听电影学英语-勇敢的心 05(在线收听

  [00:03.40]by neither supporting his decree nor opposing it. 不是支持他就是违抗他的法令
  [00:04.40]A wise plan. 好计划
  [00:07.40]And how is your father? We missed him at the council. 你父亲如何? 我们在参议会上没有见到他
  [00:09.44]His affairs in France keep him long overdue. 他处理政事在法国滞留
  [00:17.44]But he sends his greetings, 但他来信致意
  [00:19.44]and he says that I speak for all of the Bruces 他说让我为全布鲁斯家族代言
  [00:24.80]and for Scotland. 及所有的苏格兰人
  [02:34.20]Ah, it’s all over now. 现在都结束了
  [02:35.20]You’ve dropped your rock. 你的石头掉了
  [02:37.48]Test of manhood. 这是男人的挑战
  [02:40.24]You win. 你赢了
  [02:44.16]Call it a test of soldiery, then. 那就称为军人的考验
  [02:48.24]The English won’t let us train with weapons, 英格兰人不让我们用武器
  [02:49.28]so we train with stones. 我们用石头来训练
  [02:52.52]The test of a soldier is not in his arm. 要考验军人不是以臂力来衡量
  [02:56.16]It’s here. 是衡量这里
  [02:58.64]No. It’s here. 不  是这里

  [03:03.24]Hamish? 汉密许?
  [03:19.72]Here you go, son. 拿去吧  孩子
  [03:21.52]Come on, Hamish! 加油!汉密许!
  [03:42.20]Aye. Aye, it was. 的确
  [03:46.08]I was wondering if you could do that when it matters. 我在想出状况能否派上用场?
  [03:50.56]As it...As it matters in battle. 当 当作战的时候
  [03:54.92]Could you crush a man with that throw? 你能扔人吗?
  [03:59.72]I could crush you like a worm. 我可以把你像毛毛虫般砸烂
  [04:02.28]You could? 你能吗?
  [04:06.08]Aye. 能
  [04:07.08]Well, then do it. 那砸吧
  [04:07.64]Would you like to see him crush me like a worm? 你们要看他把我像毛毛虫般砸烂吗?
  [04:14.28]Come do it. 扔啊
  [04:17.12]You’ll move. 你会动
  [04:17.48]I will not. 我不动
  [04:19.36]He’ll move. 他会动
  [04:36.20]Well done! 表演的好
  [04:48.60]Fine display, young Wallace. 表演的好  小华莱士
  [04:52.36]Are you all right? 没事吧?
  [04:55.24]I should have remembered the rocks. 我该记得扔石头的日子
  [04:58.44]Aye, you should have. 是的
