听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 07(在线收听

  [00:02.89]It’s all you, baby. 这就交给你啦.
  [00:04.57]- I don’t think we should be doing this. - I want Anna to be happy. - 我认为我们不该这样做. - 我只是想安娜开心而已.
  [00:10.09]You think the only way is to give her freedom... 你说唯一的方法就是给她自由...
  [00:13.09]...so that’s what I’m doing. ...那我就给她咯.
  [00:14.45]Only, I’m gonna be the one controlling that freedom. 只有在我能控制这自由的情况下.
  [00:17.77]Trust me. It’s perfect diplomacy in action. 相信我. 这是完美的外交行动.
  [00:27.49]They just left? 他们都走了?
  [00:29.69]Yeah, I guess you gave them the slip. Too smart for them, hey? 是的,我想是你骗走了他们. 他们也太聪明了,是吗?
  [00:35.69]So I’m free. 我自由了.
  [00:40.73]Yes! I finally will get to experience the real Prague. 太棒了! 我终于可以体验一下真正的布拉格了.
  [00:46.57]I wanna taste it. I wanna smell it. 我要品尝它的味道.
  [00:47.77]Be sure to smell it before you taste it. 品尝之前先闻闻.
  [00:52.61]- Ben, I wanna find passion... - Awful. - 本, 我要寻找激情-- - 糟糕.
  [00:55.45]- Sorry about that, we’re just... - Yeah. - 对不起, 我们只是-- - 好.
  [00:59.13]Looking for passion. 寻找点激情.
  [01:04.49]Tell you what. Second thoughts. Why don’t we just forget the bike. 我和你说. 重新考虑一下. 我们不骑摩托车好不好.

  [01:08.21]Okay. Sorry. 好.
  [01:52.41]It’s so beautiful. 太美了.
  [01:55.09]- Okay, now you’ve seen it. Let’s go. - Hold this. - 嗯, 现在你看到啦.我们走吧. - 帮我拿住这个.
  [01:58.13]- What are you doing? - I’m taking my clothes off. - 你要干嘛? - 我要脱了衣服.
  [02:05.81]- Can you please stop it? - I told you, I wanna experience freedom... - 别这样好吗? - 我告诉过你,我要体验自由的滋味...
  [02:09.01]...at its utmost freest. ...最大限度的自由.
  [02:10.01]I wanna swim naked in the Danube! 我要在多瑙河裸泳!
  [02:16.53]Actually, it’s the Vltava. 实事上这是,这是伏尔塔瓦河.
  [02:18.21]Who wants to swim naked in the Vltava? Nobody says that. 谁想要在伏尔塔瓦河裸泳? 没人这样说的.
  [02:21.57]In English, Vltava means "unhealthy bacteria level." 用英语说"Vltava"(伏尔塔瓦河) 的意思是"有害细菌的水平."
  [02:22.57]- Yeah, right. - Why can’t you be free... - 哦,好. - 你不裸泳...
  [02:27.09]...without being naked? - Can you help me unhook this? - ...就不自由了吗? - 可以帮我解开吗?
  [02:30.25]- Oh, good Lord. - Never mind. I got it. - 哦,天啊. - 不介意.我脱了.
  [02:35.13]I’m a dead man. I am officially a dead man. 我是个坏男人.我真的是个该死的坏人.
  [02:41.29]Oh, perfect. 噢, 太完美了.
  [02:42.65]Anna, get here right now. 安娜, 马上上来.
  [02:46.01]This is inappropriate behavior in a public place. 在公共场所这样的行为不适当.

  [02:49.85]- I’m not coming in that water. - Like to buy that camera, please. - 我不会下水的. - 我想买你的相机.
  [02:51.85]Why would I want to...? 我为什么要卖--?
  [03:01.09]- Okay. - Thank you. There. - 好吧. - 谢谢.
  [03:02.41]Pleasure doing business with you. 很高兴和你交易.
  [03:05.61]Honey? You know, let’s get a quick shot. 宝贝? 我们来照张快照吧.
  [03:08.13]- Just one for the kids. Quick one. - Smile. - 就一张.快. - 笑.
  [03:10.29]All right, what do you say? Schnitzel. 很好, 你说呢?“茄子”
  [03:17.85]I tell you what. 我说啊.
  [03:20.49]I bet a nice, warm bubble bath back at the hotel would be fabulous about now. 现在回去酒店洗个热水澡将会非常舒服.
  [03:24.21]- It would be my pleasure to escort you. - No. I’ve smelled the city... - 我很乐意送你回去. - 不. 我已经闻过了这城市的味道...
  [03:27.89]...and now I wanna taste it. - God, I knew you were gonna say that. -...我现在要品尝一下了. -天, 我就知道你要那样说.
  [03:33.09]You are no fun. You know that? 你很没趣.你知道吗?
  [03:36.93]Oh, I’m sorry. I tend to lose my joi de vivre when I’m cold, wet... 噢,对不起.我一冷我就会要烦躁和...
  [03:40.45]...and starting to chafe. ...开始恼火了.
  [03:42.93]It’s your own fault. Who swims fully clothed in the Danube? 这是你自己的错.有谁穿着衣服在多瑙河游泳的?
  [03:46.97]We’ve been over this. 别再说了.
  [03:49.81]Where’s that music coming from? 这音乐哪来的?
  [03:59.21]Oh, my God. 哦,我的天啊.
  [04:02.05]It’s amazing. 太令人诧异了.
  [04:15.45]I wanna see it from up there. 我想从那上面往下看.
  [04:25.81]See, what you don’t understand is, like, this is historic for me. 你不明白,这对我来说是历史性意义的.
  [04:31.49]No one ever lets me do anything remotely dangerous, and I’m never alone. 没有人会让我来这种危险的地方 我也从来不会是一个人
  [04:34.89]Anyway, it’s not like this is that dangerous or anything. 总之不会有这种危险的状况和事情发生.
  [04:38.37]Well, not unless you grab the pipe. 嗯,如果你扶稳那烟囱的话.
  [04:45.93]Oh, God. 哦,天啊.
  [04:53.29]All right, it’s probably best if you hold your horses and let me go first... 好,你扶好了,让我先带路...
  [04:58.33]...because this looks to me like it could be a little bit... ...因为这样我可以走得更...
