America 你不觉得高兴吗
  [04:40.11]It's not America 不是美国的原因
  [04:48.33]It's everything I leave behind 是以前的事
  [04:51.21]Until a few years ago I know only my field 几年前我还只知道我的土地
  [04:55.42]The world for me started and ended there 对我而言那狭小的土地
  [04:57.88]in that little piece of the land 就是整个世界
  [05:00.21]I never walked down the main street of a city 我从来没有上过街
