听电影学英语-后天 05(在线收听

  [00:02.22]Excuse me, sir. We’re really late. 对不起  先生  我们已经晚了
  [00:02.42]...and they’re polluting the atmosphere. ...他们正在污染大气
  [00:05.82]We’re almost there. 我们快到了
  [00:08.90]-We’re only two blocks away. -Let’s walk. 我们只差两条街就到了 我们用走的吧
  [00:39.10]What’s gotten into them? 他们犯什么毛病了?
  [00:43.42]I have no idea. They’re all worked up today. 不知道 他们今天都兴奋的不得了
  [00:48.26]In 1 532, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro... 在一五三二年  西班牙征服者 弗郎西斯科·彼萨罗...
  [00:51.62]...defeated this lncan emperor at the Peruvian highland town of Cajamarca. ...在秘鲁高地卡加玛卡城 击败了印加国王
  [01:00.38]What is his name? Time. 他叫什么名字?记时开始
  [01:03.58]Montezuma. 芒特祖玛
  [01:04.26]No, no, Montezuma was in Mexico, not Peru. 不  不  芒特祖玛在墨西哥 不是秘鲁
  [01:06.86]It’s, like, Anta-something. 这  好象  安塔什么的...
  [01:11.38]-Atahualpa? -That’s it! 安塔华帕? 就是它!
  [01:13.62]Time’s up. Correct answers, please. 时间到  请出示答案
  [01:18.38]That’s five points for Woodmont and five points for Pinehurst Academy. 乌德芒队得五分 帕合斯特学院也得五分
  [01:27.34]Next question. 下个问题
  [01:28.18]In what year did Louis Quatorze ascend to the throne of France? 在哪一年路易十四 继承了法国王位?
  [01:39.66]This place is so retro, it might actually be cool if it were on purpose. 这里太怀旧了  如果是特别设计的话 还是很有特色的
  [01:48.02]Yeah, look at all these nerds. 是啊  看看那些讨厌鬼
  [01:49.06]Hey. 嘿
  [01:53.18]Hey. 嘿
  [01:53.86]You look beautiful. 你看起来真漂亮
  [01:58.94]Thanks. This place is incredible. 谢谢  这地方很不错
  [01:59.30]Do you believe this is their cafeteria? 你相信这是他们的自助餐厅吗?
  [02:01.98]You played a great first round. 你第一轮答得漂亮
  [02:04.78]So did you. 你也一样
  [02:06.26]These are my teammates, Sam and Brian. 这是我的队友  萨姆和布莱恩
  [02:08.98]-I’m Laura. -Oh, I’m J.D. 我是劳拉 喔  我是 J·D
  [02:11.94]-Your school’s amazing. -Would you like a tour? 你的学校很漂亮 你想参观一下吗?
  [02:16.54]Sure. That’d be great. 当然  那太好了
  [02:21.78]Could you hold this for a sec? 你能帮我拿一下吗?
  [02:23.70]Yeah, sure. 可以  没问题
  [02:27.34]Thanks. 谢谢
  [02:33.34]Man, you got some serious competition. 哥们  你遇到一个很强劲的对手
  [02:36.22]Please. 别胡说
  [02:38.50]-And I’ll bet he’s really rich too. -Shut up. 我猜他还很富 闭嘴
  [02:54.42]-Who is it? -Terry Rapson here. 哪位? 特里·瑞博森
  [02:59.46]Sorry to call you so early. 对不起  这么早给你打电话
  [02:59.98]No, professor, it’s all right. What is it? 没有  教授  没关系 什么事?
  [03:03.14]Well, we’ve found something extraordinary. Extraordinary and disturbing, that is. 喔  我们有了一些重大发现 重大而且麻烦  是这样...

  [03:08.70]You recall what you said in New Delhi about how polar melting... 你还记得你在新德里做的演讲吗? 有关极地冰川融化...
  [03:11.10]-...might disrupt the North Atlantic Current? -Yes. ...有可能阻碍北大西洋暖流的理论? 是的
  [03:16.18]Well... 嗯...
  [03:17.06]...I think it’s happening. ...我认为这正在发生
  [03:22.22]What do you mean? 你是什么意思?
  [03:24.94]One of our NOMAD buoys registered a 13-degree drop... 我们的一个流浪者型浮标记录了 一个十三度的...
  [03:29.78]...in surface temperature. I’ve sent you an e-mail. ...表层温度下降 我已经给你发了电子邮件
  [03:33.18]Hold on. 等一下
  [03:33.98]A t first we thought it was a malfunction. 起初我们以为是机械故障
  [03:38.26]But there are four more across the North A tlantic showing the same thing. 但是横跨北大西洋 有四个浮标显示同样情况
  [03:43.22]This is unbelievable. 这真令人难以置信
  [03:45.98]You predicted it would happen. 你预言它会发生的
  [03:47.46]Yes, but not in our lifetime. This is too fast. 是的  但是不是在我们这一代 太快了
  [03:50.94]There are no forecast models remotely capable... 没有任何预报模型有可能...
  [03:53.34]...of plotting this scenario, except yours. ...预测这次的情况  除了你的
  [03:58.34]My model is a reconstruction of a prehistoric climate shift. 我的模型是根据史前时代 暖流迁移而重建的
  [03:59.70]It’s not a forecast model. 这不是一个预报模型
  [04:02.78]It’s the closest thing we have. 但这是我们现有的最接近的东西
  [04:06.98]Nothing like this has ever happened before. 这在此前从来没有发生过
  [04:10.54]At least not in the last 1 0,000 years. 至少在最近一万年里
  [04:39.38]As I predicted yesterday, 就象我在昨天所预测的那样
  [04:41.34]the swell off Hurricane Noelani is incredible. 加强了的诺娜莉飓风是难以想象的
  [04:45.66]These waves are even bigger than I imagined. Just take a look. 这些浪头甚至比我想象的还要大 请看一看
  [04:51.18]Shouldn’t you be monitoring the weather? 你不该去检查一下天气吗?
  [04:54.34]This is L.A. What weather? 这里是洛杉矶  管它什么天气?
  [04:57.26]Wait. What’s that noise? 等等  那是什么声音?
  [04:59.62]What noise? 什么声音?
