听电影学英语-给朱丽叶的信 06(在线收听

  [00:01.76]And also because it fits perfectly. 也因为这样很合适
  [00:03.73]Because I just got off the phone with Signor Morini, 因为我刚跟辛约格·莫里尼通过电话
  [00:06.47]and he’s invited me to this amazing wine auction 他约我去里窝那的
  [00:09.00]that’s happening in Livorno. 很棒的红酒拍卖会
  [00:10.30]In Livorno?       Yeah, yeah, yeah. 里窝那?      是的
  [00:12.61]It’s super-exclusive. 只此一家
  [00:14.17]I mean, I don’t know... I don’t know if I can get a ticket, you know. 我不知道... 我也不知道能不能搞到票
  [00:17.71]I mean, I’ll be off, like, a day or two, max.  我是说 我可能会离开一两天
  [00:20.54]If you want, I’ll try to get two tickets, 如果你想的话 我会搞到两张票的
  [00:22.48]but I’m not sure I can get two tickets.       Yeah. 但我也不确定能不能弄到      好吧
  [00:25.42]To a wine auction? In Livorno? 红酒拍卖会? 在里窝那?
  [00:27.99]Yeah, it sounds terrible. I know. 我知道 听起来很可怕
  [00:30.19]I’m sorry. I’m so... 对不起 我太...
  [00:31.59]I feel terrible now. I feel terrible. I mean, it’s... 我现在感觉不好 这真...
  [00:35.33]I miss you already, you know. 我已经开始想你了 你知道的
  [00:40.23]I’ll be back very soon. Okay?       Yeah. Be careful. 我很快回来 好吗?      好的 小心点
  [00:49.08]Bye! Ciao. 再见
  [01:18.87]Listen to what this poor girl writes. 听听这可怜的女孩写的什么
  [01:21.21]"Juliet, is there anything worse in this world than a man?" "朱丽叶 这世界上还有比男人更可恶的东西吗?"
  [01:29.18]Excuse me. 不好意思
  [01:31.75]I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you the Secretaries of Juliet? 抱歉打扰了 但你们是朱丽叶的秘书们吧?
  [01:37.06]Yes, that’s us.       Great. 是的 是我们      太好了
  [01:39.19]May I ask, which one of you  我能不能问一下 你们中哪个

  [01:40.80]wrote this letter to my grandmother, Claire Smith? 给我奶奶克莱尔·史密斯写的这封信
  [01:44.96]I wrote that. And I can’t believe that it found you. 是我写的 真不敢相信寄到你这儿来了
  [01:48.07]Yes. We Brits tend to stay in our family homes. 是的 我们英国人喜欢住在故居
  [01:51.57]Yeah. This is amazing. It’s less than a week since I mailed it. 太棒了 我才寄了不到一周呢
  [01:56.44]It was a very thoughtful letter. 这封信写的非常周到
  [01:59.51]Now, what were you thinking? 请问 您在想什么呢?
  [02:04.52]I was thinking that she deserved an answer. 我觉得她应该得到一个答案
  [02:07.82]Yeah, 50 years ago, maybe. Not now. 50年前可能吧 现在不需要
  [02:09.99]I’m sorry. I didn’t know true love had an expiration date. 对不起 我不知道真爱还有保质期的

  [02:13.76]True love? Are you joking? 真爱? 你是说笑吗?
  [02:16.50]Could you imagine what would’ve happened if she hadn’t seen sense? 如果她不冷静 你能相像会出什么事吗?
  [02:19.07]Well, yeah, you wouldn’t be here, and that would be an upside. 是的 你就不会来了 这倒是好事
  [02:21.33]What are you doing here anyway? 那你到底是干嘛来这?
  [02:22.41]What, are you some lonely American girl  你就是那寂寞的美国女孩
  [02:24.87]who has to live vicariously through others? 非得在别人的生活中才能感到自己存在吗?
  [02:26.41]I’m not lonely. I am engaged. 我不寂寞 我订婚了
  [02:29.64]My condolences to the groom. 祝新郎安息
  [02:42.09]Excuse me! 你说什么
  [02:44.02]So that’s it?  这就是你的目的?
  [02:44.87]You’ve come all the way from London to give me a lecture? 你大老远从伦敦过来就为了对我说教?
  [02:46.96]No, I came because I couldn’t let my grandmother come on her own. 不 我来的原因是我不能让我奶奶自己过来
  [02:49.86]Claire is here? Why? 克莱尔也来了? 为什么?
  [02:52.43]I think even you might be able to work that one out. 我想像你这么蠢的人应该也能想出来
  [02:57.07]Oh, my God! 我的天哪!
  [02:58.87]That’s awesome! She’s come to find her Lorenzo! 太棒了! 她来找她的洛伦佐!
  [03:03.24]Awesome? 棒?
  [03:07.61]And if Lorenzo doesn’t want to see her, has forgotten her, 如果洛伦佐不想见她 已经忘了她
  [03:11.25]is gravely ill or dead, let’s say, just for fun, then what? 病得半死或已经死了 这只是假设 那怎么办?
  [03:18.76]Thought so. 早就想到了
  [03:20.69]I want to meet her. I’d like to meet Claire. 我想见见她 我想见见克莱尔
  [03:22.96]And I want to play for Manchester United, but I’m shit at football. 我还想给曼联踢球呢 但我球技比中国队还烂
  [03:25.47]You don’t think that she wants to meet me? 你不觉得她也想见我吗?
  [03:27.00]I honestly think she has no interest meeting a woman 我真的认为她没有兴趣去见一个
  [03:30.12]that can manage to jam, "Oh, my God" and "awesome"  能把"我的天哪"和"棒"
  [03:33.35]into the same sentence. 连在一起说的女人
  [04:08.54]Gran, they’re closing up. We should go now. 奶奶 他们要关门了 我们该走了
  [04:27.53]Excuse me. Claire? Hi. Hi. My name is Sophie, 不好意思 克莱尔? 嗨 我叫索菲
  [04:32.07]and I wrote you the letter. 你收到的信是我写的
  [04:36.04]Letter? From Juliet? 信? 朱丽叶那封?
  [04:39.21]Goodness! Thank you. 天哪 谢谢你
  [04:42.84]Thank you. But however did you find us? 谢谢 但你是怎么找到我们的?
  [04:45.04]Well, your grandson found me, actually.       You did? 其实是你孙子去找的我      真的?
  [04:47.48]Right, well, the thing is, 是的 其实是这样
  [04:49.05]I thought we should...       Yeah, well, he’s very sweet 我觉得我们应该...      是的 他很体贴

  [04:51.25]and very charming, and he thought that you might like to meet me. 也很迷人 他觉得你也许想见见我
  [04:57.79]Uncharacteristically thoughtful of you, dear. 真没看出你能这么周到呢 亲爱的
  [04:59.89]Yes, well, under the circumstances, 是的 情况使然
