听电影学英语-朱诺 13(在线收听

  [00:06.64]Can you hear me, baby? 能听见我吗,宝宝?
  [00:10.12]Sweet angel? 可爱的天使?
  [00:23.24]I felt him! 我感觉到他了!
  [00:25.56]Oh, God. 哦,上帝
  [00:27.44]That was magical. 太神奇了
  [00:33.00]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你,谢谢你
  [00:48.48]∮Elope with me, Miss Private∮ ∮和我私奔吧,姑娘∮
  [00:49.36]∮And we’ll sail around the world∮ ∮我们航游世界∮
  [00:53.44]∮I will be your Ferdinand and you my wayward girl∮ ∮我会是你的情郎,而你是我任性的小姑娘∮
  [00:56.36]∮How many nights of talking in hotel rooms can you take?∮ ∮你还记得旅馆房间的多少个夜晚∮
  [01:01.20]∮How many nights of limping ’round some pagan holidays?∮ ∮多少个一起漫步的假日∮
  [01:05.16]∮Oh, elope with me in private∮ ∮偷偷跟我私奔吧∮

  [01:09.88]∮And we’ll set something ablaze∮ ∮我们要点燃激情∮
  [01:11.28]∮A trail for the devil to erase…∮ ∮激情的轨迹让恶魔去擦拭∮
  [01:14.52]∮And… if you can’t, if you can’t decide∮ ∮如果你做不了决定∮
  [01:17.24]∮Between a little breakfast and lunch∮ ∮在早餐和午餐之间∮
  [01:20.20]∮Why don’t you microwave yourself∮ ∮为什么不用微波炉烤烤自己∮
  [01:22.48]∮A little bowl of brunch?∮ ∮一个早午餐的小碗∮
  [01:27.12]Hello? 喂?
  [01:28.36]Hey! 嘿!
  [01:29.64]Hi. 嗨
  [01:30.92]So, um, 那个
  [01:32.20]I’ve been listening to that 我最近在听那盘怪怪的CD
  [01:33.44]really weird CD that you made me. 你为我录的那盘
  [01:35.40]Well, it’s cute. 蛮逗的
  [01:35.92]Yeah, what’s the verdict? 哦,有何高见呢?
  [01:39.36]"It’s cute"? “蛮逗的”?
  [01:40.68]When you’re used to listening 如果你听惯了
  [01:41.96]to the raw power of Iggy and The Stooges, Iggy&The Stooges(朋克摇滚乐队)那些粗犷的劲歌
  [01:43.56]everything else just sounds kind of like… 再去听其他的音乐
  [01:45.56]Well, I imagine you’ve got a collection of punk chestnuts 我想你一定收了不少朋克老调
  [01:45.72]precious in comparison. 就会觉得太矫揉造作
  [01:49.44]to prove your point. 来证明你的观点吧
  [01:51.00]Well… consider it your musical education. 就当是我教你的音乐知识好了
  [01:54.48]Can’t wait to see what you’ve got to teach me. 不知你要教我些什么,迫不及待啊
  [01:55.08]Stop surfing porn and get back to work. 别再上黄网了,专心工作去
  [02:01.44]I just wanted to call and say hi. 我打电话的目的,只是想问声好
  [02:03.32]Right. Go learn something. 好吧,去学习吧
  [02:06.40]I’ll have a little trip down Mexico way. 我想先来一碗墨西哥风情
  [02:09.32]And Greece and China apparently. 再来一份希腊小吃,外加一盆中国大菜
  [02:10.48]How many months has it been now? 到现在几个月了?
  [02:11.00]You’re getting huge. 你的肚子真恐怖
  [02:12.56]Oh, it’s honing in on eight. 快耗进第八个月了
  [02:16.04]You should see how weird I look naked. 你该看看我光着身子是个啥德性
  [02:17.64]I wish my fun bags would get bigger. 要是我的咪咪也能变大就好了
  [02:19.64]God, trust me, you don’t. 相信我,到时候你就不会这么想了

