听电影学英语-勇敢的心 28(在线收听

  [01:41.86]I’m the one who’s rotting, 我是个风烛残年的人
  [01:44.98]but I think your face looks graver than mine. 但你的脸色比我更灰败
  [01:51.90]Son... 儿子
  [01:58.94]we must have alliance with England 我们必须联合英格兰
  [02:02.90]You achieved that. 做到这点
  [02:05.94]You saved your family, 你就保住了自己的
  [02:08.98]increased your land. 增加了你的土地
  [02:10.90]In time, you will have all the power in Scotland. 假以时日  在苏格兰就有权
  [02:16.46]Lands, titles, men, power... nothing. 土地  头衔  人民  权力 对我都已无意义
  [02:20.54]Nothing? 无意义?
  [02:28.50]because if they do not, I throw them off my land 若不如此  我就驱逐他们
  [02:32.06]and I starve their wives and their children. 让他们的家庭受饥
  [02:33.66]Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk... 那些人在福克血流成河
  [02:39.82]they fought for William Wallace, 他们为威廉华莱士而战
  [02:41.82]and he fights for something that I’ve never had. 他为我从未有过的自由而战
  [02:48.34]And I took it from him when I betrayed him, 我背叛他  夺去他的自由
  [02:52.34]and I saw it in his face on the battlefield, 我在战场上看到他的表情
  [02:56.34]and it’s tearing me apart! 让我无地自容
  [02:58.38]Well, all men betray, all lose heart. 人都会背叛的  都会心如死灰的
  [02:59.58]I don’t want to lose heart! 我不想的
  [03:07.94]I want to believe...as he does. 我想要相信 他的所为
  [03:18.98]I will never be on the wrong side again. 我不要再投错边
  [04:12.06]No! 不!
