听电影学英语-勇敢的心 12(在线收听

  [00:42.56]What you waiting for, boy? 你还在等什么  孩子?
  [00:47.56]Here. You can do it. 来  你办的到
  [00:48.56]I’ll hold him down. 我来压住他
  [00:54.20]Pour it straight in the wound. 倒在伤口上
  [00:56.60]It seems like a waste of good whiskey. 我知道这是糟蹋
  [01:00.16]Indulge me. Ah! 宽恕我吧
  [01:03.48]Hold him. Hold him. 按住他  按住他
  [01:06.12]Hold him. 按住他
  [01:07.12]Now let him go. 让他走
  [01:10.80]I’m sorry. I’m sorry. 对不起  对不起
  [01:14.68]That’ll wake you up in the morning, boy. 那会让你清醒到天明 孩子
  [01:19.40]There’s somebody coming! 有人来了
  [01:20.88]Arm yourselves! 警戒!
  [01:29.80]There’s somebody coming. 有人来了
  [01:31.32]MacGregors  from the next clan. 是麦奎格  来自另一族的
  [01:39.48]We heard about what was happening. 我们听说了状况
  [01:40.52]We don’t want you amadans thinking you can have your fun without us. 我们不希望你们独享其乐
  [01:45.40]Go home. 回去
  [01:50.80]Some of us are in this. 有些人都已身涉其中
  [01:51.56]Can’t help that now. 我也没办法
  [01:53.56]But you can help yourselves. 但你们可以救自己
  [01:57.96]Go home. 回家去
  [01:59.24]when the English garrison from the castle 英格兰军烧毁后  就已没家园
  [02:05.12]And they will. 他们会奋战的
  [02:40.48]Patrol returning, milord! 哨兵回来了  大人
  [03:08.88]So what news? 有何状况?
  [03:23.40]I have dispatched 100 soldiers to Lanark. 我派遣了一百名士兵到兰纳
  [03:26.40]They will be returning now! 他们现在就会回来
  [03:28.52]What, are they dressed like this? 他们就这样穿着?
  [03:32.56]Actually, it was more like 50. 其实好像才五十名
  [03:33.44]Make it quick. 快动手
  [03:37.44]You remember me? 记得我吗?
  [03:40.44]I never did her any harm. 我没伤害她
  [03:42.80]It was my right. 那是我的权利
  [03:44.48]I’m here to claim the right of a husband! 我来此是申讨我做丈夫的权利
  [03:45.80]Your right? 你的权利?
  [03:55.52]I am William Wallace. 我是威廉 华莱士
  [03:57.52]And the rest of you will be spared. 我会饶了你们其余的人
  [04:01.28]Go back to England and tell them there 回到英格兰  告诉他们
  [04:05.56]that Scotland’s daughters and her sons are yours no more. 苏格兰的儿女不再属于你们
  [04:10.56]Tell them Scotland is free. 告诉他们苏格兰是自由的
  [04:19.28]Burn it. 烧掉!
  [04:54.76]The Scottish rebels have routed 苏格兰叛军溃败我一驻军
  [04:59.76]and murdered the noble lord. 谋杀了贵族地主
