听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 10(在线收听

  [00:01.52]他们是真人吗? Are they real people?
  [00:03.53]他们当然是真人 他们是奥柏伦柏人 Of course they’re real people. They’re Oompa-Loompas.
  [00:09.70]-奥柏伦柏人?  -直接从伦柏地进口的 -Oompa-Loompas? -Imported, direct from Loompaland.
  [00:12.83]-没这个地方  -什么? -There’s no such place. -What?
  [00:15.60]旺卡先生  我教高中地理  我跟你说... Mr. Wonka, I teach high-school geography, and I’m here to tell you...
  [00:19.27]那你应该清楚  那个地方太可怕了 Well, then you’ll know all about it, and, oh, what a terrible country it is.
  [00:35.46]整片土地上只有茂密的丛林... The whole place is nothing but thick jungles...
  [00:37.96]到处都是全世界最危险的怪兽 infested by the most dangerous beasts in the entire world.
  [00:42.40]独角兽和怪鼻兽 还有可怕又邪恶的丑怪兽 Hornswogglers and snozzwangers and those terrible, wicked whangdoodles.
  [01:07.99]我去伦柏地找异国风糖果口味 I went to Loompaland looking for exotic new flavors for candy.
  [01:16.00]结果却... Instead...
  [01:17.47]找到奥柏伦柏人 I found the Oompa-Loompas.
  [01:27.64]他们住在树屋里 躲避地面上的凶猛怪兽 They lived in tree houses to escape from the fierce creatures who lived below.
  [01:36.15]奥柏伦柏人只能吃非常难吃的绿毛虫 The Oompa-Loompas ate nothing but green caterpillars, which tasted revolting.
  [01:41.76]他们一直找别的东西... The Oompa-Loompas looked for other things...
  [01:43.93]来拌毛虫糊  看能不能好吃一点 to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better:
  [01:46.93]红甲虫  梆梆树皮 Red beetles, the bark of the bong-bong tree.
  [01:50.53]全都不好吃... All of them beastly...

  [01:52.34]但比光吃毛毛虫好吃多啦 but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars.
  [02:27.28]但他们最想吃的食物是可可豆 But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean.
  [02:35.22]每个奥柏伦柏人一年能找到 三四颗可可豆就算幸运了 An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cocoa beans a year.
  [02:39.09]他们超爱吃可可豆 But, oh, how they craved them.
  [02:42.73]他们整天只想着可可豆 All they’d ever think about was cocoa beans.
  [02:51.24]可可豆是巧克力的原料 于是我跟酋长说... The cocoa bean is the thing from which chocolate is made, so I told the chief:
  [03:16.20]他们都是勤劳的工人 They are such wonderful workers.
  [03:19.07]但我警告你们  他们很顽皮 I feel I must warn you, though, they are rather mischievous.
  [03:22.17]一天到晚恶作剧 Always making jokes.
  [03:24.41]奥古塔斯  千万别那样做 Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing you do!
  [03:30.41]小男孩 Hey, little boy.
  [03:32.05]不要用手去碰我的巧克力 My chocolate must be untouched by human hands.

  [03:42.09]他会溺死的 He’ll drown.
  [03:45.00]他不会游泳 He can’t swim.
  [03:46.70]快救他! Save him!
  [03:49.47]奥古塔斯!  不! Augustus! No!
  [03:58.58]奥古塔斯! Augustus!
  [04:09.65]奥古塔斯  小心! Augustus, watch out!
  [04:29.11]他被吸上去了 There he goes.
  [04:32.28]快来人  救命啊! Call the fire brigade!
  [04:34.11]那根管子居然够粗耶 It’s a wonder how that pipe is big enough.
  [04:37.28]不够粗啦 他慢下来了 It isn’t big enough. He’s slowing down.
  [04:39.65]他会卡住的 He’s gonna stick.
  [04:42.52]已经卡住了 I think he has.
  [04:47.36]整根管子都被他塞住了 He’s blocked the whole pipe.
  [04:51.90]你们看  奥柏伦柏人 Look. The Oompa-Loompas.
