听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 23(在线收听

  [01:29.56]Hey, Max 麦克斯
  [01:33.52]Picture the scene at the Golden Gates 想像一下在天国的门前
  [01:36.65]Some guy searching a list trying to find my name 有个人看着名单  试图找到我的名字
  [01:38.59]not finding it 却找不到
  [01:41.57]What did you say your name was again? "再说一遍你叫什么"
  [01:43.41]Nineteen Hundred 1900
  [01:45.49]Niemann, Nightingale, Ninestock... 尼曼  南丁格尔   纳音斯达克...
  [01:50.41]Nittledeen? 尼齐丁
  [01:51.58]Well, you see, sir I was born on a ship 你看  先生  我是在船上出生的
  [01:55.17]Beg your pardon? 你说什么
  [01:56.38]Born, raised, and died on a ship 我在船上生  在船上长  在船上结束生命
  [01:58.71]Maybe I'm not registered there 说不定你的册子里没我的名字
  [02:01.05]Shipwreck? 你是死在船上的
  [02:04.34]Six and a half tons of dynamite Boom 六吨半的炸药炸的
  [02:10.27]Feeling better now? 现在感觉好多了吧
  [02:11.89]Yeah, I'm fine except I lost an arm 是啊  感觉还不错  除了少了条胳膊
  [02:16.65]An arm? 少胳膊
  [02:18.44]Yes, in the explosion 对  炸飞了

  [02:20.86]Well, you should be able to find one over there 没事  你能在那找到条新胳膊
  [02:26.53]Which one did you say you were missing? 你少了哪条胳膊
  [02:28.87]Left, sir 左边的  先生
  [02:30.70]I'm dreadfully sorry 十分抱歉
  [02:35.83]we only seem to have two rights 我们这里似乎只剩下两条右胳膊了
  [02:39.38]Two right arms? 只有两条右胳膊
  [02:40.75]Afraid so 恐怕是这样
  [02:44.59]Would you mind awfully if... 你介不介意如果...
  [02:49.93]If I what? 如果我什么
  [02:51.18]Well, if you take a right arm instead of a left? 如果你能接受用一条右胳膊替代左边的
  [02:58.48]Well, all things considered better 那么  好像就算只有右胳膊也比
  [03:01.60]a right arm than nothing, I suppose 什么都没有强  我想是这样
  [03:04.73]Couldn't agree more 双手赞成
  [03:09.36]No laughing matter, Max 笑也没用  麦克斯
  [03:13.41]What a cock-up 糟糕啊
  [03:15.33]Spend eternity with two right arms? 下辈子得一直过只有两条右胳膊的生活
  [03:20.08]I mean, how would you make the sign of the cross? 我说  你要怎么用胳膊做出十字的形状啊
  [03:37.68]Hey, Max 麦克斯
  [03:41.47]Imagine the music I could play with two right arms 想象一下我用两条右胳膊弹奏的钢琴曲吧
  [03:45.69]Hope I can find a piano up there 希望我能在上面找着架钢琴
