听电影学英语-给朱丽叶的信 04(在线收听

  [00:02.26]Husbands are like wine. They take a long time to mature. 丈夫就像酒 需要时间才能成熟
  [00:07.80]Francesca is a nurse. She deals with illness and loss. 弗兰西斯卡是护士 她专管疾病和丧失
  [00:11.67]And Maria... 还有马利亚...
  [00:13.24]Why do you always sigh when you say my name? 你说我名字的时候为什么总要叹气呢?
  [00:15.61]She has 12 children, 29 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. 她有12个孩子 29个孙子 还有16个重孙子
  [00:20.55]She writes whatever she likes.       And you? 她爱回什么就回什么      你呢?
  [00:23.35]Isabella answers the ones you can barely read. 伊莎丽拉管那些看不出来写了啥的
  [00:27.59]Yeah, the lovers’ quarrels, the breakups, the really tangled hearts. 是的 爱情中的争吵啊 分手啊 悲痛的心灵啊
  [00:32.86]Someone has to do it. 这也得有人回啊
  [00:36.53]My mother. Would you like to stay for dinner, Sophie? 是我妈妈 你想留下吃晚饭吗 索菲?
  [00:49.28]Mamma, this is not an insult. 妈妈 这不是无礼
  [00:53.81]I make a beautiful dish, big enough for the whole town, 我做了一顿大餐 全镇的人都吃不完
  [00:59.85]and she says no. 她拒绝了
  [01:01.39]I would love to, but I do... I have to go. 我很愿意 但我... 我得走了
  [01:04.86]This is the problem of the americani. 这就是美国人的毛病
  [01:08.06]Always running.       Please, Mamma. 总是落跑      好了 妈妈
  [01:11.40]I have to meet my fiance 我得去找我未婚夫
  [01:13.93]Fiance 未婚夫?
  [01:23.88]At least take some dessert for you and your fiance 最起码给你和你未婚夫带点甜点吧?
  [01:48.90]Hey, hey, hey, hey. 嘿嘿嘿
  [01:50.67]You know, 120 kilometers each way and I’m still beating you? 知道吗 相隔120公里 我还是回来得比你早
  [01:53.54]Congratulations.       What? Yeah. What? 祝贺你      什么? 怎样?
  [01:55.64]I mean, how was Verona? How was it without me? 我是说 维罗纳怎么样? 没有我它还美吗?

  [01:58.25]Empty? Half-empty? Completely empty? 空城? 空了一半? 全空了?
  [02:01.18]Half-empty. 半空虚
  [02:02.58]I met the Secretaries of Juliet.       Juliet? 我见到了朱丽叶的秘书们      朱丽叶?
  [02:05.99]Like Juliet Capulet?       Yeah. 朱丽叶·凯普莱特那个?      是的
  [02:07.92]There are these women that call themselves the Secretaries of Juliet, 她们自称为朱丽叶的秘书们
  [02:11.56]and they write letters to people that write letters to Juliet. 她们给世界各地给朱丽叶写信的人回信
  [02:15.50]And then these secretaries, they work for the city of Verona, 她们是为维罗纳城工作的
  [02:19.47]and, like, all these people, 而且 所有这些人
  [02:21.30]these brokenhearted women all over the world, 全世界心碎的女人们
  [02:23.17]come and they write letters 她们来此 写信

