听电影学英语-重返17岁 03(在线收听

  [00:02.22]Oh, and it gets better, because we are going to T.G.I. Friday’s! 噢,还有更精彩的 我们要去星期五餐厅庆祝一番
  [00:04.22]- Shut up! - Aah! - 你没骗我? - 哇!
  [01:11.60]MAN: Mike O’Donnell. 麦克·奥唐纳
  [01:19.18]Do I know you? 我认识你吗?
  [01:20.38]No. But I know you. 你不认识我,但我认识你
  [01:21.54]Oh, yeah? 噢,是吗?
  [01:23.38]High school star. Never quite lived up to your potential. 校园明星,从来都无愧于你的潜质
  [01:29.22]Sooner or later you all come back to the old school. 迟早你会回到曾经的学校
  [01:33.10]Stand there and look at the picture of the glory days... 站在那儿,凝视照片里昔日的辉煌…
  [01:35.58]...wondering what might have been. …好奇这一切怎么变成现在这样
  [01:38.94]Seems to me you guys are living in the past. 在我看来你们都活在过去
  [01:43.62]Well, of course I want to live in the past. 当然我会向往过去美好的时光
  [01:45.46]It was better there. 那时可比现在好得多
  [01:49.82]I’ll bet you wish you had it to do all over again. 我敢打赌你会想再重来一次
  [01:52.82]Huh. You got that right. 你倒是说中了
  [01:58.34]You’re sure about that? 你确定那是你所期盼的吗?
  [02:00.34]MIKE: Oh, yeah. 嗯,是的
  [02:01.54]GIRL: Dad. - Hi, Mr. O’Donnell. - 爸爸 - 嗨,奥唐纳先生
  [02:05.06]- Ladies. MAGGIE: What are you doing here? - 女士们 - 你在这里做什么呢?
  [02:07.38]MIKE: Oh, I was just talking to... 我刚刚正在对…
  [02:09.58]...nobody. …空气说话
  [02:14.26]Doesn’t matter. I got off work early, and I thought we could get ice cream. 没事,今天我下班早 我想我们可以去吃冰激凌
  [02:19.78]Together? 一起?
  [02:22.46]- Why? - Just go get your brother, okay? - 为什么? - 去把你弟弟找来,好吗?

  [02:26.78]No, we’re fine. 不用了,就这些
  [02:26.98]WOMAN: Do you need anything else? 还要点别的吗?
  [02:31.66]What’s the matter? This used to be your favorite place. 怎么了? 以前这不是你最喜欢的地方吗?
  [02:36.18]- We used to come here for your birthday. - When I was, like, 8. - 我们一直都是在这为你庆祝生日啊 - 那还是我八岁的时候
  [02:45.06]So, Al, basketball season’s coming up. 那么,艾尔,篮球季赛快要到了
  [02:48.90]- You ready? - Yeah. - 你准备好了吗? - 是的
  [02:50.74]- Been working on that outside shot? - Mm-hm. - 练习外围投篮了吗? - 嗯
  [02:52.58]- Passing? - Good. - 传球呢? - 还好吧
  [02:54.74]- Dribbling? - Really good. - 运球呢? - 凑合
  [02:55.90]Good’s not going to get you a scholarship. 光是凑合是无法拿到奖学金的
  [02:58.26]I meant, it’s great. It’s great, Dad. It’s great. 我是说,好极了 好极了,爸爸,非常好
  [03:00.58]That’s my boy. Remember, it’s not how big you are. 这才是我的儿子 记住,问题不在于你有多出色
  [03:01.94]It’s how big you play. 而在于你表现得多出色
  [03:04.10]Right up here. 来一个

  [03:05.46]Uh, Maggie got into Georgetown. 嗯,玛姬进了乔治城大学
  [03:10.30]Maggie, that’s awesome. 玛姬,这太棒了
  [03:13.46]Can you turn down the? 你能不能关小点…
  [03:30.74]Okay, guys, see you soon. 好吧,孩子们,再见了
  [03:35.74]Love you. Nice chatting with you. 我爱你们,很高兴能和你们聊聊
  [03:53.14]What the hell are you doing? 你在干什么?
  [03:57.82]Hey, that’s my stuff. 嗨,那是我的东西
  [04:04.18]Why are you destroying our yard? 你为什么要毁掉我们的后院?
  [04:04.70]It’s not our yard. It’s my yard, remember? 这里已经不是我们的后院了 这是我的后院,记得吗?
  [04:09.70]You took the road not taken. And I get the yard. 你选择了你曾经没有选择的路 于是我得到了这后院
  [04:16.90]I’m going to turn it into a showpiece for my clients. 我正要把它变成一个 给客户参考的样品
  [04:18.26]- Clients of what? - Landscape design. - 什么的客户? - 园林设计
  [04:22.78]Landscape design? 园林设计?
  [04:25.26]I’m going to show people what I can do. 我要让人知道我的本事
  [04:26.94]Yeah, well, the divorce isn’t final for another two weeks, so you have no right. 好吧,但是,离婚手续还有两周 才结束,所以你没有权力这样做
  [04:31.98]Really? So I’ve spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whine... 真的吗?我花费了生命中连续的 十八年时光来听你抱怨…
  [04:37.30]...about the things you could’ve done without me, and I have no right? …你说没有我你本可以做到的事情 而我还没权力这么做?
  [04:38.98]- It’s just I put a lot of work into this yard. - Did you? - 只是因为我在后院上花了很多功夫 - 有吗?
  [04:43.50]Really? Like the barbeque pit? 真的吗?比如这个烧烤灶吗?
  [04:44.70]Yeah. 是啊
  [04:47.34]Yeah. The way I remember that is that you spent about an hour working on it... 是啊,可我怎么记得你大概只花了 一个小时的功夫在它上面…
  [04:52.38]...and then you spent the next two days complaining about... …然后你却接连抱怨了两天…
  [04:56.22]...if you had gone to college, you could’ve hired someone to do it. …如果你去读了大学 你就可以雇个人来做了
  [04:57.06]- I don’t think it was a whole two days. - Or the hammock over here. - 我应该没有抱怨两天吧 - 或者这张吊床
