听电影学英语-如果能再爱一次 16(在线收听

  [00:06.18]It's yours now. 现在是你的了
  [00:24.54]Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
  [00:26.33]You sure we can't walk? 你确定不用走路的?
  [00:27.62]It's pouring rain, silly. Here we go. 快下大雨了,傻瓜 冲吧
  [00:38.76]Wait! 等等!
  [00:58.86]What? 什么?
  [01:06.29]I love you. 我爱你
  [01:07.66]I love you, too. 我也爱你
  [01:11.12]I want to tell you why I love you. 我想告诉你我为何爱你
  [01:13.92]It's raining. You know that, right? 在下雨呢 你晓得,对吧?
  [01:19.34]I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. 我必须告诉你,你也必须听
  [01:26.72]I've loved you since I met you... 我对你一见钟情...
  [01:29.73]but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. 但直到今天我才允许自己 真正去体会
  [01:33.85]I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. 我一直先作考虑 毫无畏惧地下决定
  [01:41.45]Today, because of what I learned from you... 今天因为你,我从你身上学到...
  [01:48.87]every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. 我作的每个选择都不同了 我的人生已经彻底地改变了
  [01:54.75]And I've learned that if you do that, you're living your life fully. 我学到了如果自己那样做 才会过着充实的生活

  [02:01.55]It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. 不管剩五分钟或五十年都无所谓
  [02:12.23]Samantha, if not for today, if not for you... 珊曼莎,要不是今天,要不是你...
  [02:16.81]I would never have known love at all. 我永远不会明了爱情
  [02:25.61]So thank you for being the person who taught me to love. 谢谢你教我如何去爱
  [02:31.62]And to be loved. 以及被爱
  [02:37.04]I don't know what to say. 我不知道该说什么
  [02:42.76]You don't have to say anything. 你什么也不必说
  [02:48.64]I just wanted to tell you. 我只想告诉你
  [03:00.86]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [03:04.86]Let's go home. 我们回家吧
  [03:10.91]Are you coming? 要上车吗?
  [03:17.79]Of course. 当然
  [03:23.30]Ludgate Square, please. 麻烦到路德门广场
  [03:25.72]Yes, ma'am. 好的,小姐
  [04:13.31]You haven't got much time. 你时间不多了
  [04:21.90]Anything's possible. 凡事皆有可能
  [04:59.85]I'm so sorry. 真是遗憾
