听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 16(在线收听

  [00:02.20]No, this is the Dr. Simmons in Ray, Wyoming. 不是,这是怀俄明州雷镇 西蒙医生办公室
  [00:05.40]Sorry, my mistake. 抱歉打错了
  [00:11.56]There’s someone using your name in Columbus, Ohio. 有人在俄亥俄州哥伦比亚冒用你的名字
  [00:30.32]I think that’s about it for me. 我想就这样子吧
  [00:32.32]- Really? - Yeah. -真的吗  -对啊
  [00:35.52]Well, I probably did tire you out a bit last night. 对啊 你昨天也累了一晚
  [00:36.20]God, I was amazing. 没错,我太神奇了
  [00:39.04]Yeah, I’m really glad I was there to see it. 对啊,我很荣幸能在场见证
  [00:44.36]Yeah. 嗯哼
  [00:45.56]- All right. - Wait, listen. -好吧  -等等
  [00:49.72]With regard to the whole adoption thing, 关于领养的事
  [00:51.08]it is possible that I did drag my feet a little bit. 我确实表现得有点糟糕
  [00:56.92]You would be a terrific mother, 你是个很好的母亲
  [00:58.08]caring, supportive and completely smothering. 爱家爱子,又温柔
  [01:01.12]I know! I’m so looking forward to that. 对啊!我很期待
  [01:03.60]But I am not sure that I would be good at it. 但我不确定我是否也是
  [01:07.12]Really? That’s what you’re worried about? 这就是你一直以来担心的?
  [01:07.80]A bit, yes, yes. 有一点啦
  [01:11.32]What makes you think I would be a good father? 你为何认定我是个好爸爸
  [01:16.52]Well, if I had to pick one thing, 硬要我说的话

  [01:21.20]I would say it was the mouse. 老鼠
  [01:22.52]What are you talking about? 什么?
  [01:26.56]Don’t you remember? You know, we had a mouse in our apartment, 你记得吗?我们家之前有只老鼠
  [01:26.88]and then all of a sudden, the cereal box started moving? 麦片饼盒开始突然晃动?
  [01:31.56]- Yes, yes. The shaky granola. Yes. - Yeah. And it ran out to our balcony, -没错,晃动的五谷酥 -然后它跑出去阳台外
  [01:33.24]and, you know, you could have just taken a broom and swept it off, 你原本就拿把扫把 把它赶走就可以了
  [01:37.92]but instead, you stood there for hours trying to coax that little guy into a shoebox, 但你却站在那  一动不动, 试图哄劝它到鞋盒里头
  [01:41.76]using Jarlsberg from Zabar’s. 你还用超市的你酪引诱它
  [01:44.96]Yeah, a terrible waste of cheese, seeing as it eventually leapt to its death, but... 对啊,后来证实你酪被浪费掉了 毕竟最后它还是死了
  [01:48.80]And when I saw that, I just... 我看到那一幕的时候
  [01:57.16]Especially if we adopt a rodent. 尤其是如果我们要领养啮齿动物的话
  [02:02.36]Thank you for being honest. 你真可爱
  [02:03.88]Listen, while I am speaking honestly, 既然我们要坦诚相见
  [02:08.20]I wondered if we might also discuss the whole business of separate sites. 我在想是不是该讨论一下分置的事情
  [02:10.24]- I don’t want to pressure you... - No, no. -我不想给你压力  -不会

  [02:13.56]Actually, no, I’ve been thinking about it, too. 其实我也在想同一件事
  [02:15.40]You know, why don’t you finish your jog, 你何不先跑完
  [02:17.92]and we’ll talk about it when you come back, okay? 之后我们再一起讨论
  [02:23.12]Okay. 好
  [02:25.60]- Take the bear spray. - Okay. -记得带熊熊喷雾  -好
  [02:27.44]- Take the bear flyer. - Okay. Thank you. -还有熊熊海报  -谢了
  [02:44.00]Clay? 警长?
  [02:45.68]Come on in. 进来吧
  [02:50.88]- Hey, Clay? - Yeah? -警长?  -怎么
  [02:53.72]Hey, I was just looking for Emma in the house. 我在找艾玛
  [02:56.08]Is she around? I just wanted to talk to her. 她去哪了?我想跟她聊聊
  [02:59.92]She’s gone into Cody for supplies. She’ll be back in about an hour. 她去买杂货了,大概一小时后回来
  [03:02.08]It’s just... 其实是
  [03:04.28]As you can probably see, things are going much better between me and Paul, 你也知道,最近保罗和我处得不错
  [03:09.12]but, you know, some very big decisions need to be made in regards to our future, 但现在是我们得决定彼此的未来
  [03:13.32]and the possibility that we’re not going back to New York, 有可能我们不会回到纽约去
  [03:19.84]well, I slept with someone else while Paul and I were separated. 当我们分居时,我有和别人发生关系
  [03:28.20]Well, I kind of don’t know what to do. 我有点不知道该怎么办
  [03:32.88]Grab a bucket. 去拿个桶子
  [03:37.40]Okay. 嗯
  [03:45.76]So which of these are skim? 哪一只你最好啊?
  [03:52.80]Put your bucket under there. Get that stool. 把桶子放在下面,去拿家伙来
  [03:57.80]Grab a hold of a teat. 抓住乳头
  [04:00.00]Good luck. 祝好运
  [04:03.52]Well, you know, there’s the school of thought that says 你知道吗,有种说法是说
  [04:07.20]and on some level, I guess it’s almost narcissistic if I do tell him. 某种程度上而言, 我跟他坦白的话,表示我很自大
  [04:13.20]But how can I expect complete honesty from him if I’m asking any less of myself? 假使连我自己也做不到 我又怎能要求他诚实呢
  [04:18.56]I mean, isn’t that just the height of hypocrisy? 我是说,这难道不是一种伪善的表征
  [04:21.24]Could be. 可能吧
  [04:23.08]I don’t hear much helping going on over there. 你好像没在帮什么忙
  [04:27.28]Sorry. 抱歉
  [04:30.44]Oh, God! 天啊
  [04:34.28]- Does this hurt them? - Not if you’re gentle about it. -它会痛吗  -如果你温柔点的话
  [04:41.48]I get it. 我懂了
  [04:44.16]Yeah, I get it. 我懂你的意思了
  [04:46.36]You’re telling me to be honest 你是在跟我说要我诚实
  [04:52.20]but to be gentle. 但要温柔点
  [04:53.04]I was telling you to ease up on her teat. 我只是在跟你说如何挤你
  [04:57.56]But I guess it works both ways. 但反正没差啦
  [04:59.56]- That’s very wise. - I doubt that. -你真聪明  -也还好吧

