听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 10(在线收听

  [00:04.93]Maybe you can't understand but 也许你不能理解
  [00:08.51]I understand perfectly 我完全能理解
  [00:13.06]I know someone 我知道有人
  [00:14.79]who went through something very similar 也有这样的经历
  [00:16.52]And one fine day did his field go dry too? 他的土地也干涸了
  [00:19.94]And did his wife also run off with a priest? 他的妻子也跟神父跑了
  [00:25.74]And did the fever take his five children? 他的五个孩子也被病魔夺去生命
  [00:31.58]No. But he ended up alone too 没有 但是他一直都很孤独
  [00:36.04]Then he is more lucky than me 那他比我幸运
  [00:39.29]I still have a daughter The young one 我还有一个女儿  最小的
  [00:43.04]She survived 她活了下来
  [00:44.75]And it's for her 为了她
  [00:47.71]that I decide one day to fight against my bad luck 有一天我决定不再坐以待毙
  [00:50.68]and travel all over without a destination 我四处游走  漫无目的
  [00:55.35]And then one day 有一天
  [00:58.06]when I go through 我去了一个
  [01:00.33]one of the many towns I never see before 从来没去过的镇
  [01:03.23]I come to a hill 我爬上一个小山
  [01:05.94]And then I see 然后我见到了
  [01:08.48]the most beautiful thing in my life 这辈子最美的东西
  [01:12.20]The sea 大海
  [01:13.82]The sea? 大海
  [01:15.82]I never see it before 我从没看见过

  [01:18.83]It was like lightning hit me 听到一种声音
  [01:22.62]Because I hear the voice 就像被闪电击中了
  [01:26.42]The voice of the sea? 大海的声音
  [01:27.67]Yeah, the voice of the sea 是 大海的声音
  [01:32.30]I never heard it 我从没听过
  [01:35.26]The voice of the sea it is like a shout 大海的声音就像呼喊
  [01:38.72]A shout big and strong 那种大而强的呼喊
  [01:41.05]screaming and screaming 一刻不停
  [01:43.39]And the thing it was screaming was: 就好像在说
  [01:45.94]You 你
  [01:50.48]with shit instead brains 这个猪脑子
  [01:54.07]life is immense can you understand that? 生命如此广阔  你能理解吗
  [01:59.66]Immense 广阔无边
  [02:02.03]I never think of it that way 我从来没这么想过
  [02:04.49]A revolution was in my head 脑袋就像被洗过了
  [02:07.58]That's how 这就是我为什么
  [02:09.85]I suddenly decide to change my life 突然决定改变我的生活
  [02:13.75]to start fresh 从新来过
  [02:16.21]Change life. Start fresh 改变生活  从新来过
  [02:20.01]Tell that to your friend 告诉你的那位朋友
  [02:21.80]Nineteen Hundred 1900
  [02:25.26]Nineteen Hundred 1900
  [02:30.27]It's Max Tooney, your friend 我是马克斯 托尼  你的朋友
  [02:33.81]Come on out, Nineteen Hundred! 出来吧 1900
  [02:36.02]I'm your friend too 我也是你的朋友
  [02:38.23]Even if we never met 也许从来没见过
  [02:40.53]Don't worry, no cops 不要当心 没警察
  [02:54.17]You said something about a piano 你说了些钢琴的事
  [02:55.67]Where was it exactly? 在哪儿
  [02:57.17]We found it over there 在那发现的
  [03:04.30]Nineteen Hundred 1900
  [03:08.59]On the violin yours truly, Bill Douglas 你们的小提琴手  比尔 道格拉斯
  [03:13.72]Tuba and bass, Freddie Loycano 贝司手  弗雷迪  罗卡弄
  [03:18.69]Max Tooney on trumpet 小号手 马克斯 托尼
  [03:22.73]And finally, on piano 最后 钢琴师
  [03:26.19]Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred 丹尼 博得曼 T.D. 雷蒙  1900
  [03:30.07]the greatest 最好的
  [03:39.00]For the last time Nineteen Hundred, just... 最后一次 1900 不要...
  [03:41.37]just the normal notes 不要给我惹麻烦
  [03:43.13]End of the line 开始了
  [04:28.42]Where do yu get it? 你怎么想到的
  [04:31.34]What? 什么
  [04:32.21]The music 灵感
  [04:33.55]I don't know. You see that woman over there 不知道  举个例子
  [04:35.30]for example? 你看见那边那个女人吗
  [04:41.85]She looks like someone 她看起来
  [04:42.64]who's killed her husband 就像和她情夫一起
  [04:44.41]with the help of her lover 杀了她丈夫
  [04:46.18]And now she's running off 现在正带着
  [04:47.66]with the family jewels 珠宝在跑路
  [04:49.15]Don't you think this music's her? 你不觉得曲子像她
  [04:51.15]Damn, it's true 他妈的 没错
  [04:56.82]You see that guy over there? 你看那边那个人
  [04:59.99]He can't forget a thing 他有心事
