听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 22(在线收听

  [00:03.52]l’d like to phone a friend. 我想打电话问朋友
  [00:07.56]We’re going to the wire. 你真是孤注一掷
  [00:08.44]The final lifeline. 最后一次求救机会
  [00:12.96]Here we go. 来吧
  [00:18.92]lt’s ringing. 电话接通了
  [00:28.48]Who is it? 是谁?
  [00:30.52]lt’s my brother’s number, but.. 这是我哥的电话,不过…
  [00:34.80]The kind of brother who’d go for a walk... 你要挑战两千万卢比的奖金
  [00:36.48]on a 20 million rupee question? 你哥却跑出去散步?
  [00:41.48]lt’s the only number l know. 我只知道这个电话号码
  [01:06.80](Unknown number calling) (保密号码来电)
  [01:09.88]You are on your own, Jamal. 你得靠自己了,杰默
  [01:15.24]Hello? 喂?
  [01:23.84]Hello, Jamal? 杰默?
  [01:24.32]l’m guessing that isn’t your brother. 这应该不是你哥吧
  [01:30.96]This is? 是哪位?
  [01:32.44]Okay, Latika. 好了,拉蒂卡
  [01:33.64]My name is Latika. 我叫拉蒂卡
  [01:34.44]You want to hear the question one more time? 你想再听一次题目吗?
  [01:38.72]And let’s be clear about this. 我先把话说清楚
  [01:40.84]Twenty million rupees ride on your answer. 答对了就是两千万卢比
  [01:41.88]You have 30 seconds. 给你30秒
  [01:44.32]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
  [01:44.68]Jamal, please read out the question.. 杰默,请你念题目
  [01:48.00]Salim! 萨林!
  [01:49.04]to Latika now. 告诉拉蒂卡
  [01:52.92]ls that really you? 真的是你?
  [01:55.32]Yes. 对
  [01:56.04]The question, Jamal. The question. 杰默,快念题目啊
  [02:00.12]ln Alexander Dumas’s book, The Three Musketeers... 在大仲马的书“三剑客”里
  [02:01.28]two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. 其中两名剑客叫阿陀斯和波陀斯
  [02:05.16]What was the name of the third musketeer? 另一名剑客叫什么?
  [02:06.28]Was it, ’’A,’’ Aramis, 是A:阿拉米斯
  [02:09.52]’’B,’’ Cardinal richelieu, ’’C,’’ D’Artagnan, B:卡迪诺里奇留C:达塔尼恩
  [02:12.84]’’D,’’ Planchet? 还是D:蒲朗契?
  [02:15.00]Fifteen seconds. 15秒
  [02:15.08]Where are you? 你在哪里?
  [02:19.68]l’m safe. 我很平安
  [02:20.20]Ten seconds. 10秒
  [02:22.24]Latika, what do you think? 拉蒂卡,你说呢?
  [02:26.92]l don’t know. 我不知道
  [02:30.40]l’ve never known. 我从来就不知道
  [02:34.00]Jamal...the Lord is with you.. 杰默,愿神保佑你
  [02:46.92]You really are on your own now, Jamal. 你真的要靠你自己了
  [02:50.20]Your final answer for 20 million rupees. 两千万卢比的最后一题,请作答
  [03:07.48]A ’’A.’’
  [03:09.00]’’A,’’ because? 为什么是A?
  [03:14.48]Just... because. 没为什么
  [03:16.36]Hey, Salim! 萨林!
  [03:19.04]Are you shameless, Salim? 萨林,你不知羞耻吗?
  [03:22.08]Final answer? 答案确定?
  [03:26.00]Yes. Final answer. 对,我确定
  [03:27.76]’’A,’’ Aramis. 就是A:阿拉米斯
  [03:30.76]Computer lock ’’A’’. 电脑锁定答案
  [03:39.32]Salim! 萨林!
  [03:40.40]Salim! 萨林!
  [03:42.68]Jamal Malik, 杰默马利
  [03:43.56]call centre assistant from Mumbai, 来自孟买的客服助理
  [04:03.88]chai-wallah. 茶水小弟
  [04:04.92]For two Crore twenty million rupees. 挑战两千万卢比的奖金

  [04:08.12]You were asked who the third musketeer was... 我问你大仲马的书中
  [04:11.80]in the novel by Alexander Dumas.. 第三名剑客叫什么
  [04:13.20]and you answered ’’A’’, 你的答案是…
  [04:15.88]Aramis... A:阿拉米斯
  [04:21.32]which is... 结果…
  [04:23.32]l have to tell you... 我要告诉你
  [04:24.00]the right answer! 你答对了!
  [04:51.76]Jamal Malik! 杰默马利!
  [04:56.84]Double millionaire! 百万大富翁!
  [04:59.40]God is great. 上帝仁慈啊
  [05:30.94]What a night! 今晚太精彩了
  [05:28.02]What a night! 今晚太精彩了
  [05:15.10]Ladies and gentlemen, we are present here 各位,我们今晚在这里
  [05:9.66]to create... history! 改写了历史!
  [05:6.98]Well done! Well done! 干得好…
  [07:05.94]l knew you’d be watching. 我就知道你会看节目
  [07:07.62]l thought we’d meet again only in death. 我以为我们要死后才会再见
  [07:54.54]This is our destiny. 这是我们命中注定
  [08:01.38]Kiss me. 吻我
