听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 14(在线收听

  [00:30.88]It’s just you and me now, pigeon. 小鸽子,现在只有我们两个了
  [00:32.04]This is where it ends. 我们就在这里做个了解
  [00:36.40]You are nothing but a Iowly wood pigeon. 你不过是只低级的木头鸽子
  [00:38.92]You are no match for a falcon warrior. 你跟本就不配和猎鹰战士比试
  [00:49.60]Just as I imagined. 和我想的一样
  [00:51.44]Pieces and shreds. 一片狼藉
  [00:51.64]Valiant! 瓦兰特!
  [00:59.44]Come on, come on then. 快点,快点
  [01:02.96]-You great ugly bully. -Leave him be, you filthy falcon. - 你这只又丑又笨的大肥鸟! - 离他远点,你这个卑鄙的家伙!
  [01:31.28]Come out, Iittle birdy. 出来出来,小家伙
  [01:36.64]I may even spare your puny Iittle Iife. 放心,我会饶了你这条小命
  [01:47.68]Just stay calm, you can do this. 保持冷静,你可以的
  [02:04.92]Pipsqueak! 小锉鸟!
  [02:07.68]My name is not pipsqueak, my name is Valiant! 我不是小锉鸟! 我的名字是瓦兰特!
  [02:16.20]-Valiant! -Good Iad! - 瓦兰特! - 好样的!
  [02:19.20]Now, if you’II excuse me, I have a message to deliver. 抱歉各位,我得送情报去了
  [02:25.04]-Wonderful! -That’s my boy. - 帅呆了! - 不愧是我儿子!
  [02:45.40]Valiant? You’ve made it? 瓦兰特? 你成功了?
  [02:47.44]Valiant pigeon. 信鸽瓦兰特
  [02:50.44]Sir, I have a message to deliver. 长官,我有情报送到
  [03:23.24]Gentlemen, a change of plan. 先生们,计划有变
  [03:24.24]We now Iand in Normandy. 我们从诺曼底登陆

  [03:28.24]-Change that to Normandy. -Normandy. - 改到诺曼底 - 诺曼底
  [03:33.84]Well done, son, this could mean promotion. 干得好,孩子 这是对你的奖赏
  [03:39.72]I’m proud of you. 我以你为傲!
  [03:41.36]-You’re a credit to the service. -Thank you, sir. - 你为组织增添了无上荣光 - 多谢夸奖,长官
  [03:44.88]Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. 噢,对不起,对不起
  [03:45.24]-Well done, old boy. -I knew you’d do it. - 好样的,小老弟 - 我就知道你一定行的
  [03:48.08]You Iittle beauty, well done, mate.
  [03:53.72]Seeds! 茄子!
  [04:04.16]Bug juice, on the house, of course. 虫汁酷饮 老规矩,我请
  [04:04.32]Ahoy there, Valiant. 喂,瓦兰特
  [04:10.00]-I’m the hero around here. -I’m the hero, you want to see? - 我是这里的英雄 - 我是英雄,你知道吗?
  [04:16.84]-Will you shut up. -We were fine until you came. - 你给我闭嘴 - 你没来之前还好好的
  [04:20.88]-Hello, handsome. -I say. - 嗨,帅哥! - 我说
  [04:35.76]-Shall we shake a tailfeather? -Certainly. - 要不要来跳上一曲? - 当然要
  [04:37.44]Oh, Sergeant. 噢,长官
  [04:40.12]-Valiant, maybe you and I...? -Sorry, but I’m not available. - 瓦兰特,也许你可以和我...? - 抱歉,我已经心有所属了
  [04:48.00]But I can’t stress enough how available I am. 不过我的心还没有主儿呢
  [06:57.00]迪肯勋章是动物界的最高军事奖章 它专门授予那些为军队和保卫部门服务并做出突出贡献的动物英雄们

  [07:04.00]战后一共颁发了54枚迪肯勋章 其中,18枚授予了狗,3枚授予了马,1枚授予了一只猫 其余32枚都授予了在战争中立下汗马功劳的战鸽们
