学个词Learn a Word 第1176期 Opposition(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是opposition。Opposition, 有反对派的意思。 "Egypt's Vice President met with opposition groups for the first time on Sunday and offered sweeping concessions," 埃及副总统星期天首次与反对派团体会面,表示愿意做出一系列重大让步。同时, "Iran's opposition asked the government for permission to hold a rally in support of the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia," 伊朗反对派向政府提出申请,希望能举行集会,声援埃及和突尼斯的抗议活动。 "Opposition leaders are hoping to use the events in Egypt as a catalyst," 反对派领袖希望埃及的形势能成为一剂催化剂。好的,今天我们学习的词是opposition...
