学个词Learn a Word 第1180期 Trademark(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是trademark。 Trademark, 商标。据中国媒体报道, "China registered 4.6 million trademarks by the end of 2010," 中国截止到2010年年底,总计注册了460万个商标。 "Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin applied for a trademark on her name but was rejected," 美国前共和党副总统候选人萨拉.佩林为自己的名字申请注册商标结果被拒绝。同时, "Russian spy Anna Chapman has registered her name as a trademark to cash in on her growing popularity," 俄罗斯女间谍安娜.查普曼也把名字注册为商标,靠自己不断提高的知名度赚大钱。好的,今天我们学习的词是trademark...