  [02:20.32]I have to actually wear a frickin’ bra now 我现在就戴着一副奇傻的胸罩
  [02:24.32]and rub all this nasty cocoa butter stuff on myself 还得往肚子上抹恶心的可可油
  [02:26.52]so, like… I don’t know, my skin won’t explode. 就为了… 其实我也不确定,人家说这样皮肤不会绷断
  [02:29.88]Hot. 赞啊
  [02:34.52]Well, you are kind of convex, you know. 因为你看起来就像一个凸面
  [02:34.84]Why is everyone always staring at me? 为什么每个人都盯着我看?
  [02:40.00]Who’s been doing their geometry homework for once? 你丫也开始补做几何作业了?
  [02:42.12]Keith’s been grading me, like, so hard lately. 基思最近给我打分严的很
  [02:42.68]I have no choice. 我也是被逼的
  [02:47.36]Do not call Mr.Connors Keith. 别在我面前提康纳斯·基思老师的名字
  [02:48.48]Why? 为啥?
  [02:51.36]’Cause my barf reflex is really heightened these days. 因为这几天我的呕吐反射特别厉害
  [02:52.16]Ew, he’s all beardy. 恶,满脸都是胡子
  [02:53.64]But Keith’s hot. 但基思他… 太赞了啊
  [02:59.52]Did you hear that Bleek is going to prom with Katrina De Voort? 听没听说布里克要和卡特里娜·德·沃克一起参加学校舞会?
  [03:03.56]Katrina?! 卡特里娜?!
  [03:06.04]No, way, no, he doesn’t like Katrina. 不可能,绝不可能,他不喜欢卡特里娜
  [03:08.04]Must be, like, a pity date or something. 多半是出于怜悯,才勉强同意的吧
  [03:08.72]I heard he asked her. 我亲耳听见他向她发出邀请的
  [03:09.96]And that they’re going to Benihana 他们会先去红花铁板烧吃饭
  [03:11.20]and then prom and then Vijay’s parents’ cabin. 然后去舞会,最后去V.J.父母的小木屋
  [03:13.92]Oh, what’re you talk… 哦,你说什么东…
  [03:15.88]He told me that Katrina’s house smells like soup. 他跟我说,卡特里娜的房子闻着就像一锅汤
  [03:18.00]Oh. Oh, my God, it totally does. 哦神啊,他说的完全没错
  [03:18.40]I was there, like, four years ago for a birthday party. 四年前我去那儿参加生日宴会
  [03:21.76]Oh, my God, it’s like Lipton Landing. 我的天,那味道活像一碗魔厨高汤
  [03:24.16]But, you know, boys have endured way worse things for nookie. 不过,男生为了和妞爽一把,再糟的味道也会忍
  [03:27.36]Oh, please. 哦,拜托
  [03:30.64]There is no way that they’re having sex. 他俩没可能上床的
  [03:30.72]I mean, they wouldn’t even be holding hands. 说不定连牵手都没牵过
  [03:33.52]Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure. He did it with you. 哦,那我可不敢肯定,他和你有例在先
  [03:34.88]Yeah, ’cause Bleek trusts me, you know. 没错,那是因为布里克相信我
  [03:36.88]We’re best friends. 我们是最好的朋友
  [03:39.88]Are you jealous? 你是不是吃醋啊?
  [03:41.36]I thought you said you didn’t care what he did. 记得你说过,你不在乎他做什么
  [03:43.92]Not jealous, don’t care. 不是在吃醋,我的确不在乎
  [03:45.92]It’s just, I know Bleek doesn’t like Katrina, you know. 只是我知道,布里克不喜欢卡特里娜的
  [03:46.64]He shouldn’t toy with her emotions like that, 他不该那样玩弄人家的感情

  [03:50.08]Uh-huh, I’m really convinced. 哦是吗,你讲得好有道理哎
  [03:50.32]’cause she seems pretty nice. 她看上去人还不错
  [03:53.40]You know, prom is for weenuses anyway. 去学校舞会的反正都是些小弟弟
  [03:54.20]As soon as you you’re old enough to go, it’s so not cool anymore. 等到了参加舞会的年纪,就会觉得没啥必要去了
  [04:07.48]Are you honestly and truly going to prom with Katrina De Voort? 你当真、果然、一定要和卡特里娜·德·沃克去参加舞会?
  [04:09.88]Uh, hi. 哦,你好
  [04:12.96]Leah just-just said that you were going to go with her. 就在刚才,丽雅说你要和那姑娘去舞会
  [04:13.88]Yeah, I did ask her if she wanted to go. 是,我是问过她想不想去
  [04:16.32]Um, a bunch of us from the team 我们队里的一些人
  [04:17.12]are going to go to Benihana and then go to the prom 打算先去红花铁板烧,然后去舞会
  [04:21.00]and then go to Vijay’s parents’ cabin, 最后去V.J.父母的小木屋
  [04:23.40]so… 所以么…
  [04:25.40]We-we-we’re getting a stretch limo. 我… 我们还叫了辆加长豪华车
  [04:27.28]Your mom must be pretty stoked that you’re not taking me. 你没约我,你妈一定乐疯了
  [04:31.76]You’re mad. Why are you mad? 你在生气,为什么呀?
  [04:34.52]I’m not mad. I’m in a… 我没在生气,我现在…
  [04:35.84]I’m in a great mood. 我现在心情好着呢
  [04:37.08]I mean, despite the fact that well, I’m in a fat suit 尽管我套着件超肥的外套
  [04:41.28]that pretty much everyone’s making fun of me behind my back 尽管人人都在背后取笑我
  [04:43.48]and despite the fact that your little girlfriend 尽管你那小女朋友…
  [04:47.36]gave me the stink eye in art class yesterday… 昨天在美术课上还给我白眼
  [04:48.52]Katrina’s not my girlfriend, all right? 卡特里娜不是我的女朋友
  [04:50.04]And I doubt that she gave you the stink eye. 我觉得她也没想给你白眼
  [04:53.72]That’s just… the way her face looks, you know. 只是… 她本来长得就那个样子,你知道的
  [04:55.72]That’s just her face. 她的脸就是那副长相
  [04:56.68]Yeah, what… You-you just take Soupy Sales to prom. 哦,那好… 你,你就带卖汤的去舞会吧