  [02:25.34]and leave them on the wall.       What’s in the bag? 把信贴在墙上      袋子里是什么?
  [02:27.81]I don’t know. 我也不知道
  [02:30.41]So, they post these letters. 她们把信张贴
  [02:31.71]They post them on the wall in Juliet’s courtyard, 她们把信贴在朱丽叶的庭院里
  [02:34.01]and then these secretaries come back with this basket 秘书们带着篮子回来
  [02:37.15]and they retrieve the letters every day. 每天都去收信
  [02:40.35]And then they write back, as Juliet, 然后她们以朱丽叶的身份回信
  [02:42.96]to all the letters that have return addresses on them. 给那些有回信地址的
  [02:45.83]This is their job. I mean, it’s so unbelievable. 这是她们的工作 这真是难以置信
  [02:48.30]This is their passion. It’s what they do every day. 这是她们的激情 她们每天的工作
  [02:51.57]They literally will work all day, every day.       Mmm! Oh, my God! 她们其实每天都工作 从不休假      我的天哪!
  [02:53.93]And they’ve been doing it for years. 她们这样已经好多年了
  [02:55.58]Sophie. Wow. This is incredible! 索菲 真是难以置信!
  [02:56.54]And they... 她们还...
  [02:58.00]This is incredible. 真不敢相信
  [02:59.94]This is incredible. Oh, my God. 真不敢相信 天哪
  [03:02.71]This is great. Try this, try this. You have to try this. Oh, my God. 真好吃 尝尝 你一定得尝尝 天哪
  [03:06.11]No... Give it a good bite. Come on. 不... 咬一大口 快
  [03:12.55]Your Victor is very passionate. 你的维克多很有激情
  [03:14.62]Yes, yes, I know. 是的 我知道
  [03:16.66]But he seems to think that he’s Italian since we got here. 但好像自从到这后 他就认为自己是意大利人了
  [03:20.53]And although imitation is, of course, the highest form of flattery, 尽管 模仿是最高级别的赞美
  [03:23.40]his imitations are not very good. 他的模仿却不怎么好
  [03:24.77]Okay, that woman is amazing. I mean, she’s incredible. 这女人真了不起 让人不敢相信
  [03:27.47]She’s incredible. I think I’m in love. 她真强 我爱上她了
  [03:29.04]Absolutely.       You’re in love with her? 当然的      你爱上她了?
  [03:31.00]Yeah. Yeah.       Really? 是的      真的?
  [03:33.51]Okay. Just say no. 好吧 快否认
  [03:35.61]Just say no, and I won’t do it, really.  否认 我就不会了
  [03:37.00]I mean, I’m dying to do it, but I won’t. 我都等不及了 但我不会的
  [03:40.51]Okay. What? 好吧 什么?
  [03:43.25]Angelina’s offered to teach me some secrets today. 安吉丽娜今天要告诉我一些秘诀
  [03:46.09]Okay.       Yeah. 好吧      好
  [03:47.72]Okay, right now and all day? 好 从现在开始 持续一天?

  [03:49.62]Like, right now. That’s crazy, right? I mean, now. That’s amazing. 就是现在 真疯狂哈? 现在 太棒了
  [03:52.26]I mean, she’s making risotto all’Amarone, right? Yeah? 她在做阿马罗内意式烩饭 对吧?
  [03:55.10]Good risotto.       You see? 高质量的意式烩饭      看吧?
  [03:57.06]You see, it’s, like, 300 years old or something, her recipe.  你看 她的菜谱好像有300年那么老了
  [03:59.50]It’s fantastic. 真神奇
  [04:00.07]Okay. That’s great. But... So, no Lake Garda then today? 是挺神奇 但是... 今天就不去加尔达湖了?
  [04:03.87]Oh, yeah. Lake Garda... 是的 加尔达湖...
  [04:05.11]I mean, Lake Garda’s been there for, like, 500,000 years, you know. 要知道 加尔达湖存在已经50万年了
  [04:08.31]And right now, Angelina’s offered to help me. 而就在此刻 安吉丽娜要帮我
  [04:10.61]And, you know, I mean, I’m here, we’re here, you know. 你知道 我说 我在这儿 我们在这儿
  [04:12.45]We’re having a good time.       You, Paul Newman, 我们很开心      你 保罗·纽曼
  [04:14.48]you want to work, you have to watch! 你要工作 你要学习!
  [04:18.45]You see? I mean, you see, I became Paul Newman. All right? 你看? 我变成了保罗·纽曼 行了吧?
  [04:22.66]Okay, what shall I do? I mean, my hands are tied. 我要怎么做? 我分身乏术
  [04:24.99]I don’t know. I don’t know. 我不知道 不知道
  [04:26.13]You could help us if you like. 如果你愿意 可以帮我们
  [04:28.13]Yeah! Yeah. The letter thing, right? Why not? 是啊 那些信 为什么不呢?
  [04:30.56]Yeah, yeah, you write the letters and I’ll cook. And later we eat and... 对了 你去写信 我来煮饭 之后我们吃饭...
  [04:33.57]Win-win. 双赢
  [04:35.90]How long have you and Victor been engaged? 你和维克多订婚多久了?
  [04:37.77]Almost a year. 快一年了
  [04:39.01]Wow. And may I ask why don’t you wear an engagement ring? 哇 能不能问一句 为什么不戴订婚戒指
  [04:42.84]Yeah, see, that’s... That’s me. I insisted. 看 这是... 因为我 我坚持的
  [04:46.11]He was so busy, you know, this whole restaurant and everything. 他很忙 要顾餐厅还有别的
  [04:50.02]And I guess I felt it unnecessary. 我觉得这不必要
  [04:55.56]Still, a girl should have a ring. 但是 女孩还是要有戒指的
