听电影学英语-勇敢的心 20(在线收听

  [00:01.46]Sire William, in the name of God, 威廉爵士  依天主之名
  [00:04.46]we declare and appoint thee 指派你为
  [00:08.02]guardian and high protector of Scotland 苏格兰保护者
  [00:09.34]and thy captains as aides-de-camp. 为侍从武官统率
  [00:13.10]Stand and be recognized. 起身  让众人褒扬
  [00:25.26]Does anyone know his politics? 他明白自己的立场吗?
  [00:27.50]could unbalance everything. 会将所有事搞乱
  [00:28.10]No, but his weight with the commoners 不知道  但他在平民的影响力
  [00:31.62]The Balliols will kiss his arse, 贝列尔派会极力巴结
  [00:34.46]and so we must. 我们也得照做
  [00:44.14]Sire William. 威廉爵士
  [00:47.90]Sire William... 威廉爵士
  [00:49.70]inasmuch as you and your captains 您及统领们来此支援贝列尔派
  [00:59.46]may we invite you to continue your support 我们请您继续支援
  [01:01.62]and uphold our rightful claim. 并大力支持我们的王法
  [01:02.14]Damn the Balliol clan! 去他的贝列尔派
  [01:04.62]They’re all Longshanks’ men! 他们都是长腿的爪牙
  [01:08.90]Gentlemen. 各位
  [01:11.34]Gentlemen. 各位
  [01:11.98]Now is the time to declare a king. 让我们来为国王宣誓
  [01:14.74]You’re prepared to recognize our legitimate succession? 你准备承认我们合法的继承权?
  [01:18.42]You’re the ones who won’t suppon’t the rightful... 你才不会支持
  [01:21.10]Those were lies... 从一开始就是谎言
  [01:24.70]I demand recognition of these documents! 我要求公证这些文件!
  [01:28.06]These documents were lies when you wrote them! 在签写这些文件时就已是谎言
  [01:31.74]Please, gentlemen! 各位  安静
  [01:32.06]Gentlemen, please! Gentlemen! 各位  安静
  [01:34.94]Wait! Sire William, where are you going? 等等  威廉爵士  你要去哪?
  [01:38.82]We have beaten the English, 我们已打败英格兰军
  [01:41.86]but they’ll come back 但他们还会回来
  [01:43.18]because you won’t stand together. 因为你们不团结
  [01:46.54]What will you do? 你要怎么做?
  [01:49.86]I will invade England 远征英格兰
  [01:51.90]and defeat the English on their own ground. 让他们在自己土地上挫败
  [01:52.70]Invade? That’s impossible. 远征?不可能!
  [01:57.90]Why? 为什么?
  [01:58.90]Why is that impossible? 为什么不可能?
  [01:59.86]You’re so concerned with squabbling 你们如此费心争执
  [02:02.14]for the scraps from Longshanks’ table 就为了长腿那点可怜的利益
  [02:06.94]that you’ve missed your God-given right to something better. 欲忽视上天所赋予的更好权益
  [02:12.22]There’s a difference between us. 我们的观点有差异
  [02:14.22]You think the people of this country exist 你们认为苏格兰人存在价值
  [02:16.26]to provide you with position. 是提供你的地位
  [02:18.26]I think your position exists 我认为你地位的存在价值
  [02:20.26]to provide those people with freedom, 是提供给他们自由
  [02:23.02]and I go to make sure that they have it. 我要确定他们获得到自由
  [02:39.82]Wait! 等一下!
  [02:42.14]I respect what you said, 我尊敬你刚才所说的

  [02:44.42]but remember that these men 但记得  这些人
  [02:46.30]have lands and castles. 有土地城堡
  [02:50.26]It’s much to risk. 这样做太冒险
  [02:52.18]does he risk less? 他们冒的风险小吗?
  [02:52.26]The common man that bleeds on the battlefield... 平民在战役中流血丧命
  [02:59.90]but from top to bottom, 但从上至下
  [03:01.90]this country has got no sense of itself. 这国家已无界定
  [03:05.90]Its nobles share allegiance with England. 贵族在为英格兰效忠
  [03:06.94]Its clans war with each other. 是他们派系之战争
  [03:10.26]If you make enemies on both sides of the border, 若两边都树敌
  [03:14.94]We all end up dead. 人都会死的
  [03:16.98]It’s just a question of how and why. 只是死因的不同
  [03:20.30]I want what you want, 我要你所要的
  [03:21.90]but we need the nobles. 但我们需要贵族
  [03:23.38]We need them? 我们需要他们?
  [03:24.14]Nobles. 贵族
  [03:27.90]Tell me, what does that mean...to be noble? 做为一个贵族  有何意义?
  [03:30.10]Your title gives you claim 头衔让你有坐上王位的资格
  [03:35.26]but men don’t follow titles, 人是不会追随头衔的
  [03:37.02]they follow courage. 人追随的是勇气
  [03:37.14]Now, our people know you. 人们清楚你的所为
  [03:39.54]Noble and common...they respect you, 贵族、平民都敬重你
  [03:40.58]and if you would just lead them to freedom... 若你带领他们朝向自由
  [03:47.06]they’d follow you. 他们会跟随你的
  [03:50.02]And so would I. 我也会的
  [04:14.70]My sodomite cousin the prince tells me 那变态王子表哥说
  [04:15.78]Damn it! 混蛋!
  [04:19.06]he has no troops to lend, 没军队借我
  [04:21.06]and every town in Northern England is begging for help. 英格兰北部的城全在求救
  [04:23.42]He advances! 他进军了
  [04:26.26]To here, milord. 这里  大人
  [04:27.74]Bring the provisions inside! 将食物收入城内!
  [04:30.22]Double the wall guards! Seal the gate! Now! 加强城墙守卫! 关紧城门! 快!
  [04:34.30]Bring in the provisions! 快去!把粮食和物资运进城来!
