听电影学英语-勇敢的心 04(在线收听

  [00:11.16]First, learn to use... 首先你要学会用
  [00:17.44]this. 这个
  [00:18.72]Then I’ll teach you to use... 然后我会教你用
  [00:22.48]this. 这个
  [00:52.08]Many years later, 多年后
  [00:55.08]Edward the Longshanks,King of England, 英格兰国王长腿爱德华
  [00:58.08]supervised the wedding of his eldest son, 为他的长子证婚
  [01:01.08]who would succeed him to the throne. 他将承袭他的王位
  [01:06.12]Amen. 阿们
  [01:12.12]As bride for his son, 至于长子的新娘
  [01:14.16]Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival,the king of France. 长腿选了他敌手法国国王王的女儿
  [01:43.00]It was widely whispered that for the princess to conceive, 当时谣言四起  为使公主受孕
  [01:45.52]Longshanks would have to do the honors himself. 长腿得由自己代劳
  [01:50.16]That may have been what he had in mind all along. 那是他心存许久的邪念

  [01:59.92]Scotland... my land. 苏格兰 我的土地
  [02:03.08]The French will grovel to anyone with strength, 法国人会对强者趋炎附势
  [02:09.76]but how will they believe our strength 他们又如何相信我们是强者
  [02:12.56]when we cannot rule the whole of our own island? 但若我们无法一统海岛
  [02:25.88]Where is my son? 我儿子呢?
  [02:28.76]Your pardon, milord. 对不起  吾王
  [02:28.92]He asked me to come in his stead. 他要我来代表
  [02:30.44]I sent for him, and he sends you. 我召唤他  他却派你来
  [02:35.08]Shall I leave, milord? 要我离开吗?吾王
  [02:36.28]If he wants his queen to rule when I am gone, 他要女皇在我驾崩后统治天下
  [02:42.96]then, by all means, stay and learn how. 留下学着如何来统治
  [02:44.96]Please. 请
  [02:51.20]Nobles. 贵族
  [02:52.00]Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. 贵族是开启苏格兰大门之钥
  [02:57.20]Grant our nobles lands in the north, 将北方的土地赐给我们的贵族
  [02:59.04]give their nobles estates here in England, 将这里的土地赐给英格兰贵族
  [03:02.04]and make them too greedy to oppose us. 让他们为贪婪而不与我们对立
  [03:06.04]But, sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. 但我们贵族不会愿意迁移
  [03:09.08]New lands mean new taxes, 新的土地意味着新的税
  [03:11.08]and they’re already taxed for the war in France. 他们在法国时己因战事徵税了
  [03:14.08]Are they? 有吗?
  [03:16.08]Are they? 有吗?
  [03:37.92]The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots. 苏格兰的问题在于太多的苏格兰人存在
  [03:44.96]Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. 也许该是改旧税收法令的时候
  [03:51.96]Grant them prima noctes. 应允他们初夜权
  [03:56.00]First night. 初夜权
  [03:57.60]When any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, 当平民女儿因婚姻而继承土地
  [04:00.16]our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. 贵族有权在新婚夜占有她
  [04:10.16]If we cart get them out, we’ll breed them out. 若赶不走他们  就让他们盈满为患

  [04:14.20]That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, 这是我们来苏格兰统治的宗旨
  [04:20.96]taxes or no taxes, huh? 徵税或不徵税
  [04:23.24]A most excellent idea, sire. 真是好主意  大人
  [04:25.24]Is it? 是吗?
  [04:30.92]Now in Edinburgh gathered the council of Scottish nobles. 在爱丁堡  议会聚集了苏格兰的贵族
  [04:36.28]Among these was Robert the 17th earl of Bruce, 其中的一员是罗伯特  布鲁斯伯爵十七世
  [04:39.32]the leading contender for the crown of Scotland. 争夺苏格兰王位的头号人物
  [04:49.32]Ah, I hear that Longshanks has granted prima noctes. 听说长腿已应允了初夜权
  [04:52.36]Clearly meant to draw more of his supporters here. 很显然会引他的支持者来此
  [04:56.12]My father believes that we must 我父亲深信
  [05:00.36]lull Longshanks into our confidence 要增加他的信心
