听电影学英语-返老还童 05(在线收听

  [00:04.00]Just be thankful for what you’re given, hear? 对你拥有的心怀感恩就行了
  [00:08.20]You already here longer than you supposed to 你已经活得比预期的久了
  [00:14.88]Some nights I’d have to sleep alone 有时候我晚上得一个人睡觉
  [00:25.72]I didn’t mind 我并不介意
  [00:28.68]I would listen to the house breathing 我会听到屋子的呼吸
  [00:32.96]All those people sleeping 大家都在睡觉
  [00:34.84]I felt safe 让我觉得很安全
  [00:57.32]It was a place of great routine 每个人每天的作息都一样
  [00:59.12]QUEENIE; Mr. Winslow! 温先生!
  [01:00.96]Every morning at 5:30, no matter the weather... 不管天气怎样,清晨五点半
  [01:03.16]...General Winslow, U.S. Army Retired, would raise the flag 退伍的温将军都会去升旗
  [01:10.32]Mrs. Sybil Wagner, once an opera singer of some note... 华夫人曾是知名歌剧女伶
  [01:14.72](CLASSICal MUSIC PLAYING) ...well, she sang Wagner 她只唱华格纳的歌剧
  [01:30.12]We got to put some life into these old sticks for you 咱们得让你的脚活动活动
  [01:30.52]QUEENIE; All right, baby, come on 好了,来吧
  [01:33.20]Get you walking so you can help me out around here. Come on now, hear? 你会走路就能帮我忙,加油
  [01:40.36]No matter the season, supper was served promptly at 5:30 一年四季都是傍晚五点半开饭
  [01:45.16]BENJAMIN; "Molasses." 糖浆
  [01:47.60]Molasses 糖浆
  [01:48.32]Molasses 糖浆
  [01:52.36]I learned to read when I was 5 我五岁那年学会识字
  [01:54.36]My grandfather was a dresser for a famous actor 我爷爷替一位知名演员穿戏服
  [01:59.92]He brung home every play for me to read 每次都把剧本带回来给我念
  [02:04.80]Kind keepers of my weak decaying age... 好心照顾衰老的我的看护
  [02:08.88]...let dying Mortimer here rest himself 让垂死的摩第模尔好好安息
  [02:13.68]Even like a man new haled from the rack... 尽管我像一个逃过一劫的犯人
  [02:15.92]...so fare my limbs with long imprisonment 我的手脚因为长久拘禁异常苍白
  [02:17.92]And these gray locks, the pursuivants of death... 而这些灰色镣铐就像黑白无常
  [02:23.00]...argue the end of Edmund Mortimer 把摩第模尔押到阴曹地府
  [02:29.76]You thought I was plain ignorant, didn’t you? 你以为我是个草包,对吧?
  [02:33.04]The actor my grandfather worked for was John Wilkes Booth 我爷爷替尊布思准备戏服
  [02:38.68]He killed Abraham Lincoln 他刺杀了亚伯拉罕林肯
  [02:42.28]Never know what’s coming for you 你永远不知道会发生什么事
  [02:46.76]On Saturday nights, Mama would make me go to church 周六夜,妈妈都会逼我上教堂
  [02:52.12]Benjamin! 班哲明!
  [03:06.24]PEOPLE (IN UNISON) ; Amen 阿门!
  [03:10.64]What can I do for you, sister? 姐妹,我能为你做什么?
  [03:20.12]Her parts are all twisted up inside and she can’t have little children 她的肚子有毛病,不能生小孩
  [03:31.00]Lord, if you could see clear to forgive this woman her sins... 主啊,请您赦免这女人的罪

  [03:35.04]...so she can bear the fruit of the womb 让她能够怀胎生子
  [03:38.08]-Out, damnable affliction! -Aah! 出来吧,该死的病痛!
  [03:38.96]-Praise God! -Praise God! - 赞美主! - 赞美主!
  [03:41.52]-Hallelujah! PEOPLE (IN UNISON) ; Hallelujah! - 哈利路亚! - 哈利路亚!
  [03:46.12]And what’s this old man’s irrediction? 这个老头儿有什么毛病?
  [03:52.44]He’s got the devil on his back... 魔鬼缠着他的身体
  [03:53.24]...trying to ride him into the grave before his time 想要让他提早进棺材
  [04:00.60]-Out, Zebuchar! -Yes - 出来吧,撒旦! - 是的!
  [04:00.72]-Out, Beelzebub! -Yes! - 出来吧,恶魔! - 好了!
  [04:03.80]How old are you? 你几岁?
  [04:05.00]Seven. But I look a lot older 七岁,不过我看起来比较老
  [04:10.04]God bless you 上帝保佑你
  [04:12.56]He’s 7 他说他才七岁
  [04:17.64]Now, this is a man... 他是一个
  [04:19.80]-...with optimism in his heart. -All right - 充满了赤子之心的人 - 好!
  [04:22.08]We are all children in the eyes of God! 我们在上帝的眼中都是孩子
  [04:22.40]-Belief in his soul. -Yes - 他的灵魂充满信念! - 好!
  [04:24.08]-Yes. MAN 1 ; Hallelujah - 是! - 哈利路亚
  [04:25.88]-We are gonna get you out of that chair. MAN 2; Yes - 我要让你从轮椅上站起来 - 是的
  [04:28.36]-And we gonna have you walk. MAN 2; Come on - 然后要让你走路 - 来吧
  [04:33.72]It’s all right 没关系
  [04:35.00]In the name of God’s glory... 以上帝荣耀之名
  [04:39.08]-...rise up! -Yes - 站起来! - 很好
  [04:40.36]QUEENIE; Come on 加油
  [04:43.84]MAN 3; Walk 走吧
  [04:46.44]MAN 2; Come on, son. WOMAN; Amen - 走呀,孩子 - 阿门
  [04:46.96]MAN 2; Come on with it, son. MAN 4; Come on - 踏出一步 - 来吧
  [04:49.04]PREACHER; Now God is gonna see you the rest of the way 上帝会一路陪着你
  [04:53.68]He’s gonna see this little old man walk without the use of a crutch or a cane 他会让这个小老头 不用拐杖就能走路
  [04:58.56]He’s gonna see that you walk from faith and divine inspiration alone 你只要有信念和神助就能走路
