听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 07(在线收听

  [00:03.20]And believe me, it would... 而且你要知道我┅
  [00:06.20]It would be so much easier if I could just make myself forget. 对我来说,遗忘或许是最容易做到的
  [00:10.40]But 但是
  [00:14.88]when I look at you, I just feel regret 每当我看到你我就感到很后悔
  [00:19.76]and sadness 很悲伤
  [00:22.24]and a deep desire to see you suffer intense pain. 而且我希望你承受折磨
  [00:25.12]Listen, that’s not a problem. That is not a problem. 我了解,我都了解
  [00:27.12]I am more than willing to hurt myself. Or would you prefer to do it? 我很乐意折磨我自己,还是你宁愿自己来?
  [00:30.64]Whatever it takes. 只要你愿意
  [00:32.48]Look, just tell me what to do. Tell me. 你只要跟我说,我该做什么
  [00:36.16]I don’t know. 我不知道
  [00:41.68]Yeah. Look, the thing is, Meryl, I’m just trying to be realistic. 梅莉,我只是想把事情搞定
  [00:41.84]I don’t know. I’m... 我不知道啊
  [00:46.36]You know, I’m human, I made a mistake. I’m not perfect. 我也只是凡人,我也会犯错
  [00:50.52]No, I know you’re not. 我知道你不是十全十美
  [00:52.72]But I was so in love with you, 但我很爱你

  [00:58.40]and now I’m just... 现在我┅
  [01:05.28]I’m just... 我┅
  [01:07.60]I’m so disappointed, 我很失望
  [01:14.64]and I don’t trust you anymore. 而且我无法再信任你了
  [01:23.68]Okay. 好吧
  [01:26.52]Good night. 晚安
  [01:32.52]Night. 晚安
  [03:11.76]Jackie, did you hear about the Morgans? 贾姬,你有摩根夫妇的消息吗
  [03:15.96]Of course I heard. I’m totally devastated. 当然,我听说了.我很震惊
  [03:18.28]- They’re in protective custody. - Adam, I heard. -他们参加了证人保护计划  -我都说我知道了
  [03:22.32]- What are we going to do? - What can we do? We can’t... -我们该怎么办  -还能怎么办
  [03:26.64]- Yes? - There’s a client here for Mrs. Morgan. -你好  -有位客户想见摩根小姐
  [03:29.68]Sure, send him back. 好的,请他进来
  [03:32.00]Can I help you? 你好
  [03:33.68]If you’re busy, I can come back later. 如果你在忙,我晚点再来
  [03:37.04]Not at all. He was just leaving. 喔不,他正要走
  [03:41.88]Yeah, I’m in the market for a two-bedroom. A friend referred me to Meryl Morgan. 朋友推荐我来找摩根小姐看房子
  [03:44.72]- Would you have a seat? - Yeah. -你稍坐一下  -好
  [03:52.44]Excuse me. 不好意思
  [03:55.80]Call me. 记得打给我
  [03:58.12]I’m Jackie, Mrs. Morgan’s assistant. She’s not in today. 我是贾姬,摩根小姐的助理 她今天不会进来
  [04:03.32]Can I get one of the other agents to talk to you? 我可以请其他中介员跟你谈吗
  [04:08.48]You know, if she’s as good as everyone says, 不过她的风评真的不错
  [04:09.68]then I’m sure she’s probably worth the wait. 我想等她之后有空的话
  [04:13.84]She is. 好的
  [04:17.04]Not at all. 别这么说

  [04:19.88]That’s a nice looking muffin, there. 那个松饼看起来很好吃
  [04:26.08]Enjoy your breakfast. 请慢用
  [04:37.12]Howdy. Hope I didn’t wake you. 你好,希望我没吵醒你
  [04:40.64]Oh, no. No. I didn’t really sleep. It’s too quiet here. 喔其实我睡得很浅, 因为这里太安静了
  [04:46.64]You hungry? 你饿了吗
  [04:51.32]It smells good. 好香噢
  [04:58.36]Wow, look at that, fire comes out and everything. 随时有火还真方便
  [05:00.20]Do you want sausage or bacon or both with your eggs and pancakes? 你想要吃香肠还是培根?还是都要? 你吃蛋和煎饼吗
