听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 13(在线收听

  [00:03.96]Service! 服务员!
  [00:07.52]reception! 柜台?
  [00:33.40]Stay there and look away. 别过来,转过头去
  [00:33.92]Found something. 我找到一样东西
  [00:36.76]Ok, ok. 好啦
  [00:37.64]l know if you’re looking. 你偷看我会知道哦
  [00:40.44]No, l’m not. 我没偷看
  [00:42.84]ls Salim still there? 萨林还在吗?
  [00:52.88]Where’s Salim? 萨林呢?
  [00:57.64]l don’t know. 我不知道
  [01:03.52]You’re a sweet boy, Jamal. 杰默,你人真好
  [01:56.60]l’m looking for Javed. 我要找札威
  [01:59.96]He’s not looking for you. 王八蛋,他又没要找你
  [02:05.76]l killed Maman.. 我杀了马曼
  [02:08.52]...and l’ll kill you too. 我也会杀了你
  [02:14.36]Easy. 很简单
  [02:17.76]Did you really kill him? 你真的杀了他?
  [02:26.16]Good. 很好
  [02:27.40]My enemy’s enemy is a friend. 我敌人的敌人就是我的朋友
  [02:31.16]Come here, my friend. 过来,我的朋友
  [02:41.12]l’ve been looking for someone like you. 我要找的就是像你这样的人
  [02:51.96]You came back for me. 你是回来找我的
  [02:54.64]Of course. 对啊
  [02:58.52]l thought you’d forgotten. 我以为你忘了
  [03:01.80]l never forgot. 我没忘
  [03:03.92]Not for one moment. 时时刻刻都记着
  [03:07.28]l knew l’d find you in the end. 我就知道早晚会找到你
  [03:09.16]lt’s our destiny. 这是我们命中注定
  [03:14.32]Destiny. 命中注定
  [03:18.64]Ok. 好吧
  [03:35.20]Hey. 嗨
  [03:43.08]Come. 来吧
  [03:44.36]No, brother. You’ve had a lot to drink. 不行,你喝醉了
  [03:48.12]l am the elder. 我是哥哥
  [03:48.32]l am the boss. 我是老大
  [03:52.24]For once, you do as l say. 这次你得听我的
  [03:55.40]Now get out. 滚出去!
  [03:58.00]Come on. l saved your life, didn’t l? 过来,我不是救了你一命吗?
  [03:59.88]Salim, please? 萨林,求求你
  [04:00.08]Shut up! 闭嘴!
  [04:01.52]l’ll kill you! 我会杀了你!
  [04:12.88]l’ll kill you! 我会杀了你!
  [04:18.68]l am number one now. 现在我才是老大
  [04:24.20]Salim, open it! 萨林,开门!
  [04:24.72]Salim! 萨林!
  [04:30.00]Shut up! 闭嘴!
  [04:30.68]The man with the Colt 45 says, shut up! 拿寇特45手枪的人叫你闭嘴
  [04:33.56]Go now, 快走吧
  [04:34.16]or Gunmaster G-9 will shoot you right between the eyes. 不然神枪手会喂你一颗子弹
  [04:39.80]Don’t think he won’t. 别以为他不会哦
  [04:42.12]l’m giving you five seconds. 我给你5秒钟
  [04:52.96]Go, Jamal. 杰默,你走吧
  [04:53.96]Go. 快去
  [05:00.08]Come on. 我们走
